最近,SJL采访了Club Med总裁亨利·吉斯卡·德斯坦。在Club Med工作了20多年,德斯坦先生拥有着在度假行业敏锐的市场洞察力与超前的全球发展观。此次采访中,德斯坦先生与我们分享了Club Med的发展计划以及他对中国度假行业前景的看法。
Recently, SJL had the pleasure of speaking with Henri Giscard d’Estaing, the President of Club Méditerranée. Having worked in Club Med for more than two decades, Mr. d’Estaing has a keen market insight and an advanced global outlook on development in the resort industry. In today’s interview, Mr. d’Estaing has shared details of the company expansion plan along with his views on the future of the resort industry in China.
1.作为Club Med公司需要掌控全局的总裁,您如灯塔一般指引着公司的发展方向,请问您对Club Med未来在中国发展有什么样的愿景?
As the President of Club Med, you guide the whole company like a beacon. What is your vision when it comes to developing Club Med in China?
首先,Club Med是一个以发展家庭旅游为核心的品牌,而中国度假市场的主流趋势也是家庭游,这正是我们所擅长的。从1950年起,Club Med就开创了“精致一价全包”的度假理念,数年后,又创新性地推出了Mini Club儿童俱乐部,其中有服务孩童的完善设施和专业的G.O。如今,我们有三分之二的顾客群体都是家庭,这更令我们将重点放在全球范围的家庭度假上。
Firstly, our vision is one of family leadership. The family holiday is a major trend in China, and this is what we specialize in. Back in 1950, Club Med invented the all-inclusive holiday. Shortly after, we created the Mini Club, which provides the facilities and infrastructure for looking after children. Nowadays, we focus on the family holiday worldwide, given that two-thirds of our customers are in the family demographic.

我们的第二个战略是发展“山林假期”。我们在中国已经有两座非常受欢迎的冰雪度假村:第一个是Club Med亚布力度假村,第二个则是Club Med北大壶度假村,同时我们也即将有在北京附近的冰雪度假村项目。根据市场调查显示,广东省的滑雪市场十分具有潜力。对于中国南方人来说,由于当地少见下雪天气,因此与白雪和山峰相关的活动总是别具风情。结合考虑南方人的旅行习惯,“山林假期”也是我们重要的发展目标。
The second dimension of our vision is mountain leadership. We already have two popular ski resorts in China. The first is Club Med Yabuli and the second is Club Med Beidahu. Additionally, we will have project next to Beijing. Our market research indicates that the skiing market has untapped potential in the Guangdong province. In the southern part of China, snow and mountain-related activities are exotic because the climate does not typically permit it. Combined with the southern Chinese tradition of travel, mountain leadership is, therefore, a valuable dimension of our development goals.

As an industry bellwether, could you share your view on the prospects of the resort industry in China?
China has become the largest tourist market in the world in terms of the number of inbound and outbound tourists and consumption. We believe that skiing, snow, and ice activities are the key to future development in China.

Firstly, mountains and snow are a consistent part of Chinese culture, especially in Chinese paintings, where the snow-topped mountain is typical. What’s more, we have five of the most impressive mountains in China, and so Chinese consumers naturally associate mountains with the Chinese holidays.

Second, Chinese customers are looking for diversity in their holiday experiences. In the past, people have predictably enjoyed sunny beach vacations. Now, due to factors such as the rise in millennial families, changing personal needs, and the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022, the enthusiasm for snow holidays has significantly increased.

To provide a great vacation, it is important that the whole experience runs smoothly and simply. Our premium all-inclusive ski activities provide top value for families. When guests book a ski holiday with us, we take care of their ski bus and room. We also organize ski lessons for the appropriate age and level. Guests also have a selection of live shows and entertainment to choose from, which makes for a true experiential holiday. Additionally, we have created a special feature called “Easy Arrival”, where guests can provide the information about ability level, shoe size, and weight before their ski vacation in our resort at Europe. When the family arrives at their designated private locker, they can instantly access their equipment with their digital bracelet.
When entering China’s resort market, what measures did you take to cater for Chinese needs?
The largest group we cater for is the millennial family, i.e. the young family who have unique and specific expectations. It is important to provide opportunities for the children to be entertained and mentally stimulated, while the wives relax, and the husbands leave behind their work-related worries. Hence why the premium all-inclusive holidays combine sports, activities, and entertainment.
Obviously, millennium families are digital and so we provide them with digital features in the runup to their holidays. They are frequent mobile phone users and so we have incorporated technology to better respond to our customers’ needs. We have a WeChat mini program and Fliggy shop so that we can closely examine consumer behavior in China. The digitalization aspect helps clients enhance their vacation experience across the shopping, booking and arrival processes. When they arrive at the resort, they can use our app to find out what activities are included in the daily program. They can also use it to book their spa days, search for ping pong partners, and more.

