今天,“太阳之旅”在广州举办官方骑手欢迎及颁奖系列活动。据悉,“太阳之旅”亦是庆祝里昂和广州建立姐妹城市关系30周年的系列活动之一。出席此次活动的嘉宾包括广州市副市长潘建国,里昂大区副主席Alain Galiano,官方合作伙伴代表及媒体。
Official reception ceremony of the Sun Trip, under the sign of 30 years of cooperation between Lyon and Guangzhou, was held today in the city of Guangzhou. In the presence, Vice Mayor of Guangzhou, Pan Jianguo, Vice President of Greater Lyon, Alain Galiano and representatives from partners and media.

参加颁奖典礼的骑手包括:Jack Butler,Stéphane Bertrand,Auguste 和 Camille Colle 兄弟,Romain Neauport 和 Paul Baudry。
The participants present for the ceremony were: Jack Butler, Stéphane Bertrand, Auguste and Camille Colle, Romain Neauport and Paul Baudry.