端午节作为澳门的传统节日之一,新葡京酒店米其林三星中餐厅“8 餐厅”特意于今年首次推出端午节:一品海味裹蒸粽、黑松露菌香咸肉粽及红豆蓉碱水粽,随选购每款端午粽附送限定保温便携袋,响应环保之余亦添双重意义。由即日起至 6 月 14 日,凡使用电子消费卡、指定移动支付平台或现金选购端午粽,可享八五折优惠。与亲朋好友一同共享佳节。
For the first time, Grand Lisboa Hotel’s Michelin threestarred Chinese restaurant – The 8 – is preparing premium glutinous rice dumplings in honour of one of Macau’s most vibrant annual events, the Dragon Boat Festival. Guests may select from a variety of savoury and sweet Premium Glutinous Rice Dumplings to take home or give away as gifts in a stylish, isothermic tote bag, compliments of the hotel. In celebration of the Dragon Boat season, Grand Lisboa is also offering a 15% discount to guests who wish to purchase the premium rice dumplings with their Electronic Consumption Cards, on mobile platforms or using cash between now and 14 June.

顶级端午节粽子 | Premium Glutinous Rice Dumplings
8 餐厅点心主厨尤华辉师傅及其团队以上乘的材料匠心打造了三款顶级端午粽,让宾客在节日享用。一品海味裹蒸粽以鲍鱼、海参、花胶、金华火腿、瑶柱等名贵食材入馅,将风味与口感完美融合。黑松露菌香咸肉粽浓郁的香气与口感,经由 8 餐厅的厨师团队以珍稀的黑松露、猪肉、咸蛋黄等食材融合制作,香气四溢、尽显奢华。此外,厨师团队亦为喜爱甜食的宾客巧制了红豆蓉碱水粽,以红豆沙为馅料,甜而不腻。
Dim Sum Head Chef Yah Wah Fai and his team at The 8 are handcrafting three varieties of glutinous rice dumplings for guests to enjoy in June. The Premium Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Abalone, Shark’s Fin and Conpoy is a beautiful blend of flavours and textures. Filled with luxurious ingredients, the premium rice dumpling also features sea cucumber, fish maw, Jinhua ham, conpoy and more. For even more intense flavours and aromas, The 8 is also creating the Savoury Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Salted Meat, Egg Yolk and Black Truffle. The distinctive black truffle is at the heart of this rice dumpling. On a sweeter note, the chefs are preparing Sweet Glutinous Rice Dumplings with Red Bean Paste, which may be purchased in pairs.
限定保温便携袋 | A Cool, Stylish Tote Bag
新葡京酒店设计了一款时尚环保的保温便携袋,以确保粽子在室外时依然处于适当的温度。这款米色的便携保温袋特设保温内格,能够阻隔外面的温度,环保实用。宾客选购任何一款一品海味裹蒸粽、黑松露菌香咸肉粽或两只装的红豆蓉碱水粽,均可获赠时尚便携保温袋壹个,让您轻松带回家和家人一同享用。一品海味裹蒸粽价格为澳门币 420 元、黑松露菌香咸肉粽价格为澳门币 220 元、红豆蓉碱水粽(两只装)价格为澳门币 180 元。
To keep the rice dumplings cold during the hot Dragon Boat season, Grand Lisboa has designed a stylish and convenient isothermic tote bag. The crème-coloured tote, which features pebbled leather on the outside, is fully insulated to keep the rice dumplings chilled inside for two hours. Guests will receive this designer tote bag as a complimentary gift with each purchase of one Premium Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Abalone, Shark’s Fin and Conpoy; one Savoury Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Salted Meat, Egg Yolk and Black Truffle and two Sweet Glutinous Rice Dumplings with Red Bean Paste. These offerings are priced at MOP420, MOP220 and MOP180, respectively.
除了端午节粽子外,宾客亦可任意选购 8 餐厅X.O.山珍野菌酱、8 餐厅自制黑椒腰果、新葡京巧制酱料礼盒套装等一系列限定商品,作为端午应节礼品馈赠亲友。新葡京酒店 8 餐厅端午节粽礼券现已在新葡京酒店大堂礼品屋售卖,宾客可于 6 月 1日至 14 日期间凭券换领。
In addition to the rice dumplings, guests are welcome to select from an array of classic, homemade Grand Lisboa culinary delights such as The 8 Premium X.O. Mushroom Sauce; The 8 Homemade Black Pepper Cashew Nuts; the Grand Lisboa Classic Homemade Sauce Gift Set and much more to give as gifts to friends and family. The Premium Glutinous Rice Dumplings and homemade culinary delights from Grand Lisboa are on sale now at the Lobby Hamper House, and redemptions may be made between 1 to 14 June, 2021.
Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau
Tel: +853 – 8803 7797