Grand Lisboa Hotel and Fuhong Society of Macau are joining together to spread the warmth of holidays at the Lobby Hamper House. The talented autistic artists of Fuhong have handcrafted an assortment of gifts featuring many of Macau’s most picturesque landscapes. Each unique creation makes the perfect gift for friends and family, while also giving back to the community. The Grand Lisboa pastry teams are also teaming up to present a medley of homemade holiday delicacies for friends and families to enjoy throughout the festive season. Guests are welcome to create their very own hampers this year filled with gifts from Fuhong and Grand Lisboa delicacies at the Lobby Hamper House from now until 26 December.

新葡京酒店和澳門扶康會於12月7日在酒店大堂禮品屋舉行開幕儀式,共同慶祝溫馨聖誕。參加開幕儀式的主禮嘉賓包括澳娛綜合首席企業事務總監沈銘義先生、澳門扶康會總幹事周惠儀女士、新葡京酒店經理江福樑先生、以及新葡京麵包烘焙主廚Yusuf Cekirge。
On 7 December, Grand Lisboa and Fuhong Society of Macau toasted the start of the Christmas holidays with an opening ceremony at the Lobby Hamper House. Officiating guests of the ceremony include Mr. Daniel Shim, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer of SJM, Ms. Jennifer Chau, Director of Fuhong Society of Macau, Mr. Henry Kong, Hotel Manager of Grand Lisboa and Grand Lisboa Head Baker Yusuf Cekirge.

新葡京酒店自製美味 | Homemade Delicacies from Grand Lisboa
為了慶祝聖誕節,米芝蓮三星餐廳天巢法國餐廳首席甜品師Jonathan Touitou與新葡京麵包烘焙主廚Yusuf Cekirge製作了一系列精選法式甜品及當季節日佳禮。今年,新葡京酒店除了延續節日傳統,為賓客帶來自家製金磚蛋糕、檸檬蛋糕、四果黑朱古力、傳統梅子布丁及葡式國王蛋糕等自製美食,還有更多其他款式多樣的節日精選佳品。
In celebration of Christmas, Head Pastry Chef Jonathan Touitou of the Michelin 3-starred Robuchon au Dôme and Grand Lisboa Head Baker Yusuf Cekirge are creating a selection of divinely French sweets and festive favourites of the season. Home-made Vanilla Financier, Lemon Cakes, Chocolate Mendiant Tablettes, Classic Plum Pudding and Bolo Rei are just some of the homemade delicacies on offer at Grand Lisboa this year.

節日傳統火雞和火腿 | Traditional Turkey & Ham for the festive season
In keeping with tradition, Grand Lisboa will once again prepare roasted Butter Ball Turkey or boneless Gammon ham those who wish to celebrate at home. The perfectly roasted Butter Ball Turkey is complemented with raisin and bread crumbs stuffing, cranberry sauce, turkey giblet gravy and sautéed Brussels sprouts. The boneless Gammon ham is roasted and served with honey gravy and sautéed Brussels sprouts.

親手打造專屬節日禮籃 | Create your own holiday hampers
This year, Grand Lisboa Hotel invites guests to create their own hampers filled with handcrafted gifts from Fuhong and a selection of premium quality homemade delicacies from Grand Lisboa starting from a minimum of MOP 1,500. Turkey and ham hampers are priced at MOP 1,700 and are also available for purchase at the Lobby Hamper House. Orders are available from now until 26 December 2021. A minimum of two working days is required for all orders and are available for collection at the Hamper House.

以節日晚宴歡慶溫馨佳節 | Celebrate the warmth of the holidays with festive dining
新葡京酒店三間特色餐廳—「天巢法國餐廳」「大廚」「當奧豐素1890意式料理」將為聖誕節和除夕奉上節日晚宴。「天巢法國餐廳」行政總廚Julien Tongourian將為平安夜和聖誕節打造8道菜式晚宴,並為除夕打造9道菜式晚宴。「大廚」將於12月24日和25日呈獻豐盛的6道菜式晚宴,價格為每位澳門幣1,600元。為了迎接新年到來,餐廳亦將準備7道菜式晚宴,價格為每位澳門幣1,600元。「當奧豐素1890意式料理」將為聖誕節和除夕匠心製作了富有正宗意大利風味的晚宴菜單,為在餐廳歡慶的賓客及其親友帶來多款傳統節日美饌。平安夜、聖誕節和除夕6道菜式晚宴,價格均為每位澳門幣1,200元*。
Three signature restaurants at Grand Lisboa – Robuchon au Dôme, The Kitchen and Casa Don Alfonso will present holiday dinner menus for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Chef Julien Tongourian of Robuchon au Dôme is creating an 8-course dinner for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and a 9-course dinner on New Year’s Eve. The Kitchen will present a sumptuous 6-course dinner for MOP 1,600* per person on December 24th and 25th, and to ring in the New Year, will prepare a 7-course dinner at MOP 1,600* per person. Casa Don Alfonso is crafting truly Italian Christmas and New Year’s Eve dinner menus featuring traditional holiday dishes for guests to celebrate with friends and family this year. The 6-course dinner menus for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve are all priced at MOP 1,200* per person.
*Subject to 10% service charge

惠澤社群是最完美的聖誕禮物 | Giving back makes the perfect Christmas gift
今年,新葡京酒店很榮幸能夠與澳門扶康會合作,為聖誕節打造溫暖人心的禮物。 澳門扶康會是一間非牟利社會服務機構,為障別人士提供通過藝術展示自我才華的機會。透過澳門扶康會的「欣悅展能藝術工作室」,藝術家們擁有了一個可以為當地社群及來澳旅遊創作各式文創禮物的平台。今年,我們誠邀賓客蒞臨大堂禮品屋,在挑選絲巾、可循環使用的環保袋、冬季保暖襪、雨傘等精美禮品時,欣賞禮品上所描繪的澳門著名地標、古老街區以及標誌性荷花等插畫,每一幅都以精湛的筆觸,栩栩如生地立體再現了澳門之美。賓客的每一筆消費所得收益都將捐贈予澳門扶康會,在未來為障別人士創造更多可以發揮自我才能的機會。
Grand Lisboa is honoured to be partnering with Fuhong Society of Macau to create heartwarming Christmas gifts for the holidays. Fuhong, a nonprofit social service organisation, gives intellectually disabled individuals the opportunity to showcase their talents through art. This year, guests are welcome to the Lobby Hamper House, where they will discover silk scarves, recyclable canvas bags, warm socks for winter, umbrellas and more gifts depicting scenes of Macau’s famous landmarks, old neighbourhoods and lotus flowers. Each illustration recreates the beauty of Macau in a vivid and three-dimensional way. With every purchase made at the Lobby Hamper House, proceeds are given back to Fuhong Society of Macau, to foster more opportunities for the intellectually disabled to build on their talents in future.
