新濠天地摩珀斯酒店 | Hotel Morpheus Macau at City of Dreams
新濠天地摩珀斯酒店 | Hotel Morpheus Macau at City of Dreams

由已故普立兹克建筑奖得主扎哈‧哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)女爵士设计的举世之作,新濠天地摩珀斯酒店(Hotel Morpheus Macau)近日在澳门隆重揭幕,并吸引了包括来自香港的周汶锜、乐基儿、刘心悠、王敏德、马诗慧及张天,还有内地模特纪凌尘、歌手尚雯婕及赛车手马青骅、以及国际著名动作巨星甄子丹、艺人及国际超模杜鹃等星级嘉宾到场,于红地毯闪耀这一澳门全新瞩目地标。

新濠天地摩珀斯酒店 | Hotel Morpheus Macau at City of Dreams
新濠天地摩珀斯酒店 | Hotel Morpheus Macau at City of Dreams

作为新濠天地摩珀斯酒店开幕唯一指定的影像服务商,Cedric M影像团队(Cedric M Video Shanghai)将最专业的影像定制服务与超高品质的开幕盛会完美结合,用镜头记录下了新濠天地摩珀斯酒店的每一个梦幻和精彩的瞬间,通过充满顶尖时尚,奢华品味和悦动感的视频与图片留住了每位到场星级嘉宾的专属回忆。

据Cedric M影像制片总监Ben Lazerges介绍,业界精英参与的高品质社交活动,他们在追求奢华尊享式体验的同时,对精彩瞬间的记录有更高层次和个性化的要求。

摩珀斯为全球首座采用自由形态外骨骼结构的摩天大楼,突破了多项建筑技术,由内至外皆展示举世无双的建筑奇观,光与影在其内外表面反复折射与投射,形成了各式炫丽的变化。酒店开幕之夜,当梦神摩珀斯梦境般的云绸天幕开启,Ed Banger Records电音公司创始人兼著名法国唱片骑师和音乐制作人Pedro “Busy P” Winter,连同来自区内56位音乐家演奏由著名作曲家Thomas Roussel特别为摩珀斯创作之乐曲。演奏家分布于酒店不同楼层表演,为贵宾们带来震撼人心之乐章。

新濠天地摩珀斯酒店 | Hotel Morpheus Macau
新濠天地摩珀斯酒店 | Hotel Morpheus Macau

创立于2003年,Cedric M影像团队不断探索全新影像呈现方式,从影像设备与技术的更新、以至圈内平台的搭建“Be in it.”。包括新濠天地摩珀斯酒店开幕仪式的精彩影像在内,Cedric M影像团队以及近300家品牌、公关公司、影像制作公司、经纪公司等专业团队和个人的影像作品和资讯都将展示在这一平台上。

Just like no other hotel in the world, Macau has officially opened its door to Morpheus Hotel and is already set to become one of Macau’s most extravagant address at the City of Dreams. The unique architectural masterpiece designed by the late Pritzker Prize-winning architect Dame Zaha Hadid DBE has attracted celebrities all around China, such as Kathy Chow, Gaile Lok, Annie Lau, Michael Fitzgerald Wong, Janet Ma and Tien Chong,  Ji Lingchen, F1 racing driver Qinghua Ma, international famous action superstar Donnie Yen, actress and supermodel Jennifer Du to shine at the red carpet of this stunning extravagance hotel.

Ben Lazerges, head of production from Cedric M Video Shanghai – Morpheus’ opening ceremony video and live streaming service provider emphasis that, high-end social events attended by elites in the industry have a higher level and individualized requirements for the recording, “Our partners and our team must spot and capture exciting moments from different angles and edit them into a story, sometimes required onset editing”.

The world’s first free-form exoskeleton-bound high-rise architectural design, Morpheus Hotel Macau incorporates several architectural and technological breakthroughs that make it a one-of-a-kind marvel, both inside and out. At the grand opening, the dream-like silky sky curtain opened with a thrilling performance by the Ed Banger Records electric company founder and famous French disc jockey and music producer Pedro “Busy P” Winter, together with 56 musicians from the region distributed on different floors of the hotel. The musicians performed music created by famous composer Thomas Roussel specifically for Morpheus.

Founded in 2003 in Shanghai, the Cedric M Video is one of the most established video production agency and event live-streaming service provider in China, “I am also creating a digital platform ‘Be in it.’” Cédric Marginedes founder of Cedric M Video added, “Thanks to my long-term partners and clients. Together, we create beautiful moments and new experiences for the savvy consumers nowadays”.