埃里克·巴拉泰:将述说历史的话语权交给动物 | Eric Baratay, a historian who gives a voice to animals
埃里克·巴拉泰:将述说历史的话语权交给动物 | Eric Baratay, a historian who gives a voice to animals

为了反驳历史是人类专属的观点,埃里克·巴拉泰开始搜集并研究动物界的历史资料。然而这一新颖的尝试却并不是如运诸掌,因为现有的绝大多数文献资料都是以人类为中心的。 在接触到各种关于动物行为生态学的文字记载和图片资料后,他开辟出书写历史的新领域并开始了史无前例的动物传记,即以动物的感觉、感知和经历讲述它们的日常故事或生活片段。也许某一天我们不经意间会认识巴黎植物园里的长颈鹿,史蒂文森的毛驴慕德斯汀,在第一次世界大战中服役的战马瓦瑞奥,杀死了西班牙斗牛士马诺莱特的愤怒的公牛伊赛罗,两只人化的猩猩龚苏勒和梅什,还有旧金山最有名气的两只狗布默和拉撒路,托马斯·曼的狗宝山和柯莱特的狗杜茶。
To combat the idea that history is the sole preserve of humans, Eric Baratay began to study and document the stories of members of the animal kingdom. This original approach is nonetheless extremely rigorous, although its anthropocentric sources mean that it is often something of a (successful!) gamble. Combining written archives, images and ethological and environmental knowledge, Baratay pushes the boundaries of written history, offering new biographies – stories drawn from life or fragments of life – constructed around the feelings, perceptions and experiences of animals. We come to see certain animals in a completely different light: the giraffe of the Jardin des Plantes; Stevenson Modestine’s donkey; Warrior, a horse involved in the First World War; Islero the bull, who caused the death of Manolete; Consul and Meshie, two humanized chimpanzees; and the dogs Lazarus and Bummer, or Bauschan and Douchka.

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