请问您一直都知道自己想成为一名纹身师吗?Have you always known you wanted to be a tattoo artist?
I had the idea nine years ago to do tattoos.
您怎么描述自己的风格和技术?How would you describe your style and technique?
從一開始很自然的就朝向寫實風格 慢慢的再發現其實寫實風格蠻感興趣
At the beginning, it is very natural to do the realistic style but over time I have grown to find the realistic style quite interesting.
请问在纹身过程中,身体中的那个部位是最具挑战的?What is the most challenging part of the body to tattoo?
這個沒有一個肯定的說法 但一般上比較敏感的部位例如 (手臂內側、肋骨,腋下等等)或者骨頭偏明顯的部位例如(手指、膝蓋、手肘等等)
To be honest, there is no certain answer. Generally, the answer is the more sensitive parts such as wrists, ribs, the armpit, etc or more prominent parts of the bone, such as fingers, knees and elbows.
请问您有多少处纹身?How many tattoos do you have?
More than ten!
请问有没有让您觉得特别自豪的的一个纹身设计? Is there a tattoo you have designed which you are particularly proud of?
Here you can see some of my favourite works:
对您来说,作为一名纹身师,最有价值的方面是什么?For you personally, what is the most rewarding aspect of being a tattoo artist?
我個人對紋身的價值觀就是可以把一個很酷或者很有意思的設計纹在客人的皮膚上 有了成就感就會開心 也希望紋身這個文化可以讓更多人認識
What I personally value when it comes to tattoo is the sense of accomplishment when you put a cool or particularly interesting design on the customer’s skin. I also value the customer’s happiness and hope that tattoo culture can be known by more people.
如果我们的读者想要预约纹身,他们在哪里可以找到您?If our readers want to book an appointment, where can they find you?
Instagram: http://Instagram.com/andrew_inker