On the 16th and 17th of June, in Shunde, come and enjoy this year’s edition of the traditional Music Day! During the whole week-end, free music and animations will take place in the Shunfengshan Park. Among the groups playing, two French ones, Pony Pony Run Run and Colours in the streets, and four Chinese ones: Hey! Lily!, Lure, Groovers and Mercader.
7:30pm – 8:20pm: 小马快跑(法)
8:35pm – 9:25pm: 黑莉莉 (中)
9:40pm – 10:30pm: 诱导社 (中)
7:30pm – 8:20pm: 街头色彩(法)
8:35pm – 9:25pm: 菊花合唱团(中)
9:40pm – 10:30pm: 梅卡德尔(中)
6月16日—6月17日, 3:00pm—10:30pm
本土街头艺术 + 文化体验+ 中法美食 +创意集市
Main Stage
16th of June:
7:30pm – 8:20pm: Pony Pony Run Run (FR)
8:35pm – 9:25pm: 黑莉莉 Hey! Lily! (CN)
9:40pm – 10:30pm: 诱导社 Lure (CN)
17th June:
7:30pm – 8:20pm: Colours in the street (FR)
8:35pm – 9:25pm: 菊花合唱团 Groovers (CN)
9:40pm – 10:30pm: 梅卡德尔 Mercader (CN)
16th – 17th June
Local Artists + Cultural Experience + French and Chinese Snacks + Creative Market

Pony Pony Run Run的电子流行风格充满动感,完美地融合了最好的英伦摇滚和90年代的舞曲风格,经由他们的演绎将其中最欢快,风趣和轻盈的元素展现给听众。这两名南特艺术学院的毕业生追求音乐的全球化视野,他们将全球的流行文化元素都加入到自己的创作中,他们的灵感来源于广播广告,电视短片,夜店甚至是舞池。
From the best of British indie-rock to 90s dance music, everything is mixed up in the energetic electro pop of Pony Pony Run Run, passing through a filter that keeps only the joy, the game, and the light. These former fine arts students from Nantes claim a globalizing vision of music, pouring into their songs all the pop-culture that made up their education: the radio and its ads, the TV and its clips, the clubs and their dancefloors.
首张专辑《You Need Pony Pony Run Run》于2009年首发,主打歌Hey You一炮而红,取得11万张的销售成绩,深受评论界的好评。2010年,乐队赢得了“最佳公众新人奖”。接着乐队开启了在整个法国以及全世界的现场巡演:足迹遍布日本,波兰,德国等。
Calling their first album, You Need Pony Pony Run Run, Gaëtan, Amaël and Antonin knew they’d got the balance right. Released in 2009, the record, released on the platform Hey You, was met with tremendous critical and popular success: 110,000 copies sold, one Victoire in the music category “public revelation” in 2010, and a tour that saw them perform throughout France and across the world – Japan, Poland, Germany.
7:30pm – 8:20pm
Saturday, 16th June, 2018
Shunde Shunfeng Mountain Park
Nanguo Dong Lu, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan

Hey! lily! is a Chinese Shenzhen punk garage Orchestra, founded in the summer 2015.
The orchestra has strong feelings about ancient style. Their songs cover a variety of musical styles, such as retro punk, garage, dance music and so on. The members of the band have their own solid musical qualities, creating a rich musical spark in their creation. In their music, they always explore infinite possibilities, create a musical element with a compact rhythm of the guitar, a strong drumstick, a relaxed and easy rhythm of dance music, and provide the audience a feeling of released joy.
8:35pm – 9:25pm
Saturday, 16th June, 2018
Shunde Shunfeng Mountain Park
Nanguo Dong Lu, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan

