自上一次DB采访澳门文华东方酒店总经理Jill Goh已过去两年。在担任总经理之前,Jill在文华东方酒店集团工作将近20年,感觉在这里工作有家的感觉。澳门文华东方酒店专门提供奢华高标准的服务,是一家屡获殊荣的五星级酒店。在今天的采访中,DB主要探讨了Jill作为总经理的工作经历,以及她的价值观与过往经历对她运营酒店的影响。
It has been nearly two years since DB last interviewed Jill Goh about her new position as General Manager of Mandarin Oriental, Macau. Before being appointed GM, she has spent almost two decades with the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group and feels that working there means being a part of a family. Mandarin Oriental, Macau is a five star, award winning hotel which excels in providing luxury and high standard services. In today’s interview, DB will find out what Jill’s experience working as General Manager has been so far and how her values and background influence the decisions she makes when overseeing day-to-day operations.
DB: 您担任总经理一职将近两年了。请问您到目前为止有怎样的工作感受?It has been almost two years since you were appointed General Manager. What has your experience in this role been like so far?
It has been challenging yet exciting. Macau is a unique place and it is constantly evolving and growing. I like the fact that it keeps me on my toes and with my great team here, we are constantly challenging ourselves to look for unique reasons for our guests to visit us. Over the past years, we have brought in many world renowned chefs, mixologists and spa consultants. With all the colourful events, we are driving great exposures for the hotel and Macau as a destination.
DB: 澳门文华东方酒店在社交媒体的出现率也很高。在你们的facebook网页上,除了酒店的活动,你们还推广健康的生活方式、保健等等。请问这是你们对顾客关怀态度的体现吗?Mandarin Oriental, Macau has a growing presence on social media. On your Facebook page, in addition to its events, the hotel promotes healthy living and wellness. Is this reflective of your caring attitude towards your guests?
我认为在当今社会,运用社交媒体是非常重要的。对我来说,社交媒体不仅是一个宣传的平台,也是我们向关注者传递积极信息的渠道。另外,除了定期举办一些有趣的活动,我和我的团队会持续为客人和同事们分享日常的保健养生之道。同时,我们每周都有一场为我们的同事举办的活动。要么在湖边竞走,要么是健美操、瑜伽,或者是举办羽毛球赛。我们的同事都会很积极地参与,这是我们很开心见到的。用Zig Ziglar的话说,“健康的大脑育孕健康的身体,反之亦然”。
I believe in the present world, it is very important for us to be engaging on social media. To me, social media is not just a promotional platform but also a channel for us to send a positive message to our followers. In addition to organising interesting events, wellness is something close to my heart. My team and I will continue to share tips on ways to lead a healthy lifestyle with our guests and colleagues. Meanwhile, we organise an activity for our colleagues every week. Whether it is jogging around the lake, aerobics, yoga or badminton tournaments, it is gratifying to see that our colleagues are actively participating. To quote Zig Ziglar ‘A healthy mind breeds a healthy body and vice versa’.
DB: 您来自一个艺术家庭,也曾有过音乐表演和公开演讲的经历。请问您的艺术背景是否有影响作为总经理的时所做的决定?You come from an artistic family and have a history of performance in music and public speaking. How does your artistic background influence the decisions you make as General Manager?
The artistic ‘gene’ in me urges me to do things beyond the norm. I have also been instilled from a very young age to always ‘reach for the stars’. I am always thinking how to instil this into my team which in turns influence the decisions we make.
DB: 在您看来,为什么众多国际名人都会选择澳门文华东方酒店?In your opinion, why is Mandarin Oriental, Macau a regular choice for many international celebrities?
Our legendary service that is the testament to our renowned reputation have built a world class brand. Our guests can be confident knowing that all their preferences are being taken care of and that their expectations are exceeded every time.
DB: 澳门文华东方酒店是澳门唯一一家非博彩五星级酒店,致力于推广澳门以及提供更多博彩业以外的服务。请问为什么你们会这么定位,以及您觉得澳门作为一个旅游城市还需要提供怎样的服务?Mandarin Oriental is the only non-gaming hotel in the area and works hard to promote Macau and the hotel as a destination that offers more than just gaming attractions. Why is this important to you and what else do you feel Macau as a location has to offer?
In the recent years, Macau has evolved into a more diversified International entertainment hub. Visitors are choosing to stay longer to enjoy what Macau has to offer. I think by ensuing the awareness of the cultural heritage in Macau globally along with improved land transportation, Macau will succeed to be the destination of choice for leisure travellers.
官方网站 Website: https://www.mandarinoriental.com/macau/one-central/luxury-hotel
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