请问什么是HitCrunch?它的含义是什么?What is HitCrunch and what does it represent? 


HitCrunch is a relaxed, interesting, smart community focused on bringing people content that inspires creativity. It is also about startups and innovation.

H=Hippie. It’s about being cool and following your heart. It’s about doing something you really like despite any opposition and it’s about breaking the mold to do something you really want.
I=Imagination. It’s about creativity. The imagination allowed us to invent the aeroplane, the car and it took us to outer space. Imagination brings us art in multiple forms such as music, film, literature or dancing. It is the imagination that makes us as human beings different from the other animals.
T=Technology. Technology leads us to a new world full of possibility.
C=Crunch. By combining the Crunch with Hit, we get the trademark and website that distinguishes us from the abbreviate of Harbin Institute of Technology.

请问您什么时候,又是什么原因让您创设 HitCrunch?When and why did you create HitCrunch?
Our company was founded in December 2015. I wanted to provide something valuable in a relaxed, interesting and open way, instead of in a serious and boring way.
您能告诉我们一些关于您运营的项目吗?Could you tell us a bit about the events that you run?
我们有两个项目。其中一个是hitcrunch全球活动,它在北京,深圳、上海、旧金山和里斯本举行。这项活动是技术,艺术与人文的交织。人们可以相互分享想法和互动。另一个是松鼠启动项目。这是在54小时内和他人一起将你的项目从想法转变为最终原型。这些人可能是设计师、营销人员、程序员或对建立一个企业感兴趣的人。hitcrunch全球活动已经举办了两届,吸引了众多来自英菲尼迪,腾讯生,Dolce & Gabbana的创业者、设计师、投资者和其他人。松鼠启动项目已经扩展到中国大部分城市,并为约20000家的新兴企业服务。
We have two kinds of events. One is HitCrunch Global Event and that is held in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, San Francisco and Lisbon. It is the intertwining of technology, art and humanities. There will be some idea sharing and interacting in this kind of event. The other is Startup Squirrel. This event is about realising your project from the idea to the final prototype in just 54 hours with other people. These people might be designers, marketers, programmers or people that are interested in founding a startup. HitCrunch Global Event has already been held twice and has attracted many startups, designers, investors and students from Infiniti, Tecent, Dolce & Gabbana and more. Startup Squirrel has already expanded to most of the cities in China and has served about 20,000 potential startups.
请问您会如何用几句简短的话来形容HitCrunch的成员?In a few words, how would you describe the members of the HitCrunch community?
Most of the members are open, interesting and smart. They are chasing after the fresh things in the world. 30% of them are startup founders, 30% of them are designers, 10% of them are investors and the others are students or brand strategy designers and programmers. Most of them are between the age of 18 and 40.
创造力和想象力似乎是hitcrunch理论的关键因素。请问您如何看待hitcrunch的思维方式可以用来创新技术?Creativity and imagination seem to be crucial elements of the HitCrunch philosophy. How do you think the HitCrunch way of thinking can be used to create new and innovative technology?
As I said before, HitCrunch are always focused on thinking in a relaxed, interesting and open way, instead of in a serious and boring way. The HitCrunch way of thinking is good for the innovators to create and invent. HitCrunch advocates the intertwining of different subjects, which is a better way to inspire creation.

请问您对未来的 HitCrunch有什么计划?What are your plans for the future of HitCrunch?
首先,我们将在北京举行hitcrunch 2018。你可以在这里观看预告片:
First of all, we will hold HitCrunch 2018 in Beijing. You can watch the trailer for this event here:
Secondly, we will find volunteers globally to organise HitCrunch mini talks around the world. Lastly, we will provide Founder Club service for the startups, helping them to raise money and to expand their career connections.

请问我们的读者如何参与?How can our readers get involved?
Readers can subscribe to our WeChat account: “⿊氪HitCrunch.” Here you can get the latest information from HitCrunch. You can also invest in us as we are raising money to employ more staff and develop more products.