The first European Business in China Awards Gala 2019 was held at the Hilton Futian Hotel in Shenzhen. This event, organised by the European Chamber South China chapter and co-hosted and sponsored by Galaxy Industry Group, aims to recognise businesses who have made exceptional contributions to and act as role models in the business community in both China and Europe. Over 250 representatives from enterprises, government, international schools, consulates and the media attended.
The European Chamber has always been committed to promoting the growing business community in South China. The Awards Gala 2019 is the inaugural ceremony of the honours, which aims to recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements made by European businesses in China. The awards include seven different categories: Silk Road Award, Top Performers in China Award, Innovation & Intelligence Award, HR Excellence Award, Above & Beyond Award, Green Business Award, and Chinese Champion in Europe Award.
A business networking cocktail reception was also hosted before the awards ceremony. Representatives from winning companies shared their best practices in their respective fields with the audience. Media interviews were conducted with award winners on the red carpet.
该颁奖晚会由ES Automation,西门子股份公司和深圳蛇口国际学校赞助展开;同时该晚会也是一个慈善晚会,10%的活动收益会捐献给合作慈善机构——壹基金。筹集到的资金会用于支持壹基金在中国的儿童公益项目当中。
The Awards Gala, sponsored by ES Automation, Siemens and Shekou International School, is also a charity event, with 10% of the event’s profit donated to the partnered charity organisation—One Foundation. The money raised will be used to support One Foundation’s programs in child welfare in China.
当天晚上,中国欧盟华南分会主席George Lau先生致辞中提到:“此次欧洲在华企业杰出贡献奖颁奖晚会积极鼓励以及推动了在中国发展的不同领域的欧洲企业,为促进中欧企业相互交流、分享经验创造了平台。我们希望通过此次对在华南地区优秀杰出企业的认可,能够鼓励推进中欧企业群之间的交流,在未来获取更大的成就。”
Mr George Lau, Chair of the European Chamber South China Board said: “The European Business in China Awards Gala actively promotes best practices from European companies in China in different fields. It is a platform to share and exchange experiences between businesses in China and foreign countries. We hope to recognise the contributions made by companies to the local community in South China and encourage the communications between Europe and China for further success.”
星河产业集团产业招商中心国际部副总监Igor Diadyk为在座来宾带来了两次演讲。他描述了星河产业集团的项目、运营成果、国内外合作伙伴,还介绍了深圳星河WORLD标杆产业园概况。他还邀请了外国领事馆及欧洲企业前往项目实地了解星河产业独特的运营模式,鼓励他们在星河产业于深圳、南京以及重庆的项目中挖掘更多合作的机会。
Mr. Igor Diadyk, Deputy Director of International Department at Galaxy Industry Headquarters delivered two speeches. He described Galaxy Projects, achievements, domestic and foreign partners, and presented Shenzhen Galaxy World project. He also invited foreign consulates and European companies to learn more about unique Galaxy business model and encouraged them to explore more opportunities in Shenzhen, Nanjing, and Chongqing where Galaxy have projects.

获奖企业名单 Winners:
在中最佳表现奖 Top Performers in China Award
Andritz China Ltd.
Siemens Transformer (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd
智慧创新奖 Innovation & Intelligence Award
TÜV Rheinland Greater China
Carl Zeiss Vision (China Ltd)
卓越人力资源奖 HR Excellence Award
HSBC Electric Data Processing Guangdong Ltd.
超越奖 Above & Beyond Award
Dezan Shira & Associates
绿色企业奖 Green Business Award
SHV Energy China
在欧中国企业冠军奖 Chinese Champion in Europe Award
CITIC Telecom
丝绸之路奖 Silk Road Awards