Niccolo Chengdu collaborated with TEDxChengdu to host the Niccolo Lectures event themed “Countdown to a better future” at the Conservatory of Niccolo Chengdu. Business pioneers, senior executives, fashionistas, experienced devotees, and contemporary chic lifestyle practitioners were invited to discuss topics on sustainable development and participated in the sustainable workshop handicrafts. Guests also enjoyed sustainable development themed soft drinks as well as organic food themed tea break. The event drew to a close in a relaxing and happy atmosphere.
活动中嘉宾们畅所欲言,分别带来各自领域的经验和见解,并分享了推动可持续发展下一步策略提案。作为特邀嘉宾之一的张雪华女士,是南京大学(溧水)生态环境研究院首席科学家,环境与气候政策研究专家,主要从事生活垃圾分类及其资源化管理领域的研究。她曾入选第2届南极女科学家领袖计划(Homeward Bound家园归航计划),作为团队中的4位中国女性之一前往南极大陆开展科研考察,张雪华女士此次也分享了自己在可持续发展领域所做的重要研究并分享了关于垃圾如何分类处理转化成堆肥最终形有机废物的物质循环的过程。大家也由此展开了圆桌讨论,并感叹原来垃圾分类到形成有机废物的物质循环过程如此繁杂且有意义,且对从事可持续发展科研人员深感敬意。
During the event, guests actively shared their unique thoughts and ideas, and provided advice on practical strategies for promoting sustainable development. Lecturer, Ms Zhang Xuehua, an environmental and climate policy research expert who serves as the chief scientist at Lishui Institute of Ecology and Environment of Nanjing University, focuses on the research of domestic garbage classification and resource management. She was once included in the 2nd Homeward Bound, a unique programme aimed at developing female leaders in science. As one of the four Chinese women in the team, she embarked on an expedition to the Antarctic for scientific research. Ms Zhang Xuehua also shared her key findings on sustainable development, as well as the process of recycling organic waste by turning classified garbage into composting. This topic triggered conversation among the audience, who showed their understanding of the complexity in organic waste recycling, as well as their deep respect for scientists engaged in research in sustainable development.

The other lecturer, Ms Song Ruwen, pursues sustainable development in fields significantly different from Ms Zhang Xuehua. VOIMENT, a brand co-designed by Ms Song Ruwen, organically combines fabrics selected all over the world with eco-friendly materials, thus generating a unique aesthetic appeal and turning sustainable fashion into reality. The swimsuit is woven with elastic fibres extracted from discarded fishing nets found in marine environments. The idle fabrics in the manufacturing process are also re-used to make limited items or art exhibits. By displaying art exhibits at the Conservatory, Ms Song Ruwen demonstrated the possibility of integrating environmental protection with sustainable fashion, and called for the pursuit of sustainable development.
The event also featured a not-to-be-missed highlight: Before the event, the hotel and TEDxChengdu appealed to guests to bring their own idle clothes for the sustainable workshop design. Accompanied by designer Song Ruwen, guests decorated TEDxChengdu’s eco-friendly bags with their redesigns made from idle clothes, and shared their creative inspiration. In this way, they infused the concept of sustainable development into their design, sewing, tailoring and choice of fabrics, as well as inspiration ignition and value transmission.

成都尼依格罗酒店房务总监和平先生,代表酒店出席了本次活动并表示:“酒店非常荣幸与TEDxChengdu合作举办此次艺术与演说,同时感谢受邀到场参与活动的嘉宾。在成都尼依格罗酒店齐聚一堂,互相交流学习,一起为可持续发展发声。通过此次活动大家也深刻意识到,可持续发展是一个长期且深远的理念,无论是大到资深科研领域,还是年轻化的可持续时尚领域,亦或是小到日常生活中的一蔬一饭与垃圾分类,都是一个人人可践行可持续的意义十足的事情,这也是尼依格罗艺术与演说活动的意义所在,作为尼依格罗品牌尊享体验之一,希望大家感受到尼依格罗不仅仅是一个奢华酒店品牌,更是一种精神和物质的双重体验。不论是‘完美邂逅 华丽永恒’的品牌理念,还是时尚雅致的艺术设计,抑或是尊享定制化的贴心服务,成都尼依格罗酒店皆能满足宾客的不同需求、兴趣和爱好,创造更多令人为之振奋的尊享体验。”成都尼依格罗酒店将在未来持续举办更为丰富的艺术与演说活动,与来宾们分享来自各行各业的冒险家、探索先锋、艺术家和知名人士独到的见解和非比寻常的人生经历。
Mr Baris, the Director of Rooms of Niccolo Chengdu, joined the event on behalf of the hotel, saying: “It’s a great pleasure to co-host the Niccolo Lectures event with TEDxChengdu. We thank all the invited guests who gathered at Niccolo Chengdu to connect with each other, share brilliant ideas, and promote sustainable development. This event convinced guests that sustainable development, a profound long-lasting concept, could be pursued in scientific research, sustainable fashion, or daily garbage classification. The outcome has definitely served the purpose of the event. I hope all of you could realise that Niccolo is a luxury hotel brand that brings both spiritual and material fulfilment. The hotel is dedicated to addressing guests’ diversified needs and hobbies, and providing a more delightful experience. Our capability is reflected in the brand’s mantra ‘New Encounters. Timeless Pleasures’, contemporary chic art design, and impeccable service.” Niccolo Chengdu will continue to provide the floor for entrepreneurs, lifestyle and business innovators, designers, artists and celebrities to share their unique insights and remarkable life journeys.
Tower 3, Chengdu IFS, No.1,
Section 3, Hongxing Road, Jinjiang District, Chengdu
Tel: +86 28 – 8220 8888