3 月 27 日—28 日由广州市人民政府主办,广州市招商工作联席会议办公室、广州市商务委承办的“2018 中国广州国际投资年会”在白云国际会议中心举行,年会致力于为广州乃至全球经济增长注入新活力。省委副书记、 市委书记任学锋,市委副书记、市长温国辉等相关领导、国内外著名企业等中外来宾预计超过 2500 人出席盛会,几十家中外媒体记者在现场进行了报道。
The “2018 China Guangzhou Annual International Investment Conference” took place at Baiyun International Convention Center from March 27 to 28. It was hosted by the Guangzhou Municipal Government and organized by the Office of the Joint Conference on Investment Promotion of Guangzhou Municipality and Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Commerce, aiming at injecting new vitality into the economic development of Guangzhou and the world at large. It is estimated that over 2,500 guests have been present at the conference, including Deputy Party Sectary of Guangdong Province and Party Secretary of Guangzhou City Ren Xuefeng, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Guangzhou Wen Guohui and other government officials and numerous guests from well-known Chinese and foreign enterprises, and dozens of Chinese and foreign media have come to report on this grand event.

本届投资年会以“广州,您的最佳选择”为主题,向全球展示从高速度增长向高质量发展转变的广州,将围绕“一带一路”、“双向投资”、 “全球城市建设”等特色元素开展,以“产业”为带动。
Under the theme of “Guangzhou, Your Best Choice”, this Annual Investment Conference focuses on the “Belt and Road” initiative, “bilateral investment”, “global city” and “industries-driven” development and aims to showcase to the world the achievements of Guangzhou in transition from high-speed growth to high-quality growth.

应组委会邀请,由塞浦路斯共和国阿依纳帕市市长 Mr. Yiannis Karousos 及副市长 Mr. Christos Zannettou Pieris 带领的考察团抵达广州,参加“2018 中国广州投资年会”。作为本次重要而瞩目的“一带一路”主题 ――“塞浦路斯国家资源对接会”于 3 月 27 日上午在广州珠江新城康莱德酒店会议厅召开,塞浦路斯广东商会接受阿依纳帕市政厅委托,承办本次资源对接会。阿依纳帕市市长、塞浦路斯共和国驻华商务参赞、中国驻塞浦路斯共和国前大使等多位主讲嘉宾向广州展示“一带一路”大环境下的塞浦路斯投资环境及优势,旨在为推动塞浦路斯阿依纳帕市码头建设、酒店、足球、教育投资建设等项目进行宣传推广,并就塞浦路斯与广州市产生多领域双向合作进行探讨。在穗期间将有多项战略协议、合作备忘录与文化巡展计划签署和落实,从而带动两地政企的友好交流和发展。
At the invitation of the organizing committee, the Cypriot delegation led by Ayia Napa Mayor Mr. Yiannis Karousos and Deputy Mayor Mr. Christos Zannettou Pieris recently arrived in Guangzhou to participate in the “2018 China Guangzhou Annual Investment Conference”. As one of the highlights of this grand event, the “Cyprus National Resources Forum” under the “Belt and Road” Initiative took place at the conference hall of Conrad Guangzhou, Zhujiang New Town on the morning of March 27. It has been organized by Cyprus Guangdong Association of Commerce under instructions of Ayia Napa Municipality of the Republic of Cyprus. The Mayor of Ayia Napa, the Commercial Counselor at Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Beijing, the former Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Cyprus and other high-profile guests have been present to give speeches on the environment and advantage of making investment in Cyprus against the backdrop of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, in the hope of promoting and pushing forward the Ayia Napa Marina project, entertainment projects, hotel projects, football, education investment and other projects in Cyprus and discussing the possibility of cooperation between Cyprus and Guangzhou in such fields. During the delegation’s stay in Guangzhou, a number of strategic agreements, memoranda of cooperation and cultural tour plans are expected to be signed and implemented, thereby further enhancing the friendly communications between the two sides at government and enterprise levels.

Cyprus Guangdong Association of Commerce is a non-profit organization registered in Cyprus targeting overseas Chinese worldwide. Despite its short history, the Association has established a firm presence in various sectors in both China and Cyprus and is now experiencing exponential development. It is fully committed to promoting friendly relations between Chinese and Cypriot cities.

值得一提的是,塞浦路斯广东商会自 2017 年 10 月商会在塞浦路斯举办的“中塞国际旅游文化艺术节”引起塞浦路斯民间各界的好评,获得中国驻塞浦路斯共和国大使馆及当地政府的认可。今年 3 月,在商会的积极助推下,塞浦路斯共和国国家旅游局、阿依纳帕市政厅考察团作为国际嘉宾受邀参加了广州国际旅游展,期间举办了“塞浦路斯国家资源新闻发布会”,并签署了多项战略协议。
It is worth noting that the “China-Cyprus International Tourism and Culture Festival” organized by Cyprus Guangdong Association of Commerce in Cyprus in October 2017 has been well received by local Cypriot community and highly recognized by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Cyprus and the local governments. With the aid of the Association, the delegation comprised of Cyprus Tourism Organization and Ayia Napa Municipality was invited to participate in the Guangzhou International Travel Fair in March this year. During their stay, the “Cyprus National Resources Press Conference” has been held and multiple strategic agreements signed.

作为本次官方考察团指定接待单位以及塞浦路斯国家资源对接会的承办方,塞浦路斯广东商会将积极推动中塞国际友好城市相互交往,促进中塞地方政府交流,推动实现资源共享、优势互补、合作共赢。借力于本届投资年会,商会将围绕“一带一路”、“双向投资”、 “全球城市建设”的主题,引入塞浦路斯阿依纳帕市等重磅国家资源与国内政企对接,实现真正意义的双向推动。塞浦路斯广东商会将不忘初心、砥砺前行,竭尽全力致力在千年商都的广州走向全球化发展的过程中扮演的桥梁作用,为实现构建共赢共享的人类命运共同体,贡献自己的力量!
As the entity designated by the Government to host the official delegation from Cyprus and to organize the Cyprus National Resources Forum, Cyprus Guangdong Association of Commerce will work actively to promote friendly exchanges between Chinese and Cypriot cities and facilitate official communications between the two countries to achieve information sharing, mutual complementarity and win-win cooperation. At this year’s Investment Conference, the Association will focus on the themes of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, “bilateral investment” and “global city”, and endeavor to match resources from Ayia Napa and other Cypriot cities with the needs of China’s governmental agencies and domestic enterprises, a move aimed at encouraging substantial mutual benefits. As Guangzhou is on its way to transform itself from a thousand-year-old commercial hub to an international metropolis, Cyprus Guangdong Association of Commerce will, as always, serve as a bridge in Guangzhou’s going global efforts and play a part in building a human community with shared destiny.