“French Waves 法国艺术之夏”火热来袭,6月5日至7月16日期间,将优质舞台演出搬到你家屏幕上完美呈现。“法国艺术之夏”,一场全线上的艺术节,由法国驻华使馆文化处和腾讯艺术频道联合打造,秉承着与线下活动季中法文化之春同样的理念:向你推荐最棒的法国艺术创作。
The great French artistic scenes are coming to your living room from 5th June to 16th July, as part of the “French Waves” online festival. Proposed by the cultural service of the French Embassy in China, in partnership with Tencent Art channel, this 100% digital program joins the ambition of the French Croisements festival: to offer you the best of French artistic creation.
“French Waves 法国艺术之夏” 让你足不出户,在家便可轻松与每周上线的艺术作品、艺术家生活实录、戏剧家或设计师的创作成果进行亲密接触。在这里,艺术揭开它的面纱,讲述它的故事,提出它的质疑,分享它的魅力。为期六周的线上节目围绕六大关键词:阿维尼翁戏剧节、马赛国家芭蕾舞团-La Horde、法国国立网球场现代美术馆、演员之春戏剧节、法国广播爱乐乐团、巴黎时装周,为中国观众量身打造,可免费观看。
“French Waves” presents artistic artworks, the life of artists, the work of dramatists, theatre directors or fashion designers every week. With “French Waves”, art is revealed, told, questioned and shared. The video contents that will be offered to all online audiences with open access have been specially imagined for the Chinese public by six big names in French culture: Festival d’Avignon, Ballet national de Marseille, Jeu de Paume, Printemps des comédiens, Radio France and Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode.
French Waves: an anthology for your summer
这些特别合作企划将各个领域的不同年龄层的艺术家带到观众的屏幕前,如话剧导演、阿维尼翁戏剧节艺术总监奥利维埃·庇、La Horde 当代舞蹈团、法国人文摄影最后的代表萨宾娜·魏斯、又或者青年导演、大众戏剧捍卫者让·贝洛里尼。更多的精彩碰撞与艺术创作尽在腾讯艺术频道。
These exceptional collaborations bring artists of all ages and horizons to online audiences, such as director of Festival d’Avignon, Olivier Py; contemporary dance group La Horde; photographer and the last representative of the French humanist photography, Sabine Weiss; defender of popular theater, Jean Bellorini. So many encounters and ways of artistic living to discover without any delays on the Tencent platform.
腾讯视频艺术频道 Art Channel on Tencent Platform