Explore the Light
Themed as “Explore the Light” this year, Macao Tourism Mascot “MAK MAK” will join local and visiting spectators to explore four glittery routes and Macao’s evolving cityscape over the last two decades through different angles in the art of light. The adventure will be reminiscent of stories and memories belonging to the people of Macao, and evoke the joy brought by celebrations of the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR.

Route 1: Light of Age
北区/North District
“Light of Age” in the northern district will connect different places including Leisure Area in Rua do General Ivens Ferraz, Leisure Area at Baía Norte do Patane and Macau (Yat Yuen) Canidrome. Various spots will be festooned along the route to sparkle like a star-studded sky. Spectators can get lost in the beauty of “Eight Planets” at Leisure Area in Rua do General Ivens Ferraz, hop onto a future spaceship for an experience of “Space Travel”, or enjoy a walk down the memory lane through different decades in Macao with the mapping show “Memory of Macau Canidrome” at Macau (Yat Yuen) Canidrome.

飞喇士街休憩区 → 沙梨头北街筷子基北湾休憩区 → 逸园跑狗场
Leisure Area in Rua do General Ivens Ferraz → Leisure Area at Baía Norte do Patane → Macau (Yat Yuen) Canidrome
交通提示/Tips for Transportation
Leisure Area in Rua do General Ivens Ferraz
1A, 4, 26, 26A, 32, 33, N1A, N1B, N2
Leisure Area at Baía Norte do Patane
1A, 4, 26, 26A, 32, 33, N1A, N1B, N2
Macau (Yat Yuen) Canidrome
1, 1A, 3, 7 9, 9A, 23, 33, N1A, N1B
ROUTE 2: Light of Memory
中区/望德堂区/Central District/ St. Lazarus Parish
中区及望德堂区的“情怀之光",串连大堂前地休憩区、大三巴牌坊 、关前正街、康公庙前地及疯堂斜巷,其中,观众可到康公庙前地玩玩“水幕秋千”及“AR魔法沙桌”,而“我家的灯”于疯堂斜巷展示不同年代的家居照明工具,反映澳门人的生活变迁。
“Light of Memory” in the central district and St. Lazarus’ Parish will connect Leisure Area at Largo da Sé, Ruins of St. Paul’s, Rua dos Ervanários, Largo do Pagode do Bazar and Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro. Spectators can experience the fun of “Swinging Cascade” and “AR Magic Sandbox” at Largo do Pagode do Bazar. “Homey Lamp” at Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro, will project different home lightings commonly used in different ages, which will mirror the changes in people’s life in Macao.

大堂前地休憩区 → 大三巴牌坊 → 关前正街 → 康公庙前地 → 疯堂斜巷
Leisure Area at Largo da Sé → Ruins of St. Paul’s → Rua dos Ervanários → Largo do Pagode do Bazar → Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro
交通提示/Tips for Transportation
Central District/St. Lazarus Parish
3, 3A, 4, 6A, 8A, 19, 26A, 33, N1A
ROUTE 3: Light of Colours
南西湾区/Nam Van & Sai Van District
南西湾区的“缤纷之光”,覆盖“南湾‧雅文湖畔”、南湾湖水上活动中心、南湾白帐篷和圣若瑟修院圣堂,带来水幕投影“惊艳四海”和大型灯饰装置“荷塘湾影”等,还有12米高的巨型充气“麦麦” 在南湾‧雅文湖畔上“麦游澳门”,观众又可欣赏以灯饰装置结合钢琴表演的“流动旋律”,以及到“雅文市集”搜罗澳门特色小食及文创产品。
“Light of Colours” in Nam Van and Sai Van Districts will cover Anim’Arte NAM VAN, Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre, the White awning at Nam Van as well as St. Joseph’s Seminary Church. The route will feature a cascade projection titled “Floating Wonder”, a mega light installation “Glistening Lotus” and more, besides an encounter with “Big Mak”, a huge 12-metre-tall balloon “MAK MAK” at Anim’Arte NAM VAN. Audiences can enjoy “Flow of Melody”, a piano performance paired with light installation, or shop for local signature delicacies and cultural and creative products in “Anim’Arte Market”.

南湾‧雅文湖畔 → 南湾湖水上活动中心 → 南湾白帐篷 → 圣若瑟修院圣堂
Anim’Arte NAM VAN → Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre → the White awning at Nam Van → St. Joseph’s Seminary Church
交通提示/Tips for Transportation
Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre
6B, 9, 9A, 18, 18B, 23, 32, N2
Anim’Arte NAM VAN
6B, 9, 9A, 18, 18B, 23, 32, N2
The White awning at Nam Van
6B, 9, 9A, 18, 18B, 23, 32, N2
St. Joseph’s Seminary Church
9, 16, 18, 28B
ROUTE 4: Light of Harmony
嘉模堂区/Nossa Senhora do Carmo Parish
“Light of Harmony” at Our Lady of Carmel Parish will cover the Taipa Houses, Largo dos Bombeiros and the square in front of Pak Tai Temple. “Tide of Love” will project light effects resembling ocean tides at Taipa Houses, creating harmonious scenery imbued with romantic aroma. A mapping show named “Carnival” will be staged at Largo dos Bombeiros to showcase the cultural gems and culinary delights from Portugal, bringing to life the creative dynamic of Macao as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.

龙环葡韵 → 消防局前地 → 北帝庙前地
Taipa Houses → Largo dos Bombeiros → the square in front of Pak Tai Temple
交通提示/Tips for Transportation
Nossa Senhora do Carmo Parish
11, 15, 22, 28A, 30, 33, 34
咨询站 Information Counter 咨询站分别设置在南湾湖水上活动中心, 南湾• 雅文湖畔, 筷子基北湾休憩区, 康公庙前地 及龙环葡韵, 为市民及旅客提供活动咨询服务及纪念品换领。 Information counters are set up at the Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre, Anim’Arte NAM VAN, Largo do pagoda do Bazar, Leisure Area at Baía Norte do Patane and Taipa Houses. Residents and visitors may obtain event information and redeem gifts there.
Macao Light Festival 2019
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