Pablo Neruda, a contemporary famous poet in Chile, once said, “I am fascinated of meal together, the way we are talking; while, the elegant and intelligent wine, being there silently”.
2019年10月29日,由智利葡萄酒协会主办的第三届90+ 活动广州站于当地康莱德酒店盛大举办。
On 29th October 2019, the 90+ Event held by Wines of Chile will take place at Guangzhou Conrad Hotel.
智利犹如上帝不经意间打翻的调料盘,绚丽的色彩晕染了整片狭长的土地。那里的天空天高且云淡,一眼望去天空如碧洗般澄澈。这里坐落着地球上70% 的天文中心,站在这片土地仰望遥远的星空是一生中非常值得去尝试的一件事情。因海岸线长达4300 公里而被称为“丝绸之国”的智利于1548 年开始种植葡萄藤,是新世界中最古老的葡萄酒生产国之一。本次活动将展现其多样化的风土与地域风情酿造出的风格迥异且优质纯正的智利葡萄酒。
Chile is an excellent country with the cleanest skies and is home for 70% of the astronomical centres of the planet. Observing the stars from the farthest land is an experience that you must have during your lifetime. Often being called Silk country, Chile has a coastal line measuring 4300 km. Chile is one of the oldest wine producing countries of the new world, with vines first planted in 1548. This event will show the wines of Chile with good quality in different style produced under the diversity of local and regional customs.
今年的90+ 盛会在广州、成都两地举行,许多智利顶尖酒庄带来了他们最优质的明星佳酿,均在国际上荣获90 分以上的高分评价!这些佳酿全部来自于智利三大区域,由生长在智利璀璨星空下的优质葡萄精心酿造:
The third edition of 90+ will take place in Guangzhou & Chengdu. We have a good number of our best wineries that will bring their best wines, of whom are all above 90+ points internationally. These selections come from three areas in Chile and are grown and produced by the high quality grape under the starry nights of Chile:
海岸区域 | Costa Areas
The most reputable Costa region is Casablanca Valley. Limarí, the emerging Costa region, produces some world-class Chardonnay thanks to the limestone soil. Cool climate grapes are planted here giving refreshing characteristics, zesty acidity and elegance.
山脉之间区域 | Entre Cordilleras Areas
Entre Cordilleras is the first home of vines brought by the Spanish, today representing 60% of the nation’s wine production. Notable wine regions in the Entre Cordilleras are Central Valley, in particular Maipo Valley and Maule Valley. Grape varieties planted in these areas are mostly red.
安第斯区域 | Andes Areas
Notable wine regions include Central Valley, particularly at the foot of the Andes. Grape growers take advantage of the climatic influences to achieve a longer growing season due to altitude and the cooling influence of the Andes. Maipo Alto is regarded as a premium site for growing one of Chile’s best Cabernet Saucignon wines.
王牌讲师 | Excellent Wine Trainers
One of the highlights of the 90+ is the powerful team consisted of 3 excellent wine trainers:
赵凤仪 | Fongyee Walker
She is a senior wine consultant in mainland China, also a prestigious Master of Wine, a leading instructor and appraiser in China certified by the WSET. She has worked as a judge for many international competitions such as the London International Wine Fair and the China International Wine EXPO.
朱简 | Gus Zhu
He is the first Chinese Master of Wine. From officially started the courses of Master of Wine at the beginning of 2016, he took only three years to pass three-round exams of MW. His success is of great significance to the development of wine culture in China.
吕杨 | Lu Yang
中国首位侍酒师大师,香格里拉酒店集团、多家米其林黑珍珠上榜餐厅葡萄酒顾问。他曾荣获2014年大中华最佳侍酒师大赛冠军,2018年被权威葡萄酒媒体《The Drink Business》评为“亚洲年度风云人物”。
He is the first Chinese Master Sommelier, the wine consultant of Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts as well as a number of Michelin Black Pearls restaurants. He was awarded the 2014 Champion of Best Wine Sommelier Competition of Greater China and was named “Asian Person of the Year” by the authoritative wine media “The Drink Business” in 2018.
90+ 体验 | 90+ Experience
90+ 大师班:三位知名的智利葡萄酒专家赵凤仪、朱简和吕杨,在大师班上介绍了智利高超的酿造工艺和优越的风土条件,并分享智利高分佳酿与众不同的特色。
A 90+ Symposium, where 3 experts will unfold their own impressions about modern & refine Chile. Thet will be the star of the microphone.
90+ 品鉴会:两场品鉴会分别针对普通消费者和业内人士,令现场来宾有更好的品鉴体验。另外,品鉴智利美酒的同时还能有机会与来自智利的酒庄代表、酿酒师进行更深层次的交流和互动。
A 90+ Hall, where guests, in 2 different sections (trade & consumers) will have the chance to interact with representatives, winemakers and owners of this wineries from Chile; tasting outstanding wines.
90+ 媒体晚宴:此次晚宴的亮点在于葡萄酒大师赵凤仪、朱简和侍酒师大师吕杨带领嘉宾一起品鉴解读了中国传统菜系(粤菜和川菜)与智利佳酿的完美碰撞。现场邀请了众多媒体朋友参与,他们用闪光灯记录下这难忘的瞬间。更有资深美食及生活方式博主现场直播,首次最直观地揭秘晚宴的精彩时刻!
A 90+ Press Dinner, where the 3 experts will lead the guests to taste and interpret the perfect pairing between traditional Chinese cuisine (Cantonese and Sichuan cuisine) and Chilean wines. Many media friends will be invited and they will record this unforgettable moment with flash lamps. Senior food & lifestyle bloggers will do the live streaming to reveal directly the whole wonderful dinner for the first time!
Excellent Chile, outstanding wines. Come and experience the star adventure with Wines of Chile.