马克·吕布镜头中的中国 | MARC RIBOUD'S CHINA
马克·吕布镜头中的中国 | MARC RIBOUD'S CHINA

Marc Riboud’s Chinese portraits offer the viewer an insight into what China has experienced and how it has transformed over the space of more than half a century. Mesmerised by this vast country and its age-old civilisation, he explored how Chinese people have lived since the rule of Chairman Mao, moving on from the “Great Leap Forward” to lay the foundations for their economic boom.

Marc Riboud, one of France’s greatest photographers, continuously visited China from his first trip in 1957 until his last to Shanghai in 2010, sketching a portrait of China which forms a world all of its own. His unique photographs have been displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of New York since the late 1960s, as well as at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and many other places around the world. This series of 36 photographs traces the history of China over more than 50 years, and is a testament to Marc Riboud’s fondness for the country, and for Asia as a whole.

Luohu Art Museum
上午09:00 至 17:00
Free entry, closed on Mondays
26th April – 25 May

NO.32 Donghu 1st Street, Donghu Park, Aiguo Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen

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