2019年7月10日,在三角铃的精心策划和全程协调下,中新广州知识城与法国政商领袖圆桌会议(以下简称会议)在中新广州知识城腾飞园举行。作为继往开来 – 中法建交55周年暨中新广州知识城“法国年”系列活动的开幕活动,会议先拔头筹,取得了圆满成功,成功促进了中新广州知识城(以下简称知识城)与法国政商的互动交流,为未来双方合作奠下了坚实基础。
July 10th, 2019, under detailed event planning and efficient coordination by San Jiao Ling (SJL), China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (CSGKC) & France Political and Business Leaders Roundtable was held at CSGKC’s Ascendas OneHub. As a head start of an event series titled Forge Ahead into the Future – 55th Anniversary of China – France Bilateral And CSGKC French Year Event Series, this roundtable has successfully built the bridge of mutual understanding between CSGKC and France, paving the way for further cooperation.
策划前期,为了配合知识城今年“法国年”的系列主题,三角铃精心设计了此次系列活动的视觉形象 (VI),以法国国旗的三种颜色作为 VI 的底色,来彰显合作共赢的主题。同时,三角铃也加入了粤港澳大湾区创意创新盛典(DCIC)的品牌标志,凸显了知识城在粤港澳大湾区经济发展与世界接轨中发挥的积极作用。
In the early stage of planning, SJL carefully designed the visual identity (VI) of this event series. By using the French flag’s tricolour as VI background colours, it visibly highlighted this year’s French theme. Meanwhile, SJL also incorporated the brand mark of the Delta Creative & Innovation Ceremony (DCIC) into the VI, featuring CSGKC as a key promoter in the development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA).
活动当天,三角铃带领法国驻广州总领事馆经济领事 Pascal Millard、法国商务投资署及法国工商会代表一行人到访知识城的规划展览馆,会见了中新广州知识城开发建设办公室党组副主任徐晖、中新广州知识城投资开发有限公司总裁陈长新。在导览员的详尽的解说下,法国政商代表深入地了解到知识城的地理优势与政策规划。
On event day, SJL led the way to CSGKC City Planning Exhibition Hall where Economic Consul of the Consulate General of France in Guangzhou Mr. Pascal Millard and representatives from Business France and CCIFC South China met Mr. Xu Hui, Deputy Director of the Party Group of the China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Development and Construction Office, and Mr. Chen Changxin, President of Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment Development Co., Ltd. Under a detailed explanation, the French political and business representatives gained a deeper understanding of CSGKC’s geographical advantages and future planning.
会议上,三角铃的创始人 Jean-Jacques Verdun 担任此次圆桌会议的主持人,引导双方就科技研发创新、企业人才进驻的优惠政策和服务、文化教育合作等方面作了详细的讨论。
At the meeting, Mr. Jean-Jacques Verdun, the founder of SJL, served as the roundtable’s host and guided the discussion. The two parties discussed on topics over scientific and technological development, preferential policies for enterprises and talents, and cultural and educational cooperation.
The meeting, which lasted for nearly three hours, has led to a dynamic atmosphere that generated constructive results. During the meeting, SJL offered exquisite desserts and refreshing drinks to the honorable guests. At the end of the meeting, both sides came to a consensus that this communication mechanism was satisfying, effective, and mutually beneficial. In the upcoming events, they, therefore, hoped that there would be more opportunities for communication. Unquestionably, this is what SJL always strives to deliver.

In this event series, SJL not only acts as the event organizer but also serves as a coordinator to bridge the communication between China and France. Rooted in the GBA for years, SJL has accumulated rich experience in serving local and foreign governments. We always pledge to excel ourselves by customizing special event planning based on clients’ needs. Moreover, our vast PR network provides clients with strategic matching service so that they can better fit into the GBA’s development.