2021年12月1日首个波兰爵士乐电台——爵色波兰电台正式在中国开启。爵色波兰电台是由“爵色波兰”项目品牌的创办者雅克布·克舍少夫斯基(Jakub Krzeszowski)专为中国市场听众所创办的非商业性音乐电台。在这一电台中听众们可以欣赏波兰即兴演奏音乐。
1 December 2021 saw the launch of the first Polish jazz internet radio in China –Radio Jazz Po Polsku. Created by Jakub Krzeszowski, the father of the Jazz PoPolsku project, it is a non-commercial music station dedicated to the Asian market. The place to listen to Polish improvised music.
The project’s goal is to provide an opportunity for the local listeners to get in touch with thecurrent jazz scene from Poland, especially with bands who had already toured in the Middle Kingdom. The radio will also allow you to listen to concerts recorded during Chinese festivals like, for example, Nine Gates Jazz Festival in Beijing and Oct-Loft Jazz Festival in Shenzhen, frequently visited by the Polish artists.
电台的总负责人雅克布·克舍少夫斯基(Jakub Krzeszowski)提到:“电台向所有希望将自己的音乐在电台中呈现展示的艺术家及乐队开放。根据项目需求,我们还计划将波兰最新举办的室内音乐会进行录制,然后通过电波传递给更多的听众。目前,中国听众很难有机会可以畅听无阻地欣赏波兰爵士乐。对于我们来说耳熟能详的音乐频道或者社交媒体在中国比较难接收到。爵色波兰电台是首个针对中国听众的独立非商业性电台、可以让中国听众毫无障碍地欣赏音乐的波兰音乐频道。我坚信在未来更长远的发展中,爵色波兰电台将为波兰艺术家创造全新的可能性,可以让他们的音乐在这里被更多的听众所了解。”
The schedule is open to all who would like their music to be aired on the Radio. For the project’s sake we also plan on recording new studio live shows in Poland and airing them subsequently. Currently, a Chinese fan finds it hard to listen to Polish jazz without any technical difficulties. All known music channels and social media are unavailable in China. Radio Jazz Po Polsku is the first dedicated, independent and non-commercial Polish music channel operating freely in China. In the long term, I believe it will create new possibilities especially to Polish artists whose music will simply be available to all the people over there – says Jakub Krzeszowski, the project’s Editor-in-Chief.
爵色波兰项目在2014年至2019年间在中国开展了超过200场活动,由100多位波兰艺术家参与其中。爵色波兰电台是一个专门针对中国听众的免费音乐平台,由波兰文化与体育部项目资金资助,旨在在中国推广波兰爵士乐与即兴演奏音乐。角色波兰电台网址为: www.radiojazzpopolsku.cn
In the years 2014-2019 the Jazz Po Polsku project allowed for over 200 events, participated by over 100 Polish artists, to be held in China. The Radio is available at www.radiojazzpopolsku.cn, is free and directed to the Chinese listener. It has a non-
commercial character and was created as part of the scholarship program by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, and its goal is to promote the Polish jazz and improvised music in China.