澳门,2017 5 19 – 澳门文华东方酒店与Tanqueray携手合作,于 2017 年 5 月 27 日(星期六)晚上 10 时,御苑酒廊举办全城首个「Tanqueray绿色派对」。作为调制鸡尾酒的绝佳基酒,Tanqueray于「THE WORLD’S 50 BEST BARS」中荣获「最畅销毡酒品牌」、「最热门毡酒品牌」以及「调酒师之选」等美誉;而其经典饮用方法-配合汤力水调制出的毡汤力鸡尾酒,亦将为混合饮料文化带来一股新浪潮。
Macau, 19 May 2017Mandarin Oriental, Macau joins hands with Tanqueray to host the first-ever Tanqueray Gin Party in Macau at Vida Rica Bar starting at 10pm on Saturday, 27 May 2017, bringing in a new wave from the mixed-drinks culture – a perfect mix of Gin and Tonic in town. The legendary Tanqueray was honoured as the “No. 1 Best-Selling Gin and Most Trending Gin” and “Bartender’s Choice” in World’s 50 Best Bars, in recognition of its consistent high ranking on the list for years.

「绿色」绝对是Tanqueray强大的品牌资产:长久以来,Tanqueray采用辨识度极高的绿色瓶身,其颜色不但将橘类的清新感觉形象化,同时把Tanqueray No. TEN 于生产过程中的柑橘口味可视化及具体化。有见及此,是次活动将以绿色为主题,嘉宾亦被邀以绿色色调装扮参加派对,而最突出装扮者更有机会赢得澳门文华东方酒店免费住宿。「Tanqueray毡酒绿色派对」将邀请客席调酒师为宾客调出Tanqueray经典毡酒,让宾客品酒同时欣赏驻场 DJ 乐队的精彩表演,感受独特饮馔魅力。订座请致电御苑酒廊 +853 8805 8928或电邮至momac-vidaricabar@mohg.com
The green colour is a strong asset of Tanqueray bottle colour, and it also visualises the fresh citrus and the citrusy flavour inside Tanqueray No. 10 Gin during the production process. For the party, guests are invited to come as “GREEN” as they can be to be the “Greenest in the House” and win a complimentary stay at Mandarin Oriental, Macau. The event is one of the most unique in Macau, featuring guest mixologists showcasing Tanqueray classic cocktail creations with live DJ music, promising a fantastic green-themed night.

For reservations, please call Vida Rica Bar at +853 8805 8928 or email vidaricabar@mohg.com.

添加利金酒 Tanqueray

Tanqueray简介 About Tanqueray
凭借对科学研究的热诚,当时年仅 20 岁的查尔斯‧添加利(Charles Tanqueray)已经是一个创造者-他成功研发出远比同时期卓越的毡酒-Tanqueray。六年间,他通过多次试验,采用不同的蒸馏方法和植物香料,最终选取四种植物作为基础香料的酿酒方法,而这种方法亦得以保留至今。Tanqueray一直获得多位名人钟爱,而承传其品牌创始人的精益求精的精神,Tanqueray历年不断以世界最佳毡酒──Tanqueray No. TEN为基础,透过不同方式呈现人前。屹立至今已有多 180 年,Tanqueray一直是调酒师最爱的烈酒,并被选为他们非凡创作的「酒心」。
At just 20, Charles Tanqueray was already a creator and an innovator who chose to follow his passion for science and invention to create a gin far better than the gins of his day. After persevering in his experiments for six years, Charles created the perfectly balanced Tanqueray London

添加利金酒 Tanqueray

Dry from four botanicals; a recipe so extraordinary that it remains unchanged to this day. Tanqueray became the darling of those who, like its founder, were passionately creative – the Bloomsbury set, the Rat Pack, Snoop Dogg. Throughout our history, we have constantly created new expressions of our gin – from the world’s best gin in Tanqueray 10. One hundred eighty years after its invention, Tanqueray remains the favourite spirit of the world’s best bartenders, chosen by them as the foundation for their own extraordinary creations.



