太平洋咖啡一直致力于提供舒适环境,为忙碌都市人打造一个可以喘息、休息的空间。时值华润80周年,太平洋咖啡于深业上城推出融入创新与传承,象征极致舒适咖啡空间的Lounge概念店,用轻奢雅致的设计风格打造独一无二的咖啡殿堂,专业匠心的精致出品为顾客提供宛如贵宾级的消费体验,期望通过每一个细节彰显出品牌的款款诚意。朗动型格,极致舒适,全国独一无二的Pacific Coffee Lounge已于2018年6月15日正式开业,等你来“叹”店!
Pacific Coffee has always been committed to providing a comfortable environment to create a space for busy urbanites to breathe and rest. At the time of the 80th anniversary of China Resources (Holdings), Pacific Coffee launched Pacific Coffee Lounge — a concept store that integrates innovation and inheritance at Upper Hills Shenzhen. Pacific Coffee Lounge symbolizes the ultimate comfortable coffee space. It uses a luxurious and elegant design style to create a unique coffee palace, and professionally crafted delicate products provide customers with a VIP-class consumer experience which demonstrates the brand’s sincerity through every detail. The first Pacific Coffee Lounge opens on June 15, 2018 and is waiting for you in Shenzhen!

这座全国独一无二的Pacific Coffee Lounge概念店坐拥300多平方米双层结构137个座位,提供更舒适自在的咖啡体验空间。店内首层墙面铺满纹理原石来表达旷达质朴的咖啡初心,于二楼用咖啡色细实木条传递执着细腻的咖啡匠心,连通上下层的落地墙上框出了大大小小十几个矩形框,简约而不失时尚,呼应外墙,全店没有任何挂画却天然添几分艺术。几何灯饰、天花屏风、木纹地面逐一丰富了整体空间层次,墙面凹凸纹理在光影穿插中更具立体感,静怡中独有一份灵动。设计师称,这样的设计是因为Pacific Coffee一直以来更看重高品质的出品,咖啡耐喝耐品,希望这家店如同品牌给顾客的感觉一样,气质由内而发,不在后天雕饰,让精英人士的格调生活态度不再无处安放。
This unique Pacific Coffee Lounge concept store sits in a 300-square-meter double-floor structure, providing a comfortable coffee space with 137 seats. The ground floor of the store is covered with rough stone to express its original intention which has never been changed in creating the best coffee for everyone. On the second floor, a fine and delicate coffee maker’s heart is conveyed through simple and stylish decor. Geometric lighting, screens on the ceiling, and wood-grained floors has enriched the overall space. According to the designer, Pacific Coffee has always valued high-quality and durable products, the design code aims to deliver the same feelings towards everyone who walks into the store.

Pacific Coffee Lounge概念店在坐席上也下了一番功夫,精心挑选星级酒店级别的雅致长沙发,舒适到坐下都不愿起身,也有多人共享桌适合创业人士办公需求,单人座则贴心配备了阅读灯,还有一整面落地书墙中外书籍供随心取阅等等。从设计初心到店内装饰,每一个细节都体现了太平洋咖啡为每一位顾客的点滴着想,令顾客从紧张的生活节奏得到充分放松,获得更加舒适愉悦的消费体验。
The Pacific Coffee Lounge concept store has made a great effort in seating experience, carefully selecting elegant and star-hotel class couches for your comfort. Once you sit down, you will be unwilling to get up. There are also sharing tables suitable for working or meeting needs; single seats with a reading lamp; a whole wall of books for reading. Every detail reflects the thoughts of Pacific Coffee for every customer, so that customers can fully relax from the tense in life and get a comfortable and enjoyable coffee experience.

The Pacific Coffee Lounge has prepared many exclusive offers:

Special Offer NO.1: Attention, dessert lovers! You can now add ice cream to your iced coffee! Buying a grande or larger drink, add 8 RMB to have an ice cream cap on top of your coffee. What a cool and sweet surprise!

Special Offer NO.2: Who doesn’t like a fruity milk tea! Come to discover the two limited fruity teas only available at the Pacific Coffee Lounge.

Special Offer NO.3: A variety of new desserts are now available at the Pacific Coffee Lounge. Since June of this year, Pacific Coffee has launched a variety of dessert cakes, which are excellent in presentation and rich in taste. They provide customers with better choices for afternoon tea. Among them is this summer’s limited 2018 World Cup football mousse cake. Come for a pleasant surprise.

Special Offer NO.4: Exclusive Tailor-made Beverages: Pacific Coffee Lounge promotes the concept of a health lifestyle in addition to its quality upgrades. The new store offers Oatly Oatmilk from Sweden as a new choice for beverages. This is tailor-made for customers who eat and drink light. Not only does it increase the level of taste in coffee drinks, but also provides a healthier and zero-burden lifestyle choice.

Pacific Coffee Lounge
T3039/L3 and T4002/L4, Upper Hills Shenzhen
Tel: +86755-82537561
营业时间:10:00 – 22:00 星期一至星期日
Operation Hours: 10:00 – 22:00, Monday to Sunday