The party is back! Guests will enjoy a delicious dinner buffet and free-flow red and white wine while networking with their peers. That’s PRD teams up with the experts at Wine & Etc. to bring you a night of great music, great prizes and great conversations. RSVP for only RMB380 (early bird), or RMB450 at the door… if any spots remain.
狂欢开始啦!由That’s PRD与Wine&Etc共同打造,自助晚餐,酒水畅饮,著名夜店DJ打碟助阵和嘻哈表演,邀你一起来嗨皮!在享受美食,无限量的红、白葡萄酒和振奋的音乐之余,进行有趣的交谈。此外,当晚还会有精彩的抽奖等着你哟! 购票点击。
P.S.余兴派对(你懂的)将在Cocopark夜店The Box.
Event Schedule
- 7-7.30pm: Registation 入场签到
- 7.30-10pm: Free flow wine and buffet, live performance, networking 自助意大利晚餐,乐队表演
- 9.30pm: Lucky draw 惊喜抽奖环节
- 10pm: Closing speech 酒会道谢仪式
Date and time
7-10 pm, Saturday April 14, 2018
Blue Italian Seafood & Grill Restaurant (The Venice Raytour Hotel Shenzhen)
RMB380 presale for dinner buffet, free flow red and white wine, live DJ performance and a chance at lucky draw prizes
Tickets at the door (limited) are RMB450.
Dress code
White shirts/blouses, red lipstick
- Buffalo mozzarella Caprese salad 马苏里拉水牛芝士沙拉
- Balsamic grilled vegetables 意大利油醋腌制扒蔬菜
- Smoked salmon with seasonal vegetables 烟熏三文鱼配时令蔬菜
- Mixed bruschetta 混合布鲁斯塔
- Lasagna 意大利千层面
- Sea bass in Mediterranean style 地中海式海鲈鱼
- Roast beef with cherry tomato and parmesan sauce 烤牛肉配樱桃小番茄和芝士汁
- Italian charcuterie and cheese with condiments 意大利冷切肉和芝士
- Garlic bread, grissini, lavash, brioche and baguette 各种面包(蒜香包,意大利面包棍,软包,脆片,刀切法包)
- Apple crumble 苹果派
- Chocolate brownies 巧克力布朗尼
- Green tea cake 抹茶蛋糕
- Walnut pie 核桃派
- Cheesecake 芝士蛋糕
- Black forest mousse 黑森林慕斯
- Oreo cookie mousse 奥利奥曲奇慕斯
- Seasonal fresh fruits & berries 新鲜时令水果
Lucky draw prizes
1. Two Albee Virtuosa hair dryer and Florentina Da Vincii lipstick sets 由Albee Virtuosa和FDV提供的限量版吹风机和唇彩系列
2. One Florentina Da Vincii lipstick set 由FDV提供的唇彩系列
3. Three The Blue Italian restaurant vouchers (RMB500 each) The Blue意大利餐厅500元餐券
4. Two Baia Restaurant Bar Grill vouchers (RMB500 each) Baia餐厅500元餐券

Additional Gifts for Guests 每位到场嘉宾获得
Click here to buy tickets now. For more information, contact Maggie at 136 0264 0769 or Shumin at 139 0258 1631.
This event will sell out, so book early!
Apr 14, 7-10pm; RMB380 presale, RMB450 door. Blue Italian Seafood & Grill Restaurant (The Venice Raytour Hotel Shenzhen). Scan QR Code to book Tickets.
Plus, after 10pm, check out our preferred after party at The Box! Watch below (VPN off) for a preview.
The Box | Pepper Club’s Exclusive Room
A modern nightclub with a touch of elegance, Pepper Club presents the freshest music in Shenzhen along with reasonably priced cocktails from around the world. For a whole different nightlife experience, check out Pepper Club in Shopping Park, Futian District.
Organizers 组织机构
Sponsors 赞助商