全球最大的水下主题公园“Dive Bahrain”面积达到100,000平方米,以一架沉入水中的波音747为“压轴大戏”,现在向潜水爱好者开放。
Dive Bahrain, the world’s largest underwater theme park spanning an area of 100,000m2, complete with a sunken Boeing 747, is now open to diving enthusiasts.

The site, in close proximity to Bahrain International Airport, has a 70m-long decommissioned Boeing 747 as its centerpiece, the largest aircraft ever to be intentionally submerged. The world-class project was developed in close cooperation between the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) and the Supreme Council for Environment (SCE).

Dive Bahrain计划让游客有机会在一大片区域内,享受独一无二的潜水体验。除了波音747以外,新开放的水下主题公园还复制了一间传统的巴林珍珠商行(由Diyar Al Muharraq负责建造),并含有人工珊瑚礁和其它雕塑,它们将被精心打造和被沉入水中,为珊瑚礁生长提供“安全港”,确保为海洋生物创造可持续的栖息地。
Dive Bahrain aims to provide visitors with the opportunity to enjoy a unique diving experience within a large area. In addition to the Boeing 747, the newly opened underwater theme park will feature a replica of a traditional Bahraini pearl merchant’s house, which is being overseen by Diyar Al Muharraq, artificial coral reefs and other sculptures that will be fabricated and submerged to provide a safe haven for coral reef growth and to ensure a sustainable habitat for marine life.

生态友好型公园Dive Bahrain还将为研究者带来丰富的海洋生态学信息源,并将帮助加强关于保护海洋生物的环保意识。
The eco-friendly park will also provide researchers a rich source of information on marine ecologies, and will enhance environmental awareness on the importance of preserving marine life.
Dive Bahrain主题公园是BTEA的战略的一部分,而后者的战略是通过充分利用巴林王国的自然资产,来提振旅游业,进一步促进这个至关重要的经济部门的发展。Dive Bahrain预计会吸引全球认可,成为国际旅游景点,这主要是考虑到该主题公园的规模和所在位置,及其将能为游客和潜水爱好者提供的独特体验。
The theme park forms part of the BTEA’s strategy of boosting tourism and further promoting this vital sector by making greater use of the Kingdom’s natural assets. The park is expected to attract global recognition and become an international tourist attraction, given its size and location as well as the unique experience it will offer to both tourists and diving enthusiasts.
Since its successful submersion, professional divers from registered dive centers have conducted intermittent inspections of the aircraft to ensure the park’s safety to both professional and leisure divers.
对生态友好的Dive Bahrain项目将让巴林通过采纳国际环境标准,成为生态旅游和海洋野生动物保护领域的重要新兴国家。
The eco-friendly project will see Bahrain emerge as a key player in the field of eco-tourism and marine wildlife preservation by incorporating international environmental standards.
水下主题公园“Dive Bahrain”
Underwater Theme Park Dive Bahrain