As the LN Garden Hotel celebrates its 33rd anniversary in August, we are inviting our guests to join us in the festivities with a month of special offers at our fine dining restaurants.

桃园馆,现正推出豪华周年庆套餐,坐拥前花园景色,在具有浓郁的中国传统文化气息的桃园馆,静下心来享受美味盛宴。佳肴之余,还有美酒相伴,凡店庆月享用凌璇阁自助晚餐,即可以82.8元尊享双人店红白葡萄酒及汽泡酒畅饮!让您在品尝琳琅满目的环球海鲜自助餐的同时,360 度璀璨羊城夜景尽收眼底。而大堂吧限定下午茶套餐,精心定制的红楼梦镶金壁画巧克力,及双人意大利起泡酒,我们邀您一尝这美味与美貌兼备的悠然下午茶。
Indulge in an elaborate dining experience at the Peach Blossom with an anniversary set menu for two, featuring signature dishes served in an elegant environment. Dine-in at Carousel and lift your spirits with free-flow of red and white house wine for 2 by paying additional RMB 82.8. The Lobby Lounge adds to the celebration with a limited edition ‘Dream of Red Chamber’ chocolate bar served with the Afternoon Tea set.

八月生日礼遇,与您共庆生日月!位于酒店 30 楼的凌璇阁,承载着无数老广的回忆,在此,凡8月份生日的客人,四人同行,生日的客人免费,并赠送生日蛋糕一个。还有位于酒店一楼的大堂吧,乐队现场献唱,时尚与古典在此汇聚, 生日的客人凡于大堂吧消费满300元,即可免费获赠店红或白葡萄酒一瓶及生日蛋糕一个,过一个别具一番风味的生日吧。
More surprises await for those born in August. Celebrate your special day while taking in the panoramic view at The Carousel and enjoy one complimentary buffet meal when you dine-in with your friends (minimum 4 pax per table). For those who wish to celebrate their birthday amidst the music of a live band, come to the Lobby Lounge and enjoy 1 complimentary bottle of red or white house wine and a delicious birthday cake with the consumption of at least 300 RMB per table.

As part of the celebrations and to express our gratitude, hotel’s fine-dining restaurants have introduced special promotional dishes priced at RMB 33.Those seeking the ultimate in Cantonese cuisine can savor 3 delectable dishes at Lai Wan market for just 33 RMB each. At the Japanese Restaurant, select from 4 tempting types of sushi rolls, also at the special promotional price of 33 RMB each.

For more details or to make reservations, please call 18926258505.

Date / Time: Valid until August 31, 2018

地址:广东省广州市越秀区环市东路 368 号
Address: LN Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu, Guangzhou, 510064, China