钟婉银, 东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店市场媒体主任 – Zhong Wanyin, Marcom Executive, Pullman Dongguan Forum.
DB: 请问你在东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店工作了多久?How long have you been with Pullman Dongguan Forum?
I have been with Pullman Dongguan Forum for one year.
DB: 你最喜欢现在工作的哪个部分?What is your favorite part of doing this job?
I would say I like to work with some banks to launch some events. Of many events, buffet promotions are what we frequently do for our guests. It can not only benefit our lodgers but also help to promote our hotel and increase its revenue (including some promotions of banks’ WeChat official accounts, which also helps to attract guests for our hotel).
DB: 当初选择将铂尔曼酒店建在旗峰山是有什么策略因素的考虑吗?What were the strategic considerations for having chosen the hotel location?
These are the strategic considerations: it enjoys a close proximity to the downtown (within 4km away from Wanda Plaza and One Mall) and it is located at the foot of Forum mountain, next to the Forum Park with a beautiful landscape.
DB: 如果让你用三个理由说服一个客人入住东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店,你会想说什么?If asked to convince customers with three reasons for them to choose Pullman, DG Forum, What would you say?
第一,酒店就在旗峰山脚下,可饱览旗峰山美景;环境清幽,酒店内别有洞天,毗邻旗峰山公园与虎英绿道,是您健康绿色的选择;并且距离市中心近; 第二,酒店设施完善,6个餐饮营业点,中餐、自助餐、西餐、意餐、日餐任君选择,并且有饱览旗峰美景的室外泳池及恒温泳池、三个按摩池,以及设备完善的健身房,还有舒服的水疗设施以及英式酒吧、KTV,集休闲娱乐于一体; 第三,优质真诚体贴的服务。
First, You can enjoy the beautiful and tranquil view of Forum Mountain due to its strategic location; the Forum park is close to the hotel where you enjoy a walk over there; it also enjoys a close proximity to the downtown. Second, the hotel offers guests a variety of recreational facilities, such as restaurants from the east to the west, an outdoor swimming pool with a marvelous view as well as a heated swimming pool, well-equipped fitness center, spas, bars, and KTV. Third, our thoughtful and sincere service.
DB: 如果让你有机会为酒店打一句广告,你会想说什么? If you had a chance to make a quick slogan for your hotel, what would you say?
Pullman Dongguan Forum, Your Home Paradise.
DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店’? Where can we get more information about Pullman Dongguan Forum?
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