Kennedy – 珠海莲笙创始人-Owner, L.S. Club, Zhuhai.
DB: 身为DJ的你,是什么让您决定开莲笙Club? At DB we know you as a DJ, what made you decide to start L.S. Club?
The idea to start L.S. Club has always been in our minds. We have been DJ’s for many years and always tried to find a place where we can display our own specific style. And now, we finally realised our goal. L.S. Club allows us to reach people to let them get to know our own understanding of music. We wanted to open a club that has profundity in all its aspects: like music, f&B and design. L.S. Club acts as a music interchange platform where we serve wonderful wine and food in a beautiful scenery which warmly welcomes music lovers and guests to have a great time together.

DB: 做了DJ那么多年,你把以前做DJ的经验用在经营这个莲笙Club上吗?Being a DJ for many years, which aspects from those years of experience contributed to L.S. Club as it is now?
During my years as a DJ, I have visited many regions for my performances. In 1997, I arrived in Zhuhai and played my repertoire in the YESTERDAY. YESTERDAY used to be a fantastic platform for me to learn new things because, at this club, I could experiment with many new music genres. I also continued learning in some big and advanced clubs or by taking part in DJ competitions. For instance, I went to some famous clubs in Shanghai to further enhance my music knowledge and develop my own style. In 2001, I was awarded as the winner in the“China DJ Competition”, which was a great recognition for my years of effort in this scene. After that, I continued to explore new genres and saw new possibilities to perform. Eventually, I came back to Zhuhai with loads of experience in my pocket and decided to bring something new here. Nowadays, there are emerging many good clubs in Zhuhai, which brings along a variety on new DJ’s with their own style. However, being already in the scene for so long, I wanted to have my own platform, which evidently turned out to be L.S. Club. It allows me to play my own music and share our experiences and ideas with others alike.
DB: 在莲笙Club,客人可以听到什么样的音乐(风格)呢?What kind of music can we expect at L.S. Club?
我们莲笙并没明文规定这里只能放什么音乐,或者用什么形式来演绎我们的音乐,但我们一直以来都比较喜欢细腻和内敛的音乐。如果有好的音乐和好的歌手,我们都随时欢迎。对于音乐类型的选择,我们更偏向有深度和有故事的Deep House。对于客人而言,他们对音乐的期待会是一些能够给他们带来与其他酒吧不同的音乐感受。我们莲笙每晚都有不同的音乐表演,先是早场的歌手演唱,然后到夜场的DJ音乐播放。在这里,音乐风格会更为多元,更有层次性的变化。
At L.S Club, we don’t have particular rules on what music we should play or how we should play it, but we always preferred our music to be exquisite and understated. However, if there is a good singer or a good song, we welcome them. For the music style, we tend to prefer Deep House with depth and has a story to tell. As for our guests, we want to give them something different they can’t find in any other bars and clubs. In order to do so, we arrange different music performances in L.S. club. For example, we organise early shows where we invite singers to perform live at the stage and late show where DJ’s will play their tracks. As you can see, we are quite flexible; music styles in L.S Club will not remain the same but adapt through time which means there will always be diversity. Furthermore, on Friday and Saturday, we will have our party night and some excellent DJ’s will join in to party with the guests.
DB: 目前莲笙目标观众有哪些?What’s the target audience of L.S. Club?
莲笙主要吸引年纪较为成熟,尤其是喜欢音乐的朋友,或是有DJ表演经历的朋友。当然,我们也有许多其他的观众群体,比如上班族的白领,他们长期在办公室工作,压力大,需要一个好的地方放松自我,而这里刚好是他们的首选。一是莲笙拥有别具一格的户外美景环境,二是我们的音乐和DJ风格与一些大型的俱乐部不同,莲笙的更偏向于平和静谧,走Deep House的路线较多,而且富有故事性,这样可以较好地放松前来我们餐厅的顾客。同时,我们的音乐和表演风格也因时因人而变,比如周五周六或遇上派对活动时,我们也会邀请国内出色的DJ与大家一起放松玩起来。
L.S Club mainly attracts a middle-aged audience, in particular, music fanatics and guests who have a background as a DJ. We also have other guests such as office workers who want to escape the hustle from work now and again to relief themselves and L.S. Club offers them such a place. But in the end, people from every walk of life are welcome here at L.S. Club.
DB: 莲笙的位置选址十分到位,坐拥山水,湖亭环绕,但是也相对隐蔽,当初您为什么会找到并选择这么一个地方? The location has a great atmosphere with a beautiful lake view. However, it’s pretty hidden. Why did you choose this particular location?
It took us a long time before we found a venue that perfectly matches our ideal. When we found this site in the New Yuanming Palace, everything felt into place. The name of our club “L.S.” stands for something special to us. The “L” (Lian) – “lotus”, means “Live in the silt but not imbrued” in Chinese, and this venue happens to have a lotus pond and a bamboo grove. The “S” – “Sheng” refers to one of the oldest instruments in China, known to give people a sense of peace and relaxation. That is why we are beyond happy to own this venue which is not only consistent with our concept but also brings tranquility and ease to people.