埃尔珂·赛巴赫教授(Dr. Elke Seebach)出生于医学世家,家族第四代医学继承人,德国医疗界著名的内分泌、抗衰老、免疫治疗专家以及荷尔蒙疗法创始人,现任从都生命健康管理中心医疗中心主任、从都健康管理研究院院长。作为一名精通现代医学,自然疗法及传统中医学的专家,赛巴赫教授不仅在学术上取得了卓越的成就,更是客户心中最值得信任的医生。接下来,就让我们走近这位医学“大咖”,一起领略她的个人魅力以及在医学上的独到见解。
Dr. Seebach was born into a prestigious family with a medical background, making her a fourth-generation doctor. She is famous for her research in endocrinology, anti-aging therapy, and immunotherapy. Above all, the doctor is globally renowned for laying down the foundation of bio-identical hormone therapy. Now, she resides in China, where she serves as the most-trusted director at the Imperial Spring Center for Health Management. Read on to find out more about the doctor and her groundbreaking views on anti-ageing.
Medicine is a combination of scientific medicine and empiric medicine, and doctor must have cool reasons and a warm heart.——Elke Seebach
- 谈医学理念:医学是现代科学与传统经验的结合
Medicine Philosophy: A Combination of Modern and Tradition
“过去的两个世纪,西方现代医学强调把身体分割到器官、分子、细胞、基因等层面进行研究。但人体是一个复杂的系统,分隔得越细,难免会忽略身体每个部分之间的连接和对彼此的影响。” 在谈到现代医学的局限性时赛巴赫教授说道。1994年,从海德堡大学毕业并成为一名神经科医生后,赛巴赫教授意识到有必要继续拓展自己的学术领域,开始从事自然疗法的研究,并熟习中式针灸及传统中医学。“我希望能将现代科学医学的成果,与传统经验相结合,来克服医学上的局限性。”
Discussing the limitations of modern medicine, Dr. Seebach explained: “For the last two hundred years, western doctors have put emphasis on a fragmentation theory that divides the body into different aspects such as organs, molecules, cells, and genes for theoretical or artificial work. But this approach often ignores the connections between body parts and the influence they have on one another.”
Dr. Seebach graduated from Heidelberg University in 1994 and became a neurologist. Since then, she has been continuously developing her knowledge base. Her progress led her to commence research on endocrine therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
She recalled: “I was hoping for a combination of TCM and my science-based medical practice. With that, I have been trying to overcome the limitation of medicine.”
In 2006, having witnessed first-hand the respective limitations of both Western and traditional Chinese medicinal practice, Dr. Seebach came up with a radical idea. Instead of limiting herself to a distinct medicinal practice, she decided to combine the two. By incorporating the academic foundation of western medicine with the empiric nature of TCM, Dr. Seebach was able to create a unique therapy in the field of integrated medicine.
It was 2017 when Dr. Seebach joined the Imperial Spring Health and introduced her system of integrated therapy.
“In our center, we still put emphasis on western scientific medicine,” she explained. “With cutting-edge equipment and a team of international experts, we thoroughly examine each individual’s health condition. Rather than targeting a specific disease, we systematically evaluate human bodies and create tailored plans for clients based on their personal health conditions.”
- 谈行医之道:医生必须集冷静的理智和热烈的感情于一身
A Doctor With Cool Reasons and a Warm Heart
A core medical philosophy of Dr. Seebach’s is that “Doctor must have cool reasons and a warm heart.” It is vital that it is not just the clients being open with a doctor. It must be an open dialogue that flows both ways.

From Dr. Seebach’s perspective, it is essential that clients communicate with her face-to-face so that she can get a full picture of their individual health condition. This process also builds trust between the doctor and her clients, which ensures a strong foundation for future therapy sessions. She subsequently stresses: “In our center, it is not just about doctors’ skills but our conviction for offering humanistic care to clients. It reflects our professional spirit and vocational ability.”
- 谈荷尔蒙疗法:让身体借助自然的力量永葆青春
Bio-identical Hormone: Natural Power to Maintain Youth
Dr. Seebach is the founder of bio-identical hormone therapy and the writer of Bio-identical Hormone Therapy and Holistic Integrative Medicine/Holistic Oncology. In her book, she outlines her belief that hormones exist in every cell of our body, influencing us from head to toe. According to her medical understanding, young and vibrant bodies are saturated with a desirable balance of hormones. However, hormone decreases not only with the growing age, but also with the long period of pressure and fatigue, leading to heart palpitations, depression, insomnia, and aging. Dr. Seebach believes that increasing the hormones in which we are lacking is the way to combat these symptoms.
Using hormones in therapy is not a new idea but it is an idea which has been widely misunderstood in the past. For example, many people have feared that taking hormones can cause cancer, a view which Dr. Seebach considers to be entirely misinformed. Synthetic hormones are drugs with side effects that emulate that of our natural hormones. The bio-identical hormones, however, contain the same molecule as the ones we have in our bodies. They are produced from plants like Yangyu(洋芋) and Shanyao(山药) in a partially natural way.
Many people have approached Dr. Seebach asking about the side effects of taking bio-identical hormones. She has, in turn, explained that substituting the bio-identical hormones does not have any side effects unless you overdose. Ultimately, it is the deficiency that causes the side effects, not the hormone itself.
- 谈从都健康:将“治未病”的医学理念发挥到极致
Imperial Spring Health: Preventive Medicine Excel Excellence
“帮客户远离疾病并提高生命质量是我们的目的。” 在谈到从都健康时赛巴赫教授说道。在她看来,影响健康最大的因素是不良的生活方式,这完全可以通过健康管理干预起来。
“Our ultimate goal is to help clients stay away from diseases and improve their quality of life,” Dr. Seebach claims. In her mind, the biggest threat to health is an undesirable lifestyle, which can be avoided by preventive medicine.
At Imperial Spring Health, the process begins with an in-depth consultation in which the team will collect information through an international standardized questionnaire. This includes examination of the medical histories of both parents. By developing a genetic profile, the doctors are then able to identify any risk factors the client might face. Several physical tests will then take place to acquire further measurements. Finally, the doctors will collect all the above components to create an impression of physical conditions and a customized plan for the client. Based on the client’s nutritional intake, lifestyle, and exercise frequency, the team then offer advice and guidance to the client so that the appropriate positive adjustments can be made.

“Preventive medicine plays a central role in TCM’s development,” the Imperial Springs Health team conclude. “On this basis, we seek to further innovation and excel excellence. We hope that every individual can pursue a healthy lifestyle and stay fit because of the efforts that we have made.”