DB:什么原因促使您从事泰式理疗?What prompted you to engage in Thai therapy?
这就是我创办闺蜜泰疗的初衷 —— 感受细节,体验美好,享受当下。
Smile seems like a natural instinct of Thai people and something in their genetic code. So, the warm and unsophisticated smile becomes a symbol of Thailand. In this country, we always slow down our pace by looking at those smiley faces and feel the “breathing” of life. It is this atmosphere that makes people always be grateful, cherish life and enjoy every moment. This is my original intention of establishing the Great Me Thai Therapy – to feel the details, experience the beauty and enjoy the moment. We are devoted to making a “slow life in Thailand” aura in our therapy, advocating a life attitude of ‘feeling the details’. We wish for every customer to leave with happiness, unload their exhaustion and sleep tight.
DB:您能跟我们谈谈闺蜜泰疗的一些亮点吗?闺蜜泰疗与其他的理疗有什么不同?Please tell us about some features of Great Me Thai Therapy? What distinguishes it from other spas?
When I was studying in Thailand, I met a principal of a Thai physiotherapy school. He is an overseas Chinese man, born and raised in Thailand, so I curiously pressed him on the question: “What is Thai therapy after all?” The principal answered me in Chinese, and he said: “In fact, Thai therapy is about traceability, because of the environmental difference (Thailand is hot in every seasons), they also pursue the process of enjoyment. Then, they get different feelings. It is a way of maintaining health which comes from the body and reaches the heart. This is what distinguishes us from other therapy. What kind of feeling is this? It is an all-around enjoyment of five senses through sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch – that reaches our heart.”
DB:客人对泰疗有什么看法?How do the customers feel about Thai therapy?
对客人来说, 泰疗代表着什么?在创办闺蜜泰疗的初期,团队和我都进行了深刻的思考“客人在闺蜜泰疗体验,想得到的是什么?”我们设想的是,希望为客人卸下生活的烦恼和尘埃,提供舒服自在的环境,给予空间和时间让客人在此重新蓄满能量;希望闺蜜泰疗对于客人如甜品之于心情,如笑容之于快乐。
For customers, what does Thai therapy means? In the initial stage of establishing Great Me, my team and I had to think deeply about the question: “what do customers want when they are experiencing Thai Therapy?” What we hoped is that we can unload the troubles and bad feelings about life by providing our customers with comfortable surroundings and giving them time and space to refill their energy. Luckily, our presuppositions and ideas have come true. ‘Easy, comfortable and warm’ are the three most frequently used words that customers use to praise Great Me. In 2017, we were chosen as the quality merchant and popular merchant in Zhuhai. These awards are the best recognition that customers have given me. We will continue to move forward in a gentle and firm manner in 2018.
DB:您的团队是在哪里学习泰式理疗的?Where did your team study Thai therapy?
In order to learn authentic Thai therapy and have a deep understanding about Thai culture, we hired a senior Thai teacher to provide service and technical training for our technicians. From trainers to hardware, we always ask ourselves for the highest specification. Physical therapists have dedicated more than 300 hours to study and practice the basic care and more than 1000 hours to study and practice for advanced care. Then, the therapist needs to go through internal multi-level assessment (peer physiotherapist, senior physiotherapist and team sampling). Before being placed in service, a Thai teacher will give them training and guidance on Thai culture. We also regularly arrange for team members to experience local life in Thailand and to study and communicate with local people. Through the physical experience, I hope each member will form a different concept and feeling for the culture of the void, then pass the feeling to guests.
DB:未来您打算如何发展闺蜜泰疗?What are the future plans for Great Me Thai Therapy?
Nowadays, our authentic Thai physiotherapy services have been initially recognized by everyone, but the sensory satisfaction brought to customers through our service may be a little short-lived. Consequently, we would like to teach people rather than just providing them with our service. I hope our concept of “feel the details, experience beauty and enjoy the moment” forged by Great Me can help people to let nature integrate into everyone’s life.