Grand Lisboa invites you to celebrate a traditional Chinese New Year with the finest seasonal flavours from the only three-star Chinese Michelin restaurant in Macau. The 8 promises a magical journey in time with a wide range of gourmet menus and gift options. The hotel has also prepared a series of exciting festive activities that are all designed to make your Lunar New Year both auspicious and memorable.
New Year’s Fun for the Family
The festivities begin with visits from the God of Wealth in the Lobby on Friday, 16 February 2018, the first day of the Lunar New Year to the third day of the Lunar New Year. The God
of Wealth will greet guests to bestow blessings of wealth and prosperity. On the same day,
the Dragon Art Calligraphy Specialist will demonstrate traditional Chinese arts and crafts in
the hotel lobby, bringing you and your loved ones good luck at the same time.
由榮獲米芝蓮三星餐廳 – 8 餐廳星級鉅製的節日饕餮之旅及星級賀年禮品籃
Festive Gastronomic Journey and Hampers from the renowned Three-Star Michelin Restaurant – The 8
年糕又寓意「年年高」,是新春佳節不可缺少的傳統美饌。8 餐廳行政總廚謝錦松師傅及其星級團隊用最上乘的食材推出令人垂涎的三款自製年糕,限量發售。凡以現金或信用卡結賬,可以優惠價每款澳門幣 288元購買,三款年糕分別為燕液椰汁年糕、松茸蘿蔔糕及元貝芋頭糕,實為送給摯愛及商業伙伴的不二之選。
Executive Chef Joseph Tse and the team have created a selection of home-made Chinese New Year puddings with the finest ingredients for a limited offer, priced at MOP 288 per box, three flavours including Premium Cane Sugar Cake with Bird’s Nest and Coconut Juice; Turnip Cake with Matsutake floured in Fish Broth; and Taro Cake with Conpoy, Morel Mushroom and Preserved Meat, making these offerings the best gift for families and business partners.
此外,8 餐廳精心準備了價格為澳門幣 2,888 元,選料講究、包裝典雅的「新葡京酒店豪華禮品籃」;以及集合各種頂級名貴食材,每款食材具有不同的賀年祝福寓意,由 8 餐廳特別訂制,包裝尊尚的限定版「8 餐廳尊貴賀年禮品籃」,價格為澳門幣88,888元,矜貴食材包括八頭日本網鮑、兩頭特級鰵肚、特級海味禮盒及 ChâteauLafite-Rothschild 2000 一枝等。
Send your best wishes in style with our especially prepared “Grand Lisboa Chinese New Year Deluxe Hamper” priced at MOP 2,888 and the premium “The 8 Chinese New Year Gourmet Hamper” which are brimming with luxurious ingredients, each symbolising a respective and propitious greeting which include Premium Japan Mouhou Abalone, Premium Fish Maw, a Deluxe Gift box and a bottle of Château Lafite-Rothschild 2000, priced at MOP 88,888.
Spring Dinner at Grand Lisboa Hotel
農曆新年都是與一眾親朋好友聚首一堂的最好時機。新葡京酒店春茗套餐,尊享一流的配套,豐盛的宴會賀歲佳餚及多項獨家優惠。價格為每席澳門幣 8,888* (十二位用)。凡以現金結算,即可享八折優惠。
The Chinese New Year is the best time for family reunions and Grand Lisboa is offering everything you need for a fantastic Spring Dinner in an ideal setting, with a sumptuous banquet menu and special privileges. Spring Dinner Menus are priced at MOP 8,888* per table of 12 persons. A 20% discount is offered for cash settlement.
新葡京酒店水療護理中心為您打造一個 煥 然一身的護理體驗
Relax, Recharge and Rejuvenate at The Spa at Grand Lisboa
Start the New Year with a stunning new look. Reserve a soothing treatment at The Spa at Grand Lisboa to experience the ultimate combination of vitality and relaxation, and start the year off right.
*Price is subject to a 10% service charge.
About Grand Lisboa Hotel
矗立於澳門半島文化、購物及娛樂中心樞紐地帶的新葡京酒店,以極具澳門特色的蓮花標誌為建築設計,充分展現這座城市的歷史與文化傳承,亦為本地最具代表性的建築之一。酒店周圍景點林立,距離澳門國際機場及澳門外港客運碼頭,分別僅需 15分鐘及 5 分鐘之車程,提供商務人士和遊客所需之便捷。酒店擁有逾 400 間氣派豪華的客房及套房,每房均配備一流設施,並坐擁傲人景觀,打造集奢華、舒適與時尚於一身的難忘體驗。新葡京提供豐富多樣的餐飲選擇,包括榮獲三星的「天巢法國餐廳」和高級中菜食府「8 餐廳」、獲得一星的新創扒房「大廚」,以及獲得南意大利最高米芝蓮星級評價的「當奧豐素 1890 意式料理」。酒店亦為美酒愛好者的天堂,其酒庫珍藏超過 16,800 款來自世界各地的名酒佳釀,其中大多數均獲得美國酒評家羅伯特帕克 (Robert Parker) 創辦的《葡萄酒倡導家》(Wine Advocate) 雜誌評予 91分以上之高分評價。為賓客放鬆身心、煥發神采的新葡京酒店水療護理中心以高級護理產品及細膩獨到的按摩手法,提供全方位效果卓越的水療護理。其它休閒設施亦包括設備先進的健身室、全候室外恆溫泳池及髮廊。
Soaring above the heart of Macau Peninsula’s dynamic cultural, shopping and entertainment district, Grand Lisboa Hotel is an iconic architecture inspired by Macau’s lotus symbol and
reflecting the city’s history and heritage. Surrounded by the city’s best-loved attractions, the
hotel is only a 15-minute and a 5-minute’s drive away from the Macau International Airport and the Macau Maritime Ferry Terminal, respectively, providing total convenience for both travelling business executives and holidaymakers alike. The hotel has over 400 beautifully appointed rooms and suites, featuring plush interiors and unrivalled views that offer an unforgettable experience of luxury, comfort and style. With a wide variety of dining options, including the three-starred French restaurant Robuchon au Dôme, the three-starred Cantonese restaurant The Eight, the one-starred steakhouse The Kitchen, and Casa Don Alfonso, the highest Michelin-rated restaurant in southern Italy. Also a paradise for wine lovers, the hotel boasts an extensive collection of over 16,800 labels, the majority of which are rated over 91 by Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate. For total relaxation and rejuvenation, The Spa at Grand Lisboa offers a comprehensive range of results-driven treatments using the advanced products. The overall leisure facilities also include a state-of-the-art fitness centre, an outdoor temperature-controlled swimming pool and a hair salon.
如欲知更多關於新葡京酒店的資料,歡迎瀏覽 http://www.grandlisboahotel.com/.
For more info on the Grand Lisboa Hotel, please visit: http://www.grandlisboahotel.com/