A Heartfelt Celebration

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO) cordially invites you to a special celebration of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre (HKCC). The event will honour the HKCC’s 30-year history as a venue where culture and the arts can truly flourish. We can think of no better way to celebrate the occasion than to recreate the inaugural performance HKCO gave at the HKCC’s official opening back in November 1989. Once more, audiences will be hypnotised by the enchanting music that the orchestra charmed audiences with three decades ago.

诚然,音乐是一朵艺术之花,纵使时光流逝,依然光彩夺目。音乐会将演奏六首乐曲,虽然都是耳熟能详的著名曲目,但我们将以全新的方式、从不同的角度进行演绎,通过推陈出新的呈现,为观众带来新的启发。 当直抵人心的乐声在观众耳边响起,它正是在歌颂香港文化中心作为一个文化宣传阵地,传递真心、弘扬文化的伟大意义。香港文化中心俨如香港中乐团的第二个家, 亦是香港多元艺术文化发展和传播的促进者。
Of course, music is an art form that blossoms in surprising ways over time. The concert is comprised of six pieces and though the programme has been revisited, each piece will capture a modern audience in new and enlightening ways. At the core of the concert is a heartfelt celebration of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. It is a musical reminder of how the HKCC has been so much more than a venue. It has been a second home to HKCO and an ally in the development of fresh and diversified art and culture. 

HKCC in 1989

About The Programme

The programme recreates the historic performance at the HKCC’s opening thirty years ago. Of the six pieces in the programme, three were born in the same year as the HKCC. The other pieces trace all the way back to the 1930s and beyond. The programme winds through history, transcending the limits of time and gifting the audience with an eternal musical moment.

音乐会将由香港中乐团艺术总监兼终身指挥阎惠昌(Yan Huichang)执棒。而获得广泛认可的、当代艺术家中最杰出的代表之一——青年艺术家陈萨(Chen Sa)将为观众献上一首特别的乐曲。活跃在世界音乐舞台的国际知名管风琴演奏家沈媛(Shen Yuan),此次也将登台表演,与香港中乐团同台献艺。,广东汕头潮州音乐非物质文化遗产传承人、备受尊敬的音乐家王培瑜(Wang Peiyu)将用二弦琴演奏一首传统乐曲。另外,中国传统鼓乐大师阎学敏(Yim Hok Man)也将登台表演中国鼓乐。
The concert is to be conducted by Yan Huichang, the Artistic Director and Principal Conductor for Life of the HKCO. Audiences will be treated to a special piece by the young Chen Sa, who is considered to be one of the brightest performers of her generation. The internationally distinguished organist, Shen Yuan, will perform with HKCO as she has done on stages all over the world. The esteemed musician Wang Peiyu will perform a traditional piece on the erxian.  Peiyu is recognised as the Bearer of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Chiuchow (Chaozhou) Music of Shantou, Guangdong. The master of Chinese rhythm, Yim Hok Man, will be on the drums.

About The Music

音乐会首发乐曲是由陈永华(Chan Wing-wah)创作的“节日序曲”。这是香港市政局为香港文化中心开幕式委约创作的乐曲,由香港中乐团演奏。乐曲全部采用中国传统器乐演奏,并加入打击乐的强烈节奏,将现代人的动感生活表现得淋漓尽致。
The opening piece is the invigorating “Festival Overture” composed by Chan Wing-wah. The piece was commissioned by the Hong Kong Urban Council for the Orchestra the year of the HKCC’s opening. Performed on Chinese instruments, the music uses the rhythms of the percussion section to communicate the dynamic energy of modern life.

序曲之后是余亦文(Yu Yiwen)编曲的传统音乐《抛网捕鱼》。音乐表现了渔民们欢快热烈的劳动和生活场景。这首曲子将由二弦琴乐队在潮州大锣鼓的配合下演奏。动人的旋律描述了清晨渔夫捕鱼归来的欢快情景。该曲曾获得世界青年嘉年华金奖,将给观众带来耳目一新的体验。
The overture will be followed by “Netting Fish”, a traditional melody arranged by Yu Yiwen. The music tells the story of fishermen in high spirits. The piece will be performed on Chiu Chow drums and gongs with the erxian. The melody conjures the image of the early morning and captures the fisherman’s joy as they net fish. A winner of the gold medal at the World Youth Carnival, this piece is sure to bring joy to audience members.

