七彩復活兔朱古力 | Colorful Easter Rabbit
七彩復活兔朱古力 | Colorful Easter Rabbit

Spring is here and Easter is just around the corner. Treat your beloved family and friends by giving them something special from Norihito Muranaka, Executive Pastry Chef of Grand Lisboa Hotel.

咖啡朱古力慕絲先生及伯爵茶香桃慕絲女士 | Mr. & Mrs. Egg
咖啡朱古力慕絲先生及伯爵茶香桃慕絲女士 | Mr. & Mrs. Egg

由即日起至2018年4月2日,日夜咖啡室供应的所有一磅装或以上的蛋糕会摇身一变,以色彩缤纷的复活蛋作装饰,为节日庆祝聚会增添不少气氛。此外,村中师傅亦设计了一系列主题甜品包括七彩复活兔朱古力、咖啡朱古力慕丝先生及伯爵茶香桃慕丝女士,仅在日夜咖啡室发售。复活节当然少不免“复活兔”这个经典角色,可爱趣致的复活兔将幻化成12只色彩夺目的朱古力兔,宾客们一定能选到自己喜爱的颜色,每只朱古力兔的售价为澳门币150元。传统复活蛋都以纯朱古力为主要成份,村中师傅却别出心裁地将慕丝作为主打,打造出咖啡朱古力慕丝先生及伯爵茶香桃慕丝女士,同样以复活蛋形状呈现在眼前, 口感却更为细滑,每款售价为澳门币40元,定必能令甜品爱好者为之陶醉。
Starting from today until 2 April, 2018, all the whole cakes are decorated with colorful Easter eggs to celebrate this festive season. Chef Norihito has also created a series of festive goodies – Colorful Easter Rabbits and Mr. & Mrs. Egg which are only available at Round-The-Clock Coffee Shop. The chocolate rabbits are transformed into 12 joyful colors, and guests can choose their favourite, priced at MOP 150 each. Traditional Easter Eggs are usually made with chocolate. Chef Norihito used mousse as the main ingredient for our festive Mr. & Mrs. Egg. Mr. Egg is made with Café Mocha Mousse and Chocolate Mousse inside, while Mrs. Egg is made with Earl Grey Bavarois and Peach Mandarin filling, priced at MOP 40 each and can satisfy the sweet tooth in everyone.

Round-The-Clock Coffee Shop
U2/F, Grand Lisboa
Grand Lisboa
Tel: +853-2888 3888