约五十名艺术家今年齐聚位于里昂的前法格(FAGOR)工厂,共同创作现场艺术品。里昂当代艺术双年展(Lyon Biennale)将首次使用这个面积达29000平方米的场地,该场地靠近位于索恩河与罗纳河交汇处的标志性景点。“海水交汇的地方”(来自美国作家雷蒙德·卡佛的一首诗作)这个混合主题显然已成为2019年双年展的主要主题,整场活动由巴黎东京宫的年轻策展人团队策划。
Some fifty artists have been commissioned this year to produce in situ artworks at the former Fagor factories in Lyon. It’s the first time the Lyon Biennale will make use of the 29,000m² site located not far from the highly symbolic spot where the Saône flows into the Rhone. Entitled “Where Water Comes Together with Other Water”, from a poem by the American writer Raymond Carver, the theme of mixity has clearly been singled out as the dominant focus of this 2019 edition and the whole thing has been put together by the young team of curators from the Palais de Tokyo in Paris.
The Lyon Biennale is seeking to establish itself as a major event in the international Contemporary Art calendar and is supported by a substantial budget; but its primary responsibility is to highlight French culture and promote France’s power and influence. The result is of course a delicate balance that has to be re-imagined every two years… a challenge for its new Director Isabelle Bertolotti.
Artprice首席执行官兼创始人蒂埃里·埃尔曼表示:“里昂双年展1991年由蒂埃里·拉斯帕伊创立,已经成为全球同类文化活动中最引人注目的展览。尤其让我印象深刻的是,在2000年举办的那场非常著名的活动中,让-于贝尔·马尔丹凭借他策划的Shared Exoticism双年展取得了卓越成绩。这场活动非常统一且切合主题,与他于1989年在蓬皮杜艺术中心举办的“地球魔法师”(The Magicians of the Earth)创始展一脉相承。
Thierry Ehrmann, Artprice’s CEO/Founder, explains “Created in 1991 by Thierry Raspail, the Lyon Biennale has become one of the most remarkable cultural events of its kind worldwide. I particularly remember the legendary 2000 edition when Jean-Hubert Martin achieved a veritable tour-de-force with his Biennale entitled Shared Exoticism. The event was exceptionally coherent and relevant, a direct and logical suite to his founding exhibition The Magicians of the Earth presented in 1989 at the Pompidou Center.

近30年来,在蒂埃里·拉斯帕伊的带领下,里昂双年展建立了国际声誉,并得到了机构合作伙伴Artprice和混乱之居管理者Organe当代艺术博物馆的支持,他们还为Shared Exoticism双年展提供了特别支持。近些年来,里昂双年展的风头已盖过安德烈·马尔罗于1959年创立的巴黎双年展,后者的上一次举办时间为2008年。
Steered by Thierry Raspail for nearly 30 years, the Lyon Biennale has earned a global reputation and has been supported – in particular for Shared Exoticism – by its institutional partner Artprice and the Organe Contemporary Art Museum which manages The Abode of Chaos. Over the years it has come to overshadow the Paris Biennale, founded by André Malraux in 1959 and the last edition of which was in 2008.”
The Lyon Biennale is today at a crucial juncture with the first change of management in its history and the arrival of Isabelle Bertolotti. Recently appointed Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of the City of Lyon, Bertoletti is expected to set the Lyon Biennale on a new path and her first project is indeed ambitious: “This 15th edition of the Lyon Contemporary Art Biennale is devised as an ecosystem at the intersection of biological, economic and cosmogonic landscapes. It bears witness to the shifting relationships between human beings, other living species, the mineral kingdom, technological artefacts and the stories that unite them”
The curators and artists involved in this year’s Lyon Biennale have been working with a number of obligations and constraints. First and foremost among these are related to the place itself: a huge factory located outside the city center and preserved in its original state, with its original demarcation, its abandoned machinery and its visible wear and tear. The artists – most of whom have had very little exposure in France and often no auction history to their names – have been asked to work with local artisans from the Rhone Valley basin. One third of them are French and a strict gender balance has been applied.
The Biennale is by no means confined to the vast Fagor space; there are manifestations throughout the region. The new format is organized around four complementary platforms: the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lyon, which is acting as an outgrowth of the main exhibition with 6 artists including the famous duo Gregory & Daniel GICQUEL & DEWAR; the Young International Creation which – as in the past – will occupy Villeurbanne’s Institute of Contemporary Art; Veduta which promotes meetings between artists and the region’s inhabitants; and a broad program of associated exhibitions, including exhibitions in Resonance with the Biennale at various galleries and cultural venues in the region. In all, the event will use 150 venues and will encompass not only the field of Contemporary Art but also literature, dance, theater, music and cinema.
An internationally recognised and appreciated artistic event, the Lyon Contemporary Art Biennale is one of the five most important biennales after Venice. The previous edition attracted more than 300,000 visitors, its best-ever attendance. The 2019 edition is far more ambitious with larger spaces, major installations, deeper regional networking and unprecedented bridges between the art world and the world of business and commerce.
The Geopolitics of the 15th Lyon Biennale
2019年9月18日 至 2010年1月5日
18th September, 2019 to 5th Jan., 2020
每周二至周五:上午11时 至 下午6时
每周六至周日:上午11时 至 晚7时
Tuesday to Friday, 11am to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 7pm
Late Fridays opening until 10pm: 27th Sept., 11th Oct., 15th Nov., 13th Dec.
特殊闭馆时间:12月24日 及 12月31日下午5时
Exeptional closures 24th and 31st Dec. at 5pm.
Weekly closure: on Monday