戏剧《预言》将在深圳上演 | Performance in Shenzhen: Forecasting
戏剧《预言》将在深圳上演 | Performance in Shenzhen: Forecasting

《预言》是芭芭拉·马蒂耶维奇和朱塞佩·奇科 合作的三部曲系列中的第三部,灵感来源于最大的视频分享网站Youtube。舞者运用这种形式,连结虚拟和现实,保留着符号和意向,和一系列为观众做的对信息片段经验直接性和极度抽象化之间的处理。在舞台上,一名舞者操作着笔记本电脑,播放着来自Youtube的与舞者身体比例为1:1的视频。简单的对比中产生了时空移动的效果。电脑屏幕成为了舞者身体与平面影像的交汇点。这引领观众走进一种奇妙的体验, 在来自于现实环境,日常物品的平淡无奇与表达自我的新方式之间摇摆。
Forecasting is based on a collection of amateur videos taken from the world’s largest video-sharing website: YouTube. The performance uses this framework as a fiction trigger, a store of signs and meanings, a sum of articulations that impose on its visitor / user an exercise in information processing between fragmentary empirical immediacy and hyper abstraction. On the stage, a performer manipulates a laptop on the screen of which are shown YouTube videos that had been selected to meet the human size scale. From this simple criterion arises a set of spatial and temporal displacements. The screen becomes the site of intersection between the body of the performer and the two-dimensional world of images that represent other people in other places. The result is a dizzying hybrid experience, a zone of indeterminacy informed by the very nature of videos ranging from the banality of everyday situations, movements and objects and the possibility of their transformation into new tools of self-narration.

Forecasting is the third part of the trilogy Theory of the performance to come or the only way to avoid the massacre is to become its authors? Forecasting received the Special Jury Prize at the 56th edition of the Mess Festival in Sarajevo.

16:30 – 18:00
Saturday, 16th June
Sea World Culture and Arts Center
NO.1187 Wanghai Road, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen