When “check in a place” has become a daily routine, travel check-in has gradually become a normal state of people’s pursuit for a better life. Leave the city’s cement forest to the vast wilderness, take a camera and snap photos along your jounery. Recently, the South African Tourism Office and a group of fashion and lifestyle bloggers went to South Africa on a journey of checking in different tourist attractions and discover the new faces of the world and themselves.

On 20th November, the South African Tourism Office working togetehr with CityZine and FANX Books held a special tourism and culture salon – “Punch in South Africa” Travel Experience Sharing Salon. The event invited two guests – travel blogger “Dao Zhu” and TikTok Blogger Gary Cheng who had previously travelled to South Africa to discuss on topics such as the new routes of “Punch in South Africa”, travel fashion and aesthetics. In addition, the African drum teaching and body painting interactions on the scene delivered the charming culture of South Africa to all audiences.

南非旅游局亚太区首席代表Mansoor Mohamed先生在活动上表示:“2018年注定是非同寻常的一年,今年不仅是南非的伟人和反种族隔离斗争的象征——纳尔逊·曼德拉诞辰一百周年,同时还是南非和中国建立外交关系20周年。值此之际,我们充满热情地向大家推介‘彩虹之国’打卡之旅,邀请大家一同体验新潮旅行魅力。”
Mr. Mansoor Mohamed, Asia Pacific Hub Head of the South African Tourism Office, said at the event: “2018 is destined to be an extraordinary year. This year is not only the 100th year of the birth of the great man of South Africa and the symbol of the struggle against apartheid – Nelson Mandela, but also the 20th year of the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Africa and China. We are passionate about introducing the ‘Rainbow Country’ punch in journey and inviting everyone to experience the charm of the new way of travelling.”