广州TEDx珠江新城-TEDxZhujiangNewTown, Guangzhou.

DB: 我们知道TED是全球著名的思想交流与分享平台,那么TED本身和TEDx珠江新城有什么明显的区别吗?We know that TED is a famous worldwide platform for great ideas and thoughts to be shared and exchanged together. What are the distinctive differences between TED and TEDxZhujiangNewTown?

TED会议是世界知名的年度思想聚会:最顶尖的思想家和行动家相聚讨论他们最热衷的话题,比如今年三月在加拿大TED大会嘉宾包括澳大利亚前总理Kevin Rubb、微软创始人及慈善家Bill Gates、社会活动家Monica Lewinsky等人。
TED is an annual event where some of the world’s leading thinkers and doers are invited to share what they are most passionate about. It is a great platform that showcases ideas that matter in any discipline and shape our future. There are great guest speakers such as the former prime minister of Australia Kevin Rubb, the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, social activist Monica Lewinsky and so on.

TEDx珠江新城是TED官方授权的TEDx非盈利性活动。TEDx珠江新城认同「ideas worth spreading」的理念,相信好的想法能改变世界。通过聚焦广州发展节奏最快的中心商圈,联结华南最优秀的创改精英,分享华南最具前瞻性的思想,尝试建立一个多元的分享社区,以此关注广州的发展、社群、未来、文创、人性和人文关怀。
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share during TED-like experience. Aiming to trigger in-depth discussion in social issues, creative industries, city development and Guangzhou, the establishment of TEDxZhujiaNewTown will bring together the city elites in Southern China and encourage the thinking and sharing for creative ideas. We are here to make Guangzhou a more interesting city!

DB: TEDx珠江新城是什么时候成立的?它的愿景是什么?When was TEDxZhujiangNewTown established and what is its vision?

It was founded in 2015. The vision of TEDxZhujiangNewTown is to spread global ideas with Guangzhou insight and share Guangzhou stories to the global audience.

DB: 作为TEDx珠江新城大会的策展团队,是一种怎样的体验?How does it feel like to be the curatorial team for TEDxZhujiangNewTown?

Anson AN (策展人): 痛苦并坚持,为了一件单纯的事情全力以赴。团队的全部成员都是在利用第三个八小时进行合作,但我们全力追求专业和完美,这必然非常痛苦。但完成活动后,看到城市的居民因为一场活动开始思考这座城市的未来。一切都是值得的。
Anson AN (Curator): Painstaking but rewarding. We go all out for the same goal. Our team members spend our third eight hours working together, and we stick to the pursuit of professionalism and perfection. We know it must be painstaking, but every time we finish the event, we feel so rewarding when we see those who attend the event thinking seriously about the future of the city.

Josephine ZHANG (联合策展人): ‘痛并快乐着,疯狂并认真着’,这足以概况2年多来的TEDx珠江新城策展体验。团队里的队员来自各个行业、各个职能,纯粹为了‘打造高质量内容’的目标一起努力,从一开始看起来的那么不可能,到现在已经有了一个成熟完整的体系,实属不易。而因为一直在挖掘广州不同层面的故事,让我们对广州这个城市有了更特殊的一份情怀。
Josephine ZHANG (Co-curator): Suffering while enjoying. Hardworking and crazy. This can sum up what we have done for the past two years in the team. Our teammates are from all walks of life and they possess varied skills. We pursue the same goal and fight for it together. It seems uneasy and impossible at the very beginning, but now we have already established our own work system as a unit. We have been exploring different levels of stories in Guangzhou and this allows us to have a unique feeling for this city.

Katrina SHAN(市场活动总监): 在加入这个团队后,我常常问自己 “你足够思想开放吗? 策展团队内的每个人都有不同的职业、不同的社会身份、不同的特长和性格特点,我们带着不同的经历和思维系统, 组成一个没有任何商业目的或利益的团队,亲密接触,慢慢建立信任是个奇妙的经历,其实也是一个不断突破自己的认知系统去聆听和接受的过程。另外,我们接触不同的讲者,和他们交流、挖掘他们想法中深层次的部分,去拥抱不同的观点 – 甚至很多观点你一开始不认同的,不确信的,难以理解的,或使你眼前一亮的。把自己的触角探进未知的世界,并拥抱它,大概就是我的体验。有意识无意识让自己更加思想开放的体验。
Katrina SHAN (Director of Marketing Campaign): Before joining this team, I often ask myself, “are you open-minded enough?”. In our team, each member has a different occupation, social identity, skill and personality. We build a team that aims at non-commercial purposes and benefits with our own experiences and mindsets, and we establish mutual trust gradually by working closely. This is a magical process as we keep breaking through ourselves by listening to and accepting different ideas. Besides,we get along and communicate with different speakers, digging the deepest part of their thoughts and hence embrace them. There are even some thoughts that you may not be able to believe in and understand, and some of them may surprise you. To explore the unknown world and embrace it. This is what I feel during experiencing the process, which makes me more open-minded.

