走出大湾区:土耳其商家现可通过支付宝以及与ininal的合作与中国游客建立联系 | Delta Escape: Turkish Merchants Can Now Connect with Chinese Visitors via Alipay and ininal Partnership

土耳其本土金融科技公司ininal成为支付宝在土耳其的第一个合作伙伴。土耳其新一代支付平台和Multinet Up旗下子公司ininal今天宣布与阿里巴巴旗下蚂蚁金服集团运营的全球支付和生活方式平台支付宝合作。中国大陆游客将可以在土耳其实体店使用支付宝。
Turkish fintech company ininal becomes Alipay’s first partner in Turkey. ininal, Turkey’s new-generation payment platform and a subsidiary of Multinet Up, recently announced its collaboration with Alipay, China’s payment and lifestyle platform operated by Ant Financial Services Group, a related company of Alibaba, that Alipay will be available for Chinese mainland visitors at bricks-and-mortar stores in Turkey.

这项服务将首先在Dorak Holding门店提供。Dorak Holding是一家为游客策划所有活动的旅游公司,管理着土耳其各地的众多商家,为85%以上的土耳其中国游客提供旅游服务。接受支付宝的商家包括土耳其专业零售商、卡帕多西亚热气球、商店、酒店和土耳其餐厅。在中国游客游览伊斯坦布尔和卡帕多西亚时,商家可以通过支付宝应用与中国客户建立数字营销联系,而这些客户可以通过使用同一个支付宝应用在结账处扫描卡终端上显示的支付宝二维码付款。
This service will be first available in the facilities of Dorak Holding, the tourism company who plans all activities for tourists and manages numbers of merchants throughout Turkey, serving more than 85% of Chinese tourists visiting Turkey. Merchants accepting Alipay include Turkish specialty retailers, hot-air balloons in Cappadocia, shops, hotels, and Turkish restaurants. Merchants can connect with Chinese customers with digital marketing via the Alipay app while Chinese tourists visit Istanbul and Cappadocia, and those customers can make payments by using the same Alipay app to scan an Alipay QR code displayed on card terminals at the checkout.

走出大湾区:土耳其商家现可通过支付宝以及与ininal的合作与中国游客建立联系 | Delta Escape: Turkish Merchants Can Now Connect with Chinese Visitors via Alipay and ininal Partnership

通过ininal和支付宝的合作,支付宝用户可以在土耳其旅游期间用人民币支付,土耳其商家也将可以在Dorak Tour地点接受中国游客的美元付款。今年夏天晚些时候,土耳其商家将能够在Multinet Up 新老商家(包括全球连锁餐厅和零售商)接受土耳其里拉付款。ininal的母公司、拥有40000多商家的土耳其领先金融服务公司Multinet Up将利用其在建立网络和基础设施方面的经验来扩大支付宝的认可度。ininal和Multinet Up将与支付宝合作,进一步扩大土耳其的网络。珠宝商、豪华服装店、博物馆和免税商店有望在不久的将来加入。
Through the collaboration between ininal and Alipay, while Alipay users pay in Chinese Yuan during their visits to Turkey, Turkish merchants will be able to receive payments from Chinese visitors in US Dollars at Dorak Tour locations. Later this summer, Turkish merchants will be able to receive payments in Turkish Lira at existing and new Multinet Up merchants including global chain restaurants and retailers. Multinet Up, ininal’s parent company and the leading financial services company in Turkey maintaining over 40,000 merchants, will utilize its experience in building a network and infrastructure to expand Alipay acceptability. ininal and Multinet Up will work in collaboration with Alipay to further expand the network across Turkey. Jewelers, luxury clothing stores, museums and duty free shops are expected to join in the near future.

ininal首席执行官Ömer Suner表示:“与支付宝的合作证明了我们的品牌过去六年取得的成功。支付宝是中国最受欢迎的支付方式,在海外被中国游客广泛使用。支付宝的使用超过现金、信用卡和借记卡的事实是一个重要数据,显示了支付宝带来的满意度。ininal将继续与全球强大的合作伙伴合作,为土耳其带来先进的技术和服务。”
“The collaboration with Alipay proves the success of our brand has attained in the last six years. Alipay is the most preferred payment method in China and is widely used by Chinese tourists overseas. The fact that Alipay is used more than cash, credit cards and debit cards is an important data demonstrating the satisfaction it creates. ininal will continue to work with powerful partners globally to bring advanced technology and services to Turkey,” says ininal CEO Ömer Suner.

指出中国人不仅在数字上而且在土耳其的旅游支出上都是增长最快的,Ömer Suner接着说:“我们相信,通过此次合作提供的支付便利将增加进入我国的外汇,并为经济复苏作出贡献。” 2019年1月,尼尔森的一份题为“2018年中国出境旅游移动支付趋势”的报告发现,中国游客32%的交易使用移动支付,首次超过现金,而且接受调查的近60%商家在采用支付宝后,客流量和销售额都出现了增长。
Stating that the Chinese provided the highest increase in terms of not only the figures but also the tourist spending in Turkey, Ömer Suner continued: “We believe the payment convenience provided through this collaboration will increase the foreign currency that will enter our country and provide contributions to the reanimation of the economy.” In January 2019, a Nielsen report titled 2018 Trends for Mobile Payment in Chinese Outbound Tourism finds that Chinese tourists paid for 32% of transactions using mobile payment, overtaking cash for the first time, and that nearly 60% of merchants surveyed experienced growth in both foot traffic and sales after adopting Alipay.

“Alipay is finally coming to Turkey! We are excited to work with ininal to connect Turkish merchants with Chinese visitors before, during, and after their visit to this beautiful country, overcoming barriers of language and currency. We know our customers are attracted to the ancient and modern sights of Turkey, and the many different experiences it offers, from balloons, to bazars and beaches. As Chinese users’ preferred payment and lifestyle platform, we are always happy to introduce the best offers and must-visit locations of Turkey to our users through our platforms,” said Roland Palmer, Alipay’s Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa.