聚橙旗下小橙堡携太阳马戏高人气巡演秀《OVO》发力中国市场 | Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group and AC Orange to Jointly Introduce the Touring Show
聚橙旗下小橙堡携太阳马戏高人气巡演秀《OVO》发力中国市场 | Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group and AC Orange to Jointly Introduce the Touring Show "OVO" to China

近日,知名表演及传播娱乐集团太阳马戏娱乐集团 (Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group) 与聚橙 (AC Orange) 达成战略性合作,宣布聚橙旗下亲子演出领跑者小橙堡将代表聚橙在2020年与太阳马戏共同开启首个合作项目——人气巡演秀《OVO》。双方合作旨在让更多中国观众领略品牌剧作前所未有的现场演出魅力,进一步加深对太阳马戏剧作及品牌的了解、及对聚橙引进优秀剧目的决心及品牌理念建设,同时也充分彰显双方齐心深耕中国市场的决心。
Recently, Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with AC Orange, announcing that Little Orange Castle, the parent-kid performance brand under AC Orange, will jointly open the first cooperation project with Cirque du Soleil to bring the popular touring show “OVO” to China in 2020 on behalf of AC Orange. The partnership aims to bring Chinese audiences the unique charm of this unprecedented live performance, thus increasing their recognition and understanding of Cirque du Soleil as well as AC Orange’s brand ideology to introduce the excellent performing art to China. Meanwhile, it also fully demonstrates the two brands’ determination and vision to deeply root in China market.

近年来,得益于市场环境的逐渐利好及优质本土合作伙伴的加持,太阳马戏先后携众多人气巡演秀如《阿凡达》、《KOOZA》等来华,更于今年初与杭州新天地集团合作一同将亚洲现有唯一驻场秀《X 绮幻之境》成功落户杭州,以科技赋能马戏艺术、为中国观众量身定制独一无二的观演体验。
Cirque du Soleil has always been focusing on the China market. In recent years, thanks to the booming local market and reliable local partners, the group has introduced a series of popular shows into China, from TORUK, KOOZA to the recently launched first resident show in Hangzhou – “Cirque du Soleil X” The Land of Fantasy, presented in partnership with Hangzhou Suntiandy Group. The company is putting great effort to empower circus art with imagination and creativity, providing one of a kind experiences for Chinese audiences.

小橙堡 | Little Orange Castle
小橙堡 | Little Orange Castle

此次来华巡演的《OVO》是2009年太阳马戏成立25周年之际所创作舞台剧,有趣的是这也是集团的第25部作品。剧目为我们塑造了一个充满生机的昆虫世界,故事伊始,一个神秘的蛋的突然出现让故事的齿轮开始转动,也正式翻开了奇幻篇章的序幕。《OVO》的剧名在葡萄牙语中是 “蛋” 的意思,它既代表了万千昆虫的生命起源,又象征着世间万物永恒的生命循环,同时也是剧目中隐藏的主线。视觉上,该剧以色彩缤纷的舞美艺术加之灵动精彩的马戏表演,为观众打造出一个天马行空的奇妙自然世界。目前该剧已为全球6个国家的30多个城市带去精彩演出,并广受各界好评。
“OVO” is the 25th Cirque du Soleil masterpiece created on group’s 25th anniversary in 2009. The show presented a fabulous and colorful world of insect that fulfilled with vigor and a vivid story that begins with the sudden appearance of a mysterious egg into this world, rolling out the prologue of these fascinating chapters. The name “OVO” originally refers to “egg” in Portuguese, this timeless symbol of the life cycle and birth of numerous insects represents the underlying thread of the show. The performance is set with magnificent stage art, together with the dynamic and breathtaking circus acts, to immerse the audience visually in a marvelous natural world. By now, “OVO” is widely praised by global audience in more than 30 cities of 6 countries.

Little Orange Castle
Nanshan Cultural and Sports Center, NO.62 Nantou Jie, Nanshan Dadao, Nanshan District