木里,驴友之家户外活动领队 – Joshua, outdoor team leader, Zhuhai
DB: 你最喜欢的中国目的地是哪里?What is your favorite destination in china?
In China, my favorite destination is Sichuan.
DB: 国内的驴友们是怎样享受旅行的乐趣的?How do Chinese people enjoy travelling inside their own country?
仅仅是个人认为: 看见自己从未了解的新鲜事物, 吃有特色的美食,寻找具有当地风俗习惯的地方,拍漂亮的照片放在社交圈,互相点赞分享。
Just personally think: see themselves never understand the new things, eat a unique food, find a place with local customs, shoot beautiful photos on the circle, with each other to share.
DB: 您为什么选择在这个行业工作?Why did you chose to work in this industry?
Because of my hobbies, and chose the job.
DB: 您接下来有什么行程策划?What is the next trip you’re planning
- 7月15日 香港皮划艇,
- 7月18日 菲律宾潜水
- 7月29 台山徒步
- 8月24日广西探洞.
- July 15th, Hong Kong, kayaking
- July 18th, Philippines, diving
- July 29th, Taishan, walking
- August 24th, Guangxi, cave exploring
DB: 在工作中最令您满意的是什么?What is one of the most fulfilling things about your job?
我的工作就是根据所拥有的客户需求设计、策划、带领 户外旅行路线,最充实的事就是在工作中享受旅行.
My job is to design, plan and lead the outdoor travel route based on the customer’s needs. The most fulfilling thing is I get to do what I love.
DB: 什么样的人加入你的旅行团?用三个字描述它们。What kind of people join your travelling crew? Describe them in three words.
有爱 、有趣、有钱.
Passionate, fun and have money.
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