接下来,由马思聪(Ma Sicong)作曲,胡伟立(William Wu)配器,的《思鄉曲》将把观众带回到往昔难忘的岁月。 这部作品以1937年为背景,讲述了抗日战争期间一段动人的故事。这既是一首传统音乐,又是一首不平凡的乐曲,曾唤起很多作曲家的创作欲望。虽然其音调有些忧郁压抑,但它最终鼓舞了人民的斗志,唤起了人们的爱国热情,具有摧人奋进的力量。
Next, the past will be revisited through “Songs of Nostalgia”, a piece composed by Ma Sicong and orchestrated by William Wu. The piece dates back to 1937 and shares stories from the Japanese invasion. The music is both traditional and surprising and has inspired many composers since. Although the piece is melancholy in tone, it ultimately champions hope and unrelenting love of one’s country.

钢琴协奏曲《黄河》是这次音乐会的一大亮点。这首雄伟的乐曲由年轻的钢琴家陈萨(Chen Sa)演奏,共有四个激昂的乐章。以生动的旋律重温了抗日战争时期中国人民的不屈斗争和伟大胜利。乐曲通过跌宕起伏的节奏,把观众带回了那个难以忘怀的艰难岁月。
The piano concerto “The Yellow River” is a special highlight of the concert. Performed by the young pianist, Chen Sa, the majestic piece is offered in four powerful movements. Each movement revisits the struggles and victory of the Chinese people during the Sino-Japanese War. Through poignant changing tones, the audience is taken on a journey back through time.

曾叶发(Richard Tsang)的交响诗《竹意》描写了竹子象征着力量和纯洁,美丽和宁静。曾叶发受竹子的启发,创作了这首生动有趣的作品,将当代音律与绘画技巧融为一体,达到了奇妙的表现效果。这首乐曲于一九八九年在香港大会堂举行的“今古乐赞”音乐会上首演。
The penultimate performance will be the Symphonic Poem “Images of Bamboo” by Richard Tsang. Bamboo symbolizes strength and purity and conjures images of beauty and peacefulness. Tsang found inspiration in the bamboo groves and created a playful piece that incorporates contemporary sound painting techniques. The piece was premiered at the Hong Kong City Hall in 1989 in “The Praise of Ancient and Contemporary Music” concert.

最后一曲是由关廼忠(Kuan Nai-chung)为中乐团及管风琴乐园创作的《第二交响乐》,该曲融合了西方古典与中国传统的音乐风格,创造了一种中西合璧的完美意境。华丽的乐章与文化表现方式超越了东西方的文化差异,交织出丰富多彩的艺术盛景,形成了东西方音乐审美之间完美而又和谐的统一。
The final piece was written by Kuan Nai-chung specifically for the Chinese Orchestra and pipe organ. “Symphony No. 2” embraces both Western and traditional Chinese styles to create music that champions unity. This splendorous tapestry of cultures and sounds rises above and beyond Eastern and Western differences to create a colourful fusion that concludes with total harmony.

Not To Be Missed

“永恒的羽翼-香港文化中心 30 周年志庆音乐会”开场在即,精彩纷呈,不容错过。节目将把我们带回到三十年前香港文化中心隆重开幕时的空前盛况,重温香港中乐团的精彩表演。 预想三十年后,未来的观众将会怀着同样的心情和崇敬回顾这个特别的夜晚。让我们共襄盛举,在回首往昔的乐声中带着希冀展望明日,将香港中乐团的宝贵文化发扬光大,推向未来。
The “Eternal Wings – Hong Kong Cultural Centre 30th Anniversary” concert is not to be missed. The programme pays homage to the monumental Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra performance thirty years ago at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre’s grand opening. In thirty years time, future audiences will look back on this special night with similar sentiment and admiration. To be a part of this musical experience is to not just take a trip down memory lane, but to be a part of a new addition to the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra’s invaluable cultural history.


永恒的羽翼 – 香港文化中心 30 周年志庆音乐会
Eternal Wings – Hong Kong Cultural Centre 30th Anniversary Concert

Date and Time: 29‒30/11/2019 (Fri, Sat) 8:00 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall
票价:$200, $250, $320, $420
Ticket Fee: $200, $250, $320, $420

Yan Huichang 阎惠昌
Performed by:
司鼓:阎学敏 On the Drum: Yim Hok Man
二弦:王培 Erxian: Wang Peiyu
钢琴:陈萨 Piano: Chen Sa
管风琴:沈媛 Pipe Organ: Shen Yuan

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