97年诱导社乐队成立,期间经历解散重组,18年来,见过世事更迭人来往,也揣摩过人间之道,环顾身边也审视自己,音乐还在——乐队的作品在变化中愈加犀利、成熟。在中国摇滚乐队当中具有最高独立性。近年来被乐迷们公认为中国摇滚乐队最有影响力的一支多风格乐队。他们的音乐受“primus”和“红辣椒”的影响颇多。目前乐队成员全部来自北京。他们的音乐中融合了punk、funk、grunge等多种音乐元素。主唱雷霖通过自己对生活的独特认识,在歌词的创作方面大胆揭露社会以及人性的阴暗面,并运用音乐语言,来表达内心欲望的冲动和对于现实的批判。乐队99年初签摩登天空一首单曲开始崭露头角,乐队于6月份再版发行那张充满想象力的独立唱片《214天和3个呕吐少年》。 2002年5月,首张专辑《我想你会在我的怀抱中说声你爱我》正式出版。2009年乐队重组,紧接着在2010年、2012年发行了两张风格迥异的唱片《美好时代》、《逆行的王国》,在保持着原有的dirty funk的同时也在尝试电子、采样、垃圾摇滚、迷幻乐、管弦乐与自身音乐的融合。2015年,发行专辑《被捆绑的灵魂》。2018年1月由摩登天空发行专辑《窗景》,风格开始裂变到电音化,愈发引发乐迷共鸣。
The Lure band was founded in 1997 and is a very independent Chinese rock band. In recent years, it has been recognized as the most influential band of Chinese rock bands.
Their music was influenced by “Primus” and “Red Pepper”. All the members of the band come from Beijing. Their music combines punk, funk, grunge and many other musical elements. The lead singer, Lin Lei, boldly writes lyrics based upon his unique understanding and experience of life. The band started by recording a single song with the agency “Modern Sky” in early year 1999, and then a couple of albums were officially released in May 2002 and 2009. During the year 2010 and 2012, the band released two new albums, maintaining their original dirty funk style, while introducing electronic, sampling, garbage rock, psychedelic music and orchestral music.
9:40pm – 10:30pm
Saturday, 16th June, 2018
Shunde Shunfeng Mountain Park
Nanguo Dong Lu, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan

街头色彩初入法国歌坛便获得了Ricard SA Live Music音乐奖,随后发行了第一张EP和第一张专辑名为《王国》,不仅在法国本土发展更是走向国际。2018年,乐队带来的新EP《Tell The World》强势归来。2017年,街头色彩不仅在法国著名的奥林匹亚舞台之上与比利时团队Puggy同台演出,经常在法国重大音乐节的舞台上演出,更是走出法国,在中国和韩国举行了巡演。带着他们的新EP,街头色彩将为大家展示他们与众不同的创作天赋。街头色彩的队员们精通多样乐器,24岁的他们总是给在音乐会现场的音乐爱好者们带来出人意料的演奏,他们是同龄法国乐队中最受欢迎的团队之一。专辑« Tell the World »作为乐队走向世界的象征,包含了5首以法语与英语创作的歌。它们朗朗上口,流行风十足。
Barely 24 years old and already with their first album on the shelf. In just three years, the group Colours in the Street have seen their vibrant pop take over the French scene. In 2015, these so-called wise guys brought out their first album, Royal, ladened with indie-pop sounds, Anglo-Saxon influences and French touches. The talented musicians haven’t looked back. Soon after the album release, they took off to tour Asia, playing in both China and Korea. They come back for the 2018 International Music Day to the delight of their Chinese fans.
7:30pm – 8:20pm
Sunday, 17th June, 2018
Shunde Shunfeng Mountain Park
Nanguo Dong Lu, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan

来自顺德,没有拘束的形式和框条,演绎着这座小城的脉搏与律动,6位成员来自社会各行各业,源于对Groove Music的喜爱而走到一起,风格以Funk,Soul,R&B,Pop为主。乐队成员来自:中山大学&汕头大学&广东外语外贸大学&星海音乐学院&北京现代音乐学院。演出经历:SD Livehouse小题大噪3.0演出专场、顺德北滘仲夏音乐节、顺德均安潮派音乐节等。
The Groovers is a band from Shunde, Foshan. It’s six members come from different social backgrounds. The reason they come together: their passion for groove music and their music style mixed with Funk, Soul, R&B, Pop.
8:35pm – 9:25pm
Sunday, 17th June, 2018
Shunde Shunfeng Mountain Park
Nanguo Dong Lu, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan

Mercader’ music is deep, indifferent and full of thinking. Zhao Tai tells us about what he sees and feels from different angles. In an atmosphere of sadness, he keeps looking for hope. Many times, people will feel that his music is pessimistic and full of negative energy. However, Zhao Tai hopes to show people a way out. Music is to him a sad way to explain the existence of happiness. His lyrics are full of negation of self, suspicion of the world, inexplicable bravery, and through these lyrics, he hopes to ring an alarm for people.
At the end of 2016, Mercader was invited to participate in the Shenzhen MIDI New Year Music Festival. In early 2017, the band completed a large-scale “Alfa Dog” national tour. He was repeatedly praised by fans and the media, and received the LPA Rock’s Most Potential Award on January 11th, 2018.
9:40pm – 10:30pm
Sunday, 17th June, 2018
Shunde Shunfeng Mountain Park
Nanguo Dong Lu, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan