Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that the “Masterclass Guangzhou 2021” has been successfully held in Guangzhou on Wednesday, 12th May.
The event was held in the frame of the project “True Italian Taste”, promoted and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy and carried out by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad to enhance and safeguard the authentic Italian food product. The event was opened to experts in the F&B sector, media, influencers, journalists, KOLs, bloggers, nutritionists and Italian food buyers. It is aimed to value the authentic Italian food by introducing their quality to the audience; increase the perception of Chinese consumers on authentic Italian products and enhance the visibility of Italian companies in the F&B field in China.
The event was opened by Mr. Vincenzo Raffa, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce Guangzhou office manager, who gave a warm welcome to all the participants expressing thanks to all the guests, sponsors and attendees on behalf of the CICC.

The opening note was followed by the speech of Mr. Giorgio Daviddi, Deputy Consul General of Italy in Guangzhou, who introduced the topic “chocolate” to the audience, focusing on 3 points: history, territory and cohesion.

Following the speech of the Deputy Consul General, Mr. Raphael Cooper, CICC Board Member, gave a brief introduction on the Project “True Italian Taste”, bringing up the concept of “Italian sounding” in the market, emphasizing the importance of identifying the authenticity of the products’ origin.

Afterwards, the real Masterclass began. The Masterchef from Bellavita of Foshan, Mr. Giulio Zhang, shared the inspiration and idea of the dish “Fuoco Freddo”. Then he showed how to accomplish the dish step by step, and the attendees got down to the recipe following his instruction.
After the first step of “Semifreddo”, Nicola Di Silvestro of Novi, gave a detailed and interesting introduction on the Italian chocolate. He presented the production, origin, history and benefits to the attendees, in order to illustrate the importance of Italy in the industry of chocolate.
完成了第一步的“意式香料冻”之后,来自Novi的Nicola Di Silvestro先生,详细地介绍了巧克力的生产、源头、历史和食用好处,向来宾介绍了意大利在巧克力产业中的重要地位。

After the chocolate presentation, the participants went back to continue their dishes. When the DIY session was almost at the end, Mr. Welling Zhang of Carpigiani, introduced the Gelato machine to the audience, showing how to do the strawberry sorbetto with their professional and advanced machine, which was a unique and new experience for the guests.

At the end, following the guide of chef, the participants composed their dishes using their own imagination with a Ferrero Rocher to refine the work. Then everyone tasted their dish with a small glass of “Carmenos”, passito rosso Veneto IGT.
当所有制作步骤都完成之后,来宾们发挥自己的创造力装盘,并放上一颗费列罗金莎巧克力以点睛。最后,大家都品尝了自己的作品,并佐以一款 名为“Carmenos”的干酿。