- 从4月起,将推出一系列虚拟项目,拉开博物馆体验的序幕
Virtual programs will begin rolling out in April, welcoming audiences before the Academy Museum opens its doors on September 30, 2021.
奥斯卡电影博物馆作为美国最大的专注于电影制作艺术、科学和艺术家的机构,宣布将于2021年9月30日向公众开放。这座充满活力的电影中心位于洛杉矶,在馆长兼主席比尔·克雷默的领导下,将提供无与伦比的精彩体验和深入了解电影和电影制作的机会。占地300,000平方英尺的博物馆由普利兹克奖得主建筑师伦佐·皮亚诺设计,内设七层沉浸式永久展馆与临时展馆、戴比·雷诺兹修复工作室、多个特别活动空间、一家咖啡厅和一家商店。新建的球状建筑与萨班大楼通过多座玻璃桥相连接,内设有采用最新科技、可容纳 1000人的大卫·格芬剧院,顶层是坐拥好莱坞山美景的杜比家庭露台。
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures is the largest institution in the United States devoted to the arts, sciences, and artists of moviemaking. For its opening on September 30, 2021, the Academy Museum has revealed its inaugural programming, including screenings and lectures. The museum advances the understanding, celebration, and preservation of cinema through inclusive and accessible exhibitions, screenings, programs, initiatives, and collections prepared by Bill Kramer, Director and President of the museum and his team. Designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Renzo Piano, the museum’s campus contains the restored and revitalized historic Saban Building — formerly known as the May Company building (1939) — and a soaring spherical addition. Together, these buildings contain 50,000 square feet of exhibition spaces, two state-of-the-art theaters, an education studio, restaurant, retail store, and beautiful public spaces.
Bill Kramer, Director and President of the Academy Museum, said, “Developed in partnership with incredible Academy members, our slate of virtual programs is designed to complement our compelling and engaging core and temporary exhibitions. When we open, our programs will also come to life in our theaters and in our public spaces to deepen the visitor experience. Our screenings, panels, symposia, and educational programs are key components of how our visitors will interact with the museum and learn about filmmaking.”
Jacqueline Stewart, Chief Artistic and Programming Officer of the Academy Museum, said, “We have been hard at work preparing the Academy Museum and are ready to welcome visitors first virtually and then in person in September. The programs we are rolling out for our opening are dynamic, diverse, and deeply grounded in the history and artistry of filmmaking. Whether they are recognizing Hollywood legends, delving into the working process of film professionals, or addressing issues of race, gender, sexuality and inequity that run through film history, these programs will use the power of movies and stories of filmmakers to open eyes and minds.”
开幕展览 | Opening Exhibitions
《电影的故事》| “Stories of Cinema”
“Stories of Cinema” is the core exhibition of the museum, covering an exhibition area of three-story, showing the brilliant, complex, diverse and multi-national history of movies to the audience. The various exhibition halls of “Stories of Cinema” will explore all aspects of film production, art and science. The content of the exhibition is like movie itself, and will evolve over time, and focus on different movies, artists, ages and genres.
讲述电影的发展历程并不只有一种叙述方式,《电影的故事》将提供来自各方的声音和观点。博物馆开幕之际,还将推出与多位艺术家的合作展,包括:奥斯卡金像奖获奖编剧兼导演斯派克·李和佩德罗·阿莫多瓦、奥斯卡金像奖获奖作曲家希尔迪·居兹纳多蒂尔以及奥斯卡金像奖获奖音效设计师本·伯特等。《电影的故事》还将展示:科幻电影与魔幻电影中由美术设计师、视觉特效师和服装设计师共同创造的场景与人物;纪录片与叙事电影在反映和影响社会问题中的作用;手绘、定格和数字动画片的技术;奥斯卡金像奖的历史;还将以一系列关于电影与电影人的短片来呈现电影史的重要时刻,包括电影人李小龙 、艾曼纽尔·卢贝兹基、奥斯卡·米绍和塞尔玛·斯昆梅克,以及电影《公民凯恩》 和《曲线窈窕非梦事》等。
Telling the development of the movie does not only have one narrative method, “Stories of Cinema” will provide voices and views from all parties. As part of the opening programs, the museum will also present several collaborated programs with various artists, including: Oscar-winning writer-director Spike Lee, film artists Pedro Almodóvar, Oscar-winning musician and composer Hildur Guðnadóttir and Ben Burtt. “Stories of Cinema” will also showcase the scenes and characters created by art designers, visual artists and clothing designers in sci-fi movies; the role of documentary and narrative films in reflecting and affecting social problems; hand-painted, stop-motion and digital animation technology;history of the Academy Award; a series of short film to present the history of movie, including Bruce Lee, Emmanuel “Chivo” Lubezki, Oscar Micheaux, Thelma Schoonmaker, “Citizen Kane” and “Real Women Have Curves”.