Volans QIAN (活动管理总监): 热诚又活泼,可爱又疯狂,敢于和机会、挑战、挫折并存并行。不断拓展第三个八小时的可能与厉害,也是在骨感现实里尽量丰满的践行者。珠江边上繁衍着的这个城,承载着旧也不停出现新风貌的这个城,是不是有更多方式推动她的变迁和人文的传承?“让广州更有趣”,把美好愿景的几个字接上“地气”,说出来的不少,做下去的不多。如果没有成为TEDx珠江新城大会的策展团队成员,大概不会对这些多元多角度的idea有那么近距离的碰撞,也不会对各种“有趣”来之不易有如此拼命的体验。更多源于主观能动的约束和使命,令这个策展团队与第一个八小时的工作团队有所区别,也因此有着不一样的互动。
Volans QIAN (Director of Event Management):Enthusiasm and vivacity; dare and opportunities, challenges and difficulties. We keep pushing the boundary of the third eight hours and we keep perfecting the imperfect world. A city that thrives along the pearl river carries the old and presents the new. Are there any more ways to improve her whiling inheriting her legacies? If I were in TEDxZhujiangNewTown, I would not have a chance to touch those ideas in a diverse way and I would not have such amazing experiences with my team members. Due to our subjective initiative and special mission, we can be differentiated from others and have different interactions.

DB: 近期国内外的部分前沿大会分享主题一直都在突破传统主题的极限(商业、教育、哲理、文化、创新等),近期还涉及了跨性别研究、人工智能战等主题,你们在未来会打算做这类比较有挑战的主题分享大会吗? TED overseas is quite committed to breaking the boundary of what they have done before and their talks recently involve such topics as religious conflicts, transgender studies and AI wars etc., instead of those traditional ones (commerce, education, philosophy, culture or innovation). Will your team plan to try these challenging topics in the future events?

Anson and Josephine: 只要是广州的中产阶级关注并希望思考的,或者世界正在热议的,我们都希望有所探索;但不同的是,我们更希望以广州为起点,去思考这些议题带给这座城市的改变。2015年大会,我们着重探寻‘人与城市‘、发现跨行业、跨文化之间的‘共生’’; 在2016年7月年度沙龙之时,我们曾就‘人性‘作出过深入的研讨:无论男性女性,以及人性,因其大不同,探讨的过程即是一个寻找与逼视自己的旅程。而在2016年的年度大会上,对AI的创新诠释、医学与艺术的结合、大数据对医疗诊断的影响、共享经济等成为了我们关注并且希望传达的信息,带领大家继续‘寻找‘未来的多种可能性。2017年,当各类思想浪潮、高科技风尚、人文艺术的更迭蜂拥而至,TEDx珠江新城将会为大家打造更为精致的内容。
Anson and Josephine: We want to explore more topics that Guangzhou bourgeoisies want to ponder over or the world has been discussing. However, we prefer focusing on Guangzhou as a starting point and use those topics to help better the city. In 2015, we explored “Human and City”, discussing the co-existence across different sectors and cultures. In July 2016, our annual salon concentrates on a detailed discussion on “the nature of human”; whether males or females as well as humans, their definitions vary, and this exploration happens to be a journey of self-reflection and self-discovery. In the same year of our annual meeting, our focus rested in the innovation of AI, the combination of medical science and art, the mutual influence between the big data era and medical science and shared economy. This became our main emphasis and gave us a chance to lead the exploration further on its possible future. In 2017, TEDxZhujiangNewTown will provide our audience with more quality sharing as our thoughts are changing, our technologies are innovating and art and humanity are bettering.

DB: 为什么你们愿意作为志愿者,花费这么多时间做TEDx珠江新城?Why do you want to be a volunteer and spend a large amount of time on TEDxZhujiangNewTown?

Anson: 因为我们身处广州,见证这座城市似乎慢慢落后于其他一线城市,很着急,希望可以做点什么。这是我们每个人的城市,我们希望她变得更好。
Anson: Because we are living in Guangzhou,meanwhile witnessing its slow progress when comparing it to other big first-tier city. This is a city to everyone. We hope to do something to improve her and make her better.

Josephine: 每次被问起‘为什么愿意付出这么多时间做TEDx珠江新城’,第一反应便是因为身边一群时而疯狂、十分亲密、互相加油打气的队员,在很多个深夜,我们见证着许多idea的涌现和呈现,然后疲惫而又兴奋地为这个团队感到自豪。慢慢地,接触到更多认可和支持这个依靠‘每天第3个八小时’的项目,看到了从前未见到的更多有意思的人、有趣的事、有创意的互动,让我们相信它真的能改变这座城市的一点点。在这么浮躁的如今,如果我们做的事,能够让一些些人有了启发、有了行动,实实在在地去做一些事,那么便是踏出了第一步。每一年,我们多做一点点,便是积累。
Josephine: When asked “why do you want to spend so much time in doing TEDxZhujiangNewTown”, my first reaction is that I am so proud of this team. We are intimate; we are cheerful to each other and we witness the birth of many great ideas together after many late-night works. Even if we are very tired, we gradually receive more recognitions and supports on what we do, get to know more interesting and creative people, stories and have more unexpected interactions, which keeps motivating us to work on “the third eight-hour program”. It also makes us believe that we are changing the city bit by bit. The current society is impetuous. If what we do can help inspire people and make them take action to pursue their ideals, it will then be our first step. If we keep doing it every year, it will be a long-term benefit for all.

DB:在2017年,TEDx珠江新城将会有什么计划?What will be TEDxZhujiangNewTown’s plan for 2017?

This year we will try more interactive activities that can allow people to join and change. At present, we are preparing the 2017 annual meeting and seeking for online and offline cooperation opportunities. Anyone who is interested in our project is welcome. Let’s get in touch and change Guangzhou into a more interesting city to live in!

DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘TEDx珠江新城’?Where can we get more information about ‘TEDxZhujiangNewTown’?

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