Istanbul Airport, Turkey’s gateway to the world, breaks new grounds with a new airport museum available to all international passengers. The Istanbul Airport Museum will kick off with the “Treasures of Turkey: Faces of the Throne” exhibition. This elevates the airport from a global hub with outstanding passenger service to a venue for culture and art, presenting pieces from throughout Turkish history for travelers to explore. Istanbul Airport joins other airports such as San Francisco or Amsterdam in hosting its museum.
İGA Airport Operation Inc 公司的 CEO Kadri Samsunlu 在谈到伊斯坦布尔机场博物馆开业时评论道:“我们要把乘客候机的时间变成一次独一无二的体验,希望让他们把目光投注在艺术与文化之中。”
Kadri Samsunlu, CEO of İGA Airport Operation Inc, comments on the opening of the museum: “We want to turn the time spent at the airport into an unique experience. Our aim is to turn our passengers attention on art and culture.”
博物馆中还简要介绍了分散于土耳其境内被 UNESCO 列为世界文化遗产地的 18 处遗迹。
The museum also offers introductory information on 18 places in Turkey listed as World Cultural Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
博物馆的首展会呈现土耳其不同历史时期的艺术作品 | The first exhibition will feature art from different eras of Turkish history
“土耳其珍宝:王座真容” 正在展出来自土耳其 29 家博物馆的 316 件不同藏品。展览包含了一系列令人神往的历史文物,例如“《加低斯条约》”——人类历史上已知的第一份和平条约。展览中还包括了史前哥贝克力巨石阵及加泰土丘时代的文物,还有属于安纳托利亚文明和很多其他不同时期的历史文物。“通过这家博物馆,我们才有机会把这些文物真品集中在一个展览之中,否则参观者基本上是不可能同时观赏到所有这些文物的。”Kadri Samsunlu 表示。
“Treasures of Turkey: Faces of the Throne” is displaying 316 different pieces from 29 Turkish museums. The exhibition is a collection that consists of several fascinating artefacts such as the “Kadesh Treaty”, the first peace treaty known in the history of humanity. The exhibition comprises pieces of the prehistoric Göbeklitepe and Çatalhöyük eras, along with historic artefacts belonging to Anatolian civilizations and the many other periods. “With this museum, we have been able to gather some original artifacts under a single roof, which would otherwise be impossible to set eyes on at a single time”, says Kadri Samsunlu.
开放时间 Open Hours
日早 09:00 – 晚 09:00
Daily: 09:00 – 21:00
门票 5 欧元,8 岁以下的儿童可以免费参观
Admission: 5 Euro, free admission to visitors under 8 years