街头色彩初入法国歌坛便获得了Ricard SA Live Music音乐奖,随后发行了第一张EP和第一张专辑名为《王国》,不仅在法国本土发展更是走向国际。2018年,乐队带来的新EP《Tell The World》强势归来。2017年,街头色彩不仅在法国著名的奥林匹亚舞台之上与比利时团队Puggy同台演出,经常在法国重大音乐节的舞台上演出,更是走出法国,在中国和韩国举行了巡演。带着他们的新EP,街头色彩将为大家展示他们与众不同的创作天赋。街头色彩的队员们精通多样乐器,24岁的他们总是给在音乐会现场的音乐爱好者们带来出人意料的演奏,他们是同龄法国乐队中最受欢迎的团队之一。专辑« Tell the World »作为乐队走向世界的象征,包含了5首以法语与英语创作的歌。它们朗朗上口,流行风十足。
Barely 24 years old and already with their first album on the shelf. In just three years, the group Colours in the Street have seen their vibrant pop take over the French scene. In 2015, these so-called wise guys brought out their first album, Royal, ladened with indie-pop sounds, Anglo-Saxon influences and French touches. The talented musicians haven’t looked back. Soon after the album release, they took off to tour Asia, playing in both China and Korea. They come back for the 2018 International Music Day to the delight of their Chinese fans.
19:30 – 22:30
Sunday, 17th June, 2018
Shunde Shunfeng Mountain Park
Nanguo Dong Lu, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan