4月27日Club·ILLUSION的Opening Party,这将会是珠海史上大型的室内电音音乐节,史无前例。Club illusion致力于打造一个本土潮酷的室内电音音乐节现场。经过一段时间的试运营,现将正式开业。而为了这次OPENING PARTY,重金邀请了香港李灿森以及TOP 100 DJs#19的Blaster Jaxx前来助阵。

On 27th April, Club·ILLUSION will have its biggest indoor opening party ever in Zhuhai! It will be an unprecedented electric music event here where Club·ILLUSION has committed to the pursuit of the finest and coolest indoor electric music festival! After a trial operation, Club·ILLUSION now debuts with its grandest opening party, inviting Mr. Li Chansen from Hong Kong and Blaster Jaxx who ranks 19th among the Top 100 DJs to electrify local music-lovers.

我们先来回顾一下往期派对盛况: Let’s have a review of the previous events:

Engaged in a psychedelic lighting and dreamy music, the vividly-decorated environment carries you to the kingdom of electric music. It is blurs the reality with its surreal feelings. What is an indoor festival? It is an auditory carnival for you to engage and indulge.

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C·I拥有最时尚、最潮流的DJ控制台以及顶级专业且充满设计感的舞池,完全能够满足客人的视听享受。开业当天活动现场将由我们的特邀嘉宾李灿森奉上最独特迷幻的音乐,香槟宝贝最火热的招待,各界名流的高调亮相…你可以期待高质量的house, electro, EDM, Trap,来让我们一起品味视听盛宴吧。
C·I possesses the most trendy DJ and DJ control panel, with a well-designed dance floor, where people can fully enjoy the pleasure that music feeds you. In the opening day, we will welcome our special guest Mr. Li Chansen to deliver the unique and fancy music festival, with sexiest ladies and celebrities keeping you company. House music, electro, EDM and Trap. You can get whatever you can expect in your head.

李灿森又名Sam Lee,身份众多,个性演员、前LMF成员、打碟DJ、香港潮流品牌Subcrew主理人。近年李灿森又多了一个身份,就是DJ。以“DJ Be Careful”作为代号开展自己的DJ人生。在Unity的开幕庆祝会上,李灿森几乎都亲自上阵作为DJ为大家带动气氛。
Li Chansen (Sam Lee) – Actor, Former LMF Member, DJ, Owner of Subcrew. “DJ Be Careful” is his new work for the departure of his DJ career.

来自荷兰的 Blasterjaxx 电音二人组凭借其极具节奏感轰炸力的众多EP和超强感染力的现场,不仅赢得了诸多大牌 DJ 的青睐与赞赏,更是收揽众多的铁杆粉丝,人气爆棚。近年来也一直稳扎稳打,雄踞于 Top 100 DJs 排行榜前列。
BlasterJaxx – Netherland DJ Duo. Booming Power in their DJ music with fascinating infectivity. Top 100 Djs in the world.

During our opening, we would like to invite all of you in the town to rock with us! Will you be one of them? Time to Check in now!


价格 Price: Normal Tickets: 200 RMB  Early-bird Tickets: 100 RMB (Only 200 tickets!)
时间 Time: 4月29日8:30-深夜 April 29,8:30 pm - Midnight
地址 Address:华发世纪城368号Club·illusion / Club·illusion,HUAFA Century City 368

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