御苑酒廊 VidaRica-Bar

御苑酒廊简介 About Vida Rica Bar
A design masterpiece, Vida Rica Bar is a sleek meeting place with a chic marble, crystal and chrome design, and impressive double-height floor-to-ceiling windows offering sensational views of Macau Tower and the city’s waterfront. A dazzling array of drinks, cocktails and stylish bites is served to complement the experience that is dynamic by day and dramatic by night.


关于澳门文华东方酒店 About Mandarin Oriental, Macau
澳门文华东方酒店汇聚独特品味、优雅及时尚风格,更于设计中巧妙融入澳门特有的欧洲文化传统特色,是澳门首屈一指的五星级非博彩豪华酒店。坐落于澳门商业、娱乐和高级零售区中心的理想位置,宾客仅需数分钟路程即可从酒店到达世界遗产所在的澳门历史城区。酒店共有 213 间陈设优雅、拥有傲人的开阔视野客房及套房,同时提供一系列各具特色的餐厅和酒廊,其中包括皇牌食府御苑餐厅御苑酒廊大堂酒廊文华东方饼店,为宾客打造独一无二的美食体验。澳门文华东方酒店提供便捷私密的会议场地服务,以满足各种特殊场合的需求。与此同时,连续六年荣获福布斯旅游指南评鉴为「五星级水疗」的澳门文华东方水疗中心除了提供多种康体、美容和按摩服务,同时设有先进的健身中心和户外衡温泳池,以让旅客在安宁静谧的环境中放松身心。
A non-gaming luxury hotel, Mandarin Oriental, Macau is an elegant urban retreat exuding a subtle blend of the territory’s Chinese and European heritage. Located in the city’s entertainment and high-end retail centre, the hotel is just a few minutes’ walk from the historic heart of town and enjoys easy access to all major transport hubs. The hotel has 213 well-appointed rooms and suites featuring panoramic views of the city’s waterfront, and a tasteful range of dining facilities, including Vida Rica Restaurant and Bar, Lobby Lounge and Mandarin Oriental Cake Shop, offering a true epicurean indulgence. There are also extensive meeting facilities, and for complete relaxation and rejuvenation, The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Macau, a six-time Forbes five-star winner, provides a comprehensive array of wellness, beauty and massage programmes. The overall spa and health facilities also include a state-of-the-art fitness centre and an outdoor heated swimming pool.

关于文华东方酒店集团 About Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group is the award-winning owner and operator of some of the world’s most luxurious hotels, resorts and residences. Having grown from its Asian roots into a global brand, the Group now operates 29 hotels and eight residences in 19 countries and territories, with each property reflecting the Group’s oriental heritage and unique sense of place. Mandarin Oriental has a strong pipeline of hotels and residences under development, with the next hotel opening planned in Doha. Mandarin Oriental is a member of the Jardine Matheson Group.


文华东方酒店集团精心制作的Destination MO (www.destinationMO.info)为MO杂志的网上版本。现在只需一次点击已可得到全球最新的旅游信息,包括旗下屡获殊荣的酒店、精致美味的餐饮服务、舒适的水疗体验、各国旅游景点以及专访集团的名人支持者,所有最新信息尽在其中。
Photographs of Mandarin Oriental are available for download from the Photo Library of our Media section at www.mandarinoriental.com.

文华东方酒店集团精心制作的Destination MO (http://www.mandarinoriental.com/destination-mo/) 为MO杂志的网上版本。现在只需一次点击已可得到全球最新的旅游信息,包括旗下屡获殊荣的酒店、精致美味的餐饮服务、舒适的水疗体验、各国旅游景点以及专访集团的名人支持者,所有最新信息尽在其中。如欲查询更多详情,可浏览集团的社交媒体专页
Visit Destination MO (http://www.mandarinoriental.com/destination-mo/), the online version of Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group’s bespoke publication, MO. News about our award-winning hotels, the best dining experiences, spa treatments, travel retreats and interviews with the Group’s celebrity fans is now just a click away. Further information is also available on our Social Media channels.