黃倩美小姐, 广粤公馆总经理 - Ms. May Huang, GM, The Canton Residence.
DB:  广粤公馆的宗旨是什么?What is the mission of The Canton Residence?

Our mission is to communicate with guests in all sincerity. We offer guests the supreme service that brings them loving care and happiness. We manage to meet different needs of our lodgers and strive to build a big community for everyone. We want to make them feel at home and leave them the most unforgettable memories after a stay in The Canton Residence.

DB:广粤公馆会如何满足不同住客的房型需求?How is The Canton Residence designed to meet various needs of lodgers?

As opposed to average serviced apartments, The Canton Residence offers personalised service to different dwellers with various scenic terrace and room types. This allows us to amaze our guests with a wonderful dwelling experience. We give them another lifestyle of living, which is full of Asian aesthetics combined with a unique style of the petty bourgeoisie, enabling the international community to mingle with the oriental culture.

DB:广粤公馆会提供哪些设施增加住客的居住愉悦度?What facilities can lodgers enjoy to increase their pleasure of staying in The Canton Residence?

Each apartment offered by The Canton Residence conjures up high-class living facilities and unique views. Zhujiang New Town has a large exchange platform that bridges the east and the west as well as The Canton Place where the entire business and art district is situated at. The Cantone Residence is located between Guangzhou and Foshan and guests’ stay in our apartments can experience different spectrums of life in these two cities.

DB:广粤公馆地理位置优越,它是如何从中受益?The Canton Residence possesses a strategically advantageous location. How does The Canton Residence benefit from it?

位于CBD核心的广粤公馆北邻公园南瞰珠水,得天独厚的优势以及由中外籍精英人士组成的高端文化平台 – 广粤会同袍互协。城中仅有的3000顷空中园林与2千平方米的喷泉广场的广粤天地,形成一个环境幽雅的“国际品质生活体验中心”,使广粤公馆立足于大景观大生活的国际社区氛围之中。
Situated in the heart of CBD, The Canton Residence is also surrounded by the natural sightseeing and the Pearl River. High-end cultural exchange platform that consists of social elites from home and abroad is available for lodgers. The Canton Place, with a total area of 3000 square meters and a 2-kilo-square-meter Fountain Square, forms a tranquil while modern lifestyle centre, which makes The Canton Residence stand out in such international community.

DB:广粤公馆已经举办过许多活动。活动的类型集中有哪些,接下来会有什么活动?The Canton Residence has held a diversity of events. What events does The Canton Residence particularly focus on and what are the upcoming events?

广粤公馆秉持着“服务从心开始”的理念,从不同部门挑选出充满激情与创意的员工组成一支文化体验团队对活动进行设计。以“有爱,有家,有朋友”为目的,举行文化探索,美食、手工制作,跳蚤市场等充满当地特色的活动,彰显广粤文化品牌特色。接下来的十月份,我们还会联合广州八所国际学校举行第三届以“For the love of football”为主题的“广粤杯”足球联赛,敬请期待。
The Canton Residence commits to the principle of “Service from the heart” and we select a team of staff that are passionate and creative to design our cultural events, which lies in the theme of “Love, Family and Friends”. These events involve food, hand-made products and flea markets, which embody the local Cantonese characteristics. In the coming October, we will work with 8 international schools in Guangzhou to host the “The 3rd Canton Cup” soccer event that themes “For the love of football”.

DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘广粤公館’?Where can we get more information about Macau The Canton Residence?

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