千禧一代家庭的另一个典型特征,便是喜欢通过社交媒体分享他们的精彩假期。因此,我们在度假村中设置了足够独特和上镜的场景,以便宾客们可以轻而易举地拍出美照,在朋友圈分享美好的Club Med假期。
Another typical characteristic of these millennial families is that they like to share their holiday moments via social media. We have subsequently included many unique Instagrammable spots in our resorts so that guests can snap and share their unique holiday experiences at Club Med.

The second largest group we cater for is the three-generation (3G) family, consisting of grandparents, parents, and children. We have the highest proportion of 3G family holidays in China, although you can see this trend all over the world. The facilities and the organization should, therefore, be suitable for each family member. The grandparents are not expecting the same thing as the children or parents, but they also want to enjoy a holiday. We are constantly working to improve the experience of all three generations.

When choosing a resort destination in China, which elements do you value the most?
地理位置本身很重要,这样说的原因有很多。首先,地理位置必须能够展示自然之美,比如像三亚的沙滩美景。这也是为什么我们在中国选择桂林作为第二个度假村目的地。桂林是中国自然风光最为秀美的地方之一,而我们的Club Med桂林度假村正镶嵌在天然的喀斯特地貌中。
The location itself is important for many reasons. First, it must display natural beauty, like the beautiful beach in Sanya, for example. Natural beauty is the reason why we chose Guilin as the second resort in China. Guilin is one of the most beautiful parts of China. We located the resort in the remarkable estate which is embedded in the natural karst landforms.

进一步而言,拥有广阔的空间是最为奢侈的要素,舒适宽敞的度假村能让人们逃离拥挤的城市。当然还有一些实际因素需要考虑,我们非常注重度假村的交通便捷程度,特别对于家庭宾客而言,度假村需要能能轻易抵达。因此,我们特意把Club Med三亚度假村设在了距离机场仅仅15分钟车程的地方。
What’s more, the greatest luxury is space, as it allows people to escape from crowded places. There are also practical factors to consider. We pay significant attention to accessibility as we want to keep the experience simple for the family. In Sanya, we purposefully located the resort just 15 minutes away from the airport.
5.听说Club Med计划每年在阿尔贝斯山脉开设一个滑雪场,并且于2021年在太舞开设中国的第三家滑雪度假村。请问Club Med为什么如此高速地扩张冰雪假期市场呢?
Club Med plans to open a ski resort every year in Alps and in 2021, the third ski resort in China will be built in Taiwoo. Why does Club Med keep expanding the snow holiday market so rapidly?
From the customer’s standpoint, we believe that the snow holiday market has the greatest potential. According to our market research of <APAC Snow Brand Study 2019>, 75% of Chinese participants demonstrated the greatest interest in trying a snow vacation for their next trip.

From our standpoint, we have rich experience in that field. We own leadership in several ski resorts in Europe, such as the successful ski resorts in the Alps, Switzerland, Italy, and France. Now, we have come to understand that the mountain holiday is rousing not just in winter, but also in the hotter months. In summer, we opened mountain resorts in Tomamu Hokkaido, Japan. We have seen extreme success in attracting Chinese customers to visit Hokkaido. Club Med Taiwoo, the 3rd ski resort in China that we plan to open in 2021, located in the Zhangjiakou area and is close to the location of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games. We believe this corresponds to the growing desire for snow holidays and that this is also linked to the issue of global warming.
Which city in the Guangdong Province do you think is most suited for building a fantastic resort?

出于众多的原因,我们也很希望在广东省开设一家Club Med度假村。首先,广东省是旅游业最发达的地区,不论国内还是国外的游客都希望前来观光。而均衡的气候和拥有国内最长的海岸线,都是我们看中广东的重要原因。我们正在找寻兼具美丽的自然风光和丰富的历史文化的目的地。
We want to offer a Club Med in the Guangdong Province for various reasons. First, the area is the most developed tourism area for those who want to visit domestically and internationally. Moreover, the balanced climate and the presence of China’s longest coastline are compelling reasons as to why we want to build a resort here. What we are looking at is a destination which offers beautiful nature along with rich culture and history.