信和酒店今天宣布旗下所有设於香港的酒店将於 2018 年年底前,以智能过滤添水站取代供应塑胶瓶装水。这是集团继今年 6 月全面停用塑胶饮管及减少使用单次即弃塑胶品後的另一重要里程及承诺。信和酒店乃香港首个实行全面停止供应客用塑胶瓶装水的酒店集团。由 2019 年 1 月开始计算,透过在 6 间物业安装近 100 个智能过滤添水站,信和酒店的 2,100 间客房连辖下设施预计可每年减省使用 160 万个塑胶水瓶。
Further to the pledge in June 2018 to ban plastic straws and reduce consumption of single-use plastic across all properties in Hong Kong, Sino Hotels announces today a complete substitution of plastic bottled water with smart filtered water stations by the end of 2018. This is the first hotel-wide movement in Hong Kong to remove plastic bottled water from all guest premises. From Jan 2019, Sino Hotels will save 1.6 million plastic bottles from 2,100 guest rooms and facilities serviced every year, by installing nearly 100 smart water stations in 6 properties.
信和酒店与“城泉 Urban Spring”合作在城市花园酒店丶香港黄金海岸酒店丶港岛太平洋酒店丶香港皇家太平洋酒店丶香港遨凯酒店及黄金海岸乡村俱乐部 游艇会安装了接近 100 个智能过滤添水站。以添水机的数量和覆盖地点计算,信和酒店暂时是城中坐拥最大添水站网络的集团。
Sino Hotels has partnered with Urban Spring to install nearly 100 smart filtered water stations in City Garden Hotel, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, Island Pacific Hotel, The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers, The Olympian Hong Kong, and the Gold Coast Yacht and Country Club. This is by far the largest network of water stations by quantity and locations in Hong Kong under one group.
“The extensive measure is a step forward from the sustainability pledge by Sino Group earlier this year on single-use of plastic reduction across the board,” said Mr Kevin Chuc, Group General Manager of Sino Hotels. “Through this commitment, we are educating our staff and influencing our guests to join in concerted effort to protect the Earth by reducing use of plastic.”
皇家太平洋酒店及香港黄金海岸酒店已率先在 2018 年 11 月开始试行智能添水站计划。添水站分别设於客房楼层当眼处及便利点,为客人带来便捷和崭新的体验。住客们开始使用客房内所提供的玻璃瓶添水,初步反应及回馈非常正面。
The water stations have been on pilot run at The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers and Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel starting November 2018. They are distributed in easily accessible and visible locations on selected guest floors for convenience and a fresh experience. The reception is positive and guests have been using the glass flask provided in their rooms for water refill.
信和酒店采用由“城泉 Urban Spring”设计及研发的添水站-“Well 井智能添水站”。添水站外型纤巧时尚,内置系统具备数据处理丶智能感应丶实时通报及遥控监察等功能,确保供应给酒店住客的水源充足并符合安全及衞生水平。添水站亦使用了获国际认证的 NSF 商业专用级滤水器滤水,配合隐藏式自动喷嘴设计,有效避免出水位与外来细菌的接触,进一步确保水质安全。
These sleek water stations offered at Sino Hotels are called Well# , which uses data, sensor, real-time alerts and remote monitoring to ensure clean filtered drinking water is consistently served to the hotel guests. Fitted with International NSF Certified Filtration System, and designed with a hidden, self-rinsing nozzle, the trusted quality of drinking water has all impurities removed.
“Urban Spring is delighted to align with a partner who shares the same goal in driving for a greener and better Hong Kong,” said Ms Ada Yip, CEO of Urban Spring. “Filtered water station is a sustainable option to replace plastic bottled water. The commitment by Sino Hotels not only reduces single-use of plastic, but also impacts on the behaviour and experience of guests in consuming water. We hope the mentality will be spread across the territory and beyond Hong Kong, beginning with the hotel guests.”
A unique interactive screen on the Well# displays accumulative number of plastic bottles saved as a reinforcement to guests who are making a difference to the environment. Sino Hotels will also be utilising the interactive screen to educate and entertain our guests with environmental content while they refill their flasks.
信和酒店旗下所有香港酒店将继续致力减少单次性使用塑胶,以响应信和集团早前启动之“塑减行动”,承诺以 2017 年为基数,於 2022 年前减少单次使用即弃塑胶量 50%,为环保出一分力。
Sino Hotels strives to reduce single-use plastic where possible. All hotel commitments in Hong Kong will be contributing to Sino Group’s pledge to reduce consumption of single-use plastic across all business lines by 50% by 2022 from 2017 level.