随着复活节的到来,新葡京酒店推出缤纷复活彩蛋、复活兔巧克力和每天新鲜出炉的十字面包等惊喜节日美味。新葡京酒店西饼行政主厨村中德仁与面包烘焙主厨 Yusuf Cekirge 精心打造甜蜜春日美点,供宾客送礼或带回家与亲友共同迎接复活节。
With Easter on the horizon, Grand Lisboa Hotel is pleased to present traditional festive treats of chocolate Easter eggs, Easter rabbits and freshly baked hot cross buns. Grand Lisboa Executive Pastry Chef Norihito Muranaka and Head Baker Yusuf Cekirge are crafting these sweet springtime creations for guests to give away as gifts, or to take home and celebrate with family at Easter.
Delicately hand-crafted by Chef Norihito and his talented team of pastry chefs, each eggstraordinary egg is made entirely of rich, dark chocolate from France. The largest egg is more than 8 inches tall and every inch is good to eat! Guests may select from Easter eggs and Easter Rabbits that have been painted in an assortment of colours. These colourful eggs and chocolate Easter rabbits are now on offer at Round-The-Clock Coffee Shop.
尽享一个传统的复活节,必不可少的一定是传统十字面包。今年,Yusuf 师傅及其团队烘烤了蓬松的面包,其材料包括少许肉桂、豆蔻和豆蔻粉,并用葡萄干和干果皮作为点缀。最后以糖霜在顶部画上“十字”作为锦上添花之笔。宾客可以在日夜咖啡室选购四个装的十字面包,售价为澳门币20元,或传统十字面包,售价为澳门币15元。
Easter would not be Easter without the traditional hot cross bun. This year, Chef Yusuf and his team are baking fluffy, fragrant buns that are lightly spiced with a sprinkling of cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg powder, and studded with raisins and candied orange. For the finishing touch, a signature “cross” is the icing on top. Guests may select from four small hot cross buns at MOP 20 or one large hot cross bun for MOP 15 at Round-The-Clock Coffee Shop.
Now through 5th April, 2021, all of these colourful Easter holiday treats are available at Round-The-Clock Coffee Shop.
Round-The-Clock Coffee Shop
U2/F, Grand Lisboa
Grand Lisboa
Tel: +853-2888 3888