中国欧盟商会于今天在广州发布《华南建议书 2019/2020》。这是华南分会第二次出版地方建议书,汇总了中国欧盟商会华南地区会员企业在此区域运营状况的最新分析、问题以及建议。 该报告关注欧洲企业和地方政府如何交流合作以提升当地监管环境,吸引更多人才,以及改善中小企业的运营条件,从而确保华南地区充分发挥市场潜力。
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) today released South China Position Paper 2019/2020, its second local paper presenting the concerns, assessments and recommendations of European Chamber members doing business in the region. The report focusses on ways that European companies can work with the local government to upgrade the local regulatory environment, attract more talent to the region and improve conditions for small and medium-sized companies, to ensure South China reaches its full potential.

广东地区从改革开放初期起便大力推行经济自由化,并成为中国经济发展的排头兵。尽管广东省及各市经 常问鼎全国经济实力和营商环境质量排名,但仅看国内排名是远远不够的,广东应该与全球其他商业中心 对标。习主席参加第十三届全国人民代表大会一次会议广东代表团审议时,要求广东在“形成全面开放新格局”上走在全国前列。
The region embraced economic liberalisation at the start of China’s reform and opening up programme more than 40 years ago, and has since been a national pioneer for much of the country’s economic development. But while Guangdong and its cities now regularly top national lists in terms of economic clout and the quality of the general business environment, it is no longer sufficient to measure itself relative to its domestic competition. Guangdong should instead be rivalling other global business centres. President Xi himself suggested during the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress, held in Beijing in March 2018, that the province should go for “full opening up”.

鉴于此,《华南建议书 2019/2020》提出八项主要建议,将有助于地方政府实现这一目标。广东有能力成为中国从开放、公平和监管良好的经济环境中获益的典范,欧洲企业也乐于为营商环境一流的广东的发展做出贡献,而这也有助于将完成改革开放进程的益处推广到中国其他地区。
The South China Position Paper 2019/2020 presents eight key recommendations that will assist the local authorities in achieving this goal. Guangdong is well positioned to become an exemplar of how China can benefit from an open, fair and well-regulated economy, and European business is ready to contribute to this goal and, by doing so, help demonstrate to the rest of China the value of completing the reform and opening up process.

“虽然欧洲企业在广东的发展前景十分广阔,但我们认为当地政府可以与业界合作继续努力提升营商环境。” 中国欧盟商会华南分会主席刘畅表示,“我们的当地会员汇集了建设性的建议,以便与当地政府就如何将广东从在华经商的宝地,发展为全球营商环境的典范而展开对话。”
“While the future for European companies in the region remains promising, we believe that Guangdong can brighten its economic future by working with industry to improve the local business environment,” said George Lau, chair of the European Chamber’s South China Chapter. “Our local membership has compiled constructive recommendations to start a conversation with the local government on how to shift Guangdong from a good place to do business in China to a great place to do business globally.”

About the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China

中国欧盟商会由 51 家会员企业于 2000 年成立。会员总数如今已突破 1600 家,在中国九个城市设有七个地方分会。其理念是应欧盟及欧盟企业的需要,代表不同行业寻求统一的声音。中国欧盟商会已被欧盟委员 会与中国政府机构认可为欧盟企业在华的独立官方代言机构,旨在为欧盟企业争取更大的市场准入和更好 的经营环境。欧盟商会作为在华欧洲企业的独立官方代言机构得到了欧盟委员会和中国政府的一致认可。 欧盟商会华南分会于 2006 年 6 月在广州成立, 2007 年 11 月在深圳开设第二个办公室。目前,华南分会 共拥有 250 多家会员企业,应会员企业的需要,近年来分会不断拓展宣传并举办了诸多高质量活动。华南 分会设有八个工作组和论坛,覆盖多种重要行业,与中国各地的欧洲公司展开合作。
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) was founded in 2000 by 51 member companies that shared a goal of establishing a common voice for the various business sectors of the European Union and European businesses operating in China. It is a members-driven, non-profit, fee-based organisation with a core structure of 31 working groups and fora representing European business in China. The European Chamber is recognised by the European Commission and the Chinese authorities as the official voice of European business in China.