中新广州知识城作为粤港澳大湾区国际重大创新平台,持续致力于链接国际先进科技创新元素与社会资本力量。9月23日下午,中新广州知识城将携手La French Tech及中国法国工商会联合主办“中新广州知识城 & La French Tech粤港澳大湾区中法创新科技交流会”。 活动线上线下同时进行,诚邀您来参加.
As a major international innovation platform in the Great Bay Area, China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (CSGKC) continues to be committed to connecting international advanced technological innovation elements with social capital. On the afternoon of September 23, CSGKC will join hands with La French Tech and CCI France Chine to host the “China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City & La French Tech Greater Bay Area China-French Innovation and Technology Forum”.
活动时间及地点 | Event Time & Location
2020年9月23日下午2:30 | 14:30, Wednesday 23th September 2020
知识城国际科技中心(广州市黄埔区中新广州知识城中新智慧一街2号)| International Science & Technology Center In CSGKC
活动行程 | Event Agenda
14:00 – 14:30 参观知识城国际科技中心 | Tour of Knowledge City International Science and Technology Centre
14:30 – 14:50 嘉宾致辞 | Opening Speech
14:50 – 15:50 专题研讨会 | Panel Discussion
Topic 1:Development Opportunities and Trends of Science and Technology Innovation Ecology in the Greater Bay Area
Topic 2: How can French technological innovation enterprises seize the development opportunity of the Greater Bay Area to win together in the future?
15:50 – 16:50 中法优质科技企业路演 | Pitching Session for China and French Tech Companies
16:50 – 18:00 鸡尾酒交流会 | Cocktail Networking
The event will be held both online and offline, and we sincerely invite you to participate. Chinese and French political and business elites will share their prospects for the Greater Bay Area during the event. At the same time, many investors will be invited to support the event online and offline, we are aiming in providing a roadshow platform for French high-tech innovative enterprises, also providing opportunities for potential cooperation and financing docking in the form of cocktail networking.
路演环节项目征集 | Call for Pitching Projects
The event will invite 10+ Venture Capital representatives, and 20+ companies to join the online pitching session, if you wish to present your great project please contact Ms May Ye via may.ye@ssgkc.com
特邀分享嘉宾 | Speakers
法国驻广州总领事馆经济领事Pascal Millard先生 | Mr. Pascal Millard, Economic Consul of the Consulate General of France in Guangzhou
中新广州知识城开发建设办公室党组成员副主任徐晖先生 | Mr. Xu Hui, Vice Director & Party Member of China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Development and Construction Office
中新广州知识城开发建设办办公室招商引资处处长李一托先生 | Mr. Li Yituo, China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Development and Construction Office, Director of Investment Promotion Bureau
知识城合资公司副总裁王美芳女士 | Ms. Ong Bee Hong, DCEO of GKC JV Co.
法国经济顾问及法商会董事柏纪言先生 | Mr. Fabien Pacory, French Foreign Trade Advisor & Board Member of CCIFC
赛诺菲创新负责人夏文蓉女士 | Ms. Marie Chavanon, Head of Innovation at Sanofi
埃森哲高科技风投的创新生态负责人邓颖翀女士 | Ms. Rinchy Deng, Head of Innovation Ecosystem of Accenture Ventures
英国高林睿阁律师事务所合伙人戴伟宏先生 | Mr. Vivian Desmonts, Partner of Gowling WLG International Law Firm
法国科技代表广州负责人 Kevin Masgrau先生 | Mr. Kevin Masgrau, La French Tech Guangzhou Representative
广州斯图咨询有限公司魏隽女士 | Ms. Cathy Wei from STOS Advisory
活动报名 | RSVP
This event will be held both online and offline, please register via the following link:
报名截止时间为9月22日 (注:线下活动仅限50人,先到先得) | Please RSVP before the 22nd September (the Offline event is limited to 50 people on a first come first serve basis)
现场参与嘉宾将专车接送,接送时间及地点稍后公布 | A shuttle bus will be arranged, pick up time and location to be announced on a later stage.
活动组织机构 | Event Organization
活动主办方| Event Hosts:
中新广州知识城开发建设办公室 | China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Development and Construction Office
中新广州知识城投资开发有限公司 | Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment and Development Co., Ltd (CSGKC JV Co.)
法国科技 | La French Tech
中国法国工商会 | CCI France Chine
中新智慧园 | China-Singapore Smart Park
活动承办方| Event Organizer :
法国商服务中心 | French Business Service Centre (FBSC)
活动协办方| Event Co-organizers:
赛诺菲创新中心 | Sanofi Innovation Hub
巴黎投资促进局 | Choose Paris Region
创业磨坊 | Startup Grind
广东省风险投资促进会 | Guangdong Venture Capital Associations
三角铃公关 | San Jiao Ling PR
关于中新广州知识城 | ABOUT CSGKC
中新广州知识城是中国与新加坡国家级双边合作项目,是广东省与新加坡合作的标志性项目,地处广州市地理几何中心,黄埔区、广州开发区的北部,规划总面积为178 平方公里,规划总人口70-100 万。目前,中新广州知识城正以知识经济为创新模式,汇聚高端产业与人才,打造成为一座经济、人文与生态高度和谐及可持续发展的宜居之城。2019 年,知识城被纳入粤港澳大湾区战略规划,成为广深港澳科技创新走廊核心创新平台。中新广州知识城于2010 年6月30日正式奠基成立,历经十年的发展已具有未来城市的雏形。
The China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (CSGKC) is a state-level bilateral collaboration project between China and Singapore that started in Guangzhou 10 years ago. Its land size is about three times of Macau. CSGKC is positioned as a unique, vibrant and sustainable city that is highly attractive to both talents and knowledge-based industries. It includes education facilities, hi-tech business parks, residential and commercial areas, as well as recreational and public amenities. For more information about CSGKC, please visit our website or check our company presentation here: http://doc.sanjiaoling.com/ssgkc-presentation.pdf
La French Tech Community Hong-Kong /Shenzhen是在法国或国外的法国初创公司工作人员的社交平台。它包括企业家,以及投资者,开发商,设计师,工程师,协会,媒体,研究机构等。其首要目标是将所有这些人召集在一起,以便较大的团体可以帮助较小的公司,有资历的公司可以指导年轻的新公司-他们都共同努力,帮助法国的创意力量在国内外蓬勃发展。
La French Tech Community Hong-Kong /Shenzhen is a network of actors working for French startups in France or abroad. It includes entrepreneurs, as well as investors, developers, designers, engineers, associations, media, research institutes etc. Its first objective is to bring all those people together so that the bigger groups can help the smaller companies, the older ones can guide the younger ones – and all of them work together to help France’s creative forces thrive at home and overseas.
关于法国商务服务中心 | ABOUT French Business Service Centre
“法国商务服务中心” 设立于中新广州知识城中新智慧园内,知识城合资公司推动设立,旨在帮助有意进驻中国大湾区的法国中小型企业的国际产业合作平台。
The French Business Service Centre (FBSC) was initiated by GKC JV Co. and is located in the China-Singapore Smart Park (CSSP), it is an international collaboration platform serving as a Launchpad to help the French companies to enter into the Greater Bay Area (GBA).