魏伟方, 香港蓝海洋策略始创人及执行合伙人-John Ngai, Founder and Managing Partner, Blue Ocean Strategy, Hong Kong.
DB:您在蓝海洋策略工作了多久?How long have you been with Blue Ocean Strategy?
John: 我在2013年7月创立蓝海洋策略有限公司(BOS),迄今差不多有4年了。加上有关行业经验,我的咨询经验总共超过30年了。
I founded BOS in July 2013. By now, it’s almost 4 years at BOS. When adding up relevant experience, my advisory service experience has more than 30 over years.
DB:在加入蓝海洋策略之前,您曾‘三一重工’担任过副总经理一职,你从这段经历中如何受益并运用在现阶段的工作中呢?Before joining Blue Ocean Strategy, you used to work for Sany Group as the vice-general manager. How do you benefit from this experience and apply it to your present work?
John: 在过去的三十多年里,我曾在许多跨国企业工作积累了国际管理经验,例如世界500强企业 – 卡特彼勒、康明斯和威斯特等。而我在‘三一重工’ 的经验是十分独特的,它让我更深入地了解中国公司在海外营运的特点,与国际龙头企业的差异,让我更全面掌握了不同地区及领域的管理经验,令我成为中西企业管理交融的一座桥梁,更了解中国企业的需要。这促使我创立蓝海洋策略,想把这些宝贵经验尽量实践在中国企业上。
In my 30 over years of top management experiences gained in numerous multinational corporations, such as Fortune 500 corporations – Caterpillar, Cummins, WesTrac etc., my experience at Sany Corp. was unique and have given me an in-depth knowledge of operational experience in Chinese corp., turning me into an all rounded manager able to bridge the gap of enterprises between the west and the east, understand the needs of Chinese enterprises. These precious experience prompted me to start up BOS for better support of Chinese enterprises in globalization.
DB: 您对目前中国想走向国际化的公司的需求与趋势怎么看?How do you view the current needs and development of those Chinese companies which wish to go global?
John: “一带一路”政策为许多中国企业创造了国际际视野及发展机会。即使如此,一些中小企业仍面临着许多挑战。这些企业在走向世界之同时必须面对三个问题:全球产品质检(提供当地售后支援)、前线人员所需的各式技能、全球化管理思维与长远视野。
One-belt One Road policy offers tremendous opportunities to the Chinese enterprises to go global, There are three key competencies that these sizes of Chinese enterprises have to deal with – product compliance worldwide (after-market support locally), multiple skills required for front-line people and top management’s globalization mindset with long term view.
DB: 蓝海洋策略在中外市场中扮演了一个怎样的角色?What role does Blue Ocean Strategy play between the Chinese market and international markets?
John: 蓝海洋策略有限公司(BOS)是一家总部位于香港的咨询事务所。它拥有丰富的全球业务及资源对接经验,帮助中国中小企业拓展国外市场和西方企业走进中国。BOS旨在推进国际合作伙伴关系,并成为中国省市商务局、北京控股和江门市商务局聘用的咨询公司。在过去蓝海洋参与的企业海外拓展项目中,看到它们的成长及發展,我们感到特别欣慰。
Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) is an advisory firm headquartered in Hong Kong with a global network which serves Chinese small to medium size enterprises to go Global and facilitates foreign enterprises entering the Chinese market. BOS facilitates international partnership and is proudly appointed as Advisors to Provincial Bureaus of Commerce in China, Beijing Holdings and Jiangmen Bureau of Commerce. We were delighted to see those Chinese enterprises that yield remarkable results in overseas expansion through BOS advisory services.
DB:蓝海洋策略能提供什么业务规划服务来帮助想提升国际化面貌的中国公司呢?What business development services does Blue Ocean Strategy provide for the Chinese customers to improve their global presence?
John: 我们所提供的服务重点目标对像是中小企业,业务包括:
1. 搭建业务合作平台-寻求合作伙伴、技术转让和拓展投资机会
2. 组织架构能力评估及产品远销分析
3. 财务融资,投资,并购。
Our services focused in SMEs, include:
1. Business matching – seeking for partnership, technology transfer and investment opportunity.
2. Organization Readiness Evaluation and Product Compliance
3. Financials – Financing, Investment, M&A.
DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘蓝海洋策略’?Where can we get more information about Blue Ocean Strategy?
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