《宫崎骏》 | “Hayao Miyazaki”
奥斯卡电影博物馆的开幕临时展览《宫崎骏》是这位知名电影人及其作品在美洲的首场回顾展。这场展览在博物馆内的玛丽莲和杰弗里·卡岑伯格展馆举行,将展出逾 300 件展品,探索宫崎骏的每一部动画电影,包括《龙猫》以及奥斯卡获奖影片《千与千寻》等。参观者们将通过原版绘画板、人物设计、故事版、图版、背景、海报和胶片绘画等生动的呈现方式,回顾宫崎骏六十年的电影生涯,其中包括首次在日本境外公开展出的展品,以及电影片段的大型投映与沉浸式体验。
“Hayao Miyazaki”, the Academy Museum’s inaugural temporary exhibition, marks the first North American museum retrospective dedicated to the work of its namesake: the internationally celebrated artist and filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki. “Hayao Miyazaki” features more than 300 objects, including original imageboards, character designs, storyboards, layouts, backgrounds, posters, and cels from Studio Ghibli’s archives—including pieces on public view outside of Japan for the first time.
《电影之路:理查德·鲍尔泽的收藏精选》 | “Path to Cinema: Highlights from the Richard Balzer Collection”
《电影之路:理查德·鲍尔泽的收藏精选》位于博物馆萨班大楼三楼的 LAIKA 展馆,将探索从视觉娱乐到电影发明的历史:从皮影戏、西洋镜、幻灯、活动幻镜、视镜动画到世界上首个成功的电影放映机——卢米埃尔活动放映机。参观者们将体验到这些杰出发明的模型和专为这场展览而制作的幻灯来领略其奥妙。
“Path to Cinema: Highlights from the Richard Balzer Collection” will explore how the cinematic experience we know today evolved from a long tradition of optical amusements and devices of wonder: from shadow play, peepshows, magic lanterns, zoetropes and praxinoscopes to the Cinématographe Lumière, the world’s first successful film projector. Visitors to this exhibition will experience these marvelous inventions first-hand and take in the wonders of a magic lantern show especially created for this exhibition.
预热活动与开幕公众活动 Pre-opening and Opening Programs
Around the time of the 93rd Academy Awards®, to be presented on April 25, 2021, the Academy Museum will launch a series of virtual conversations, screenings, and education programs on the Academy Museum website. Conceived as digital prologues to the Academy Museum’s core exhibition, Stories of Cinema, these programs will share the varied voices of extraordinary film artists, tell the stories of their inspirations and collaborations, and explore the art, technology, history, and social impact of the movies. Pre-opening programming will kick off on April 22, 2021.
Upon opening, visitors will be welcomed with a slate of film screenings that celebrate cinema’s rich past, present and future. Education and family programs will be ongoing at the Academy Museum, including themed, interactive 45-minute guided tours throughout the week, offering insights on the core collection, exhibitions, art installations, and the Academy Museum’s architectural design. Family tours and accommodative tours (including offerings for the low vision, blind, hard of hearing, and deaf communities) will be scheduled on a regular basis. On weekends, multiple 15-minute Gallery Highlights will encourage a deeper understanding of focal points in the museum’s content while engaging visitors in conversation. Guided tours and Gallery Highlights will be free with museum admission, and free audio tours will also be available.
奥斯卡电影博物馆内1000坐席的大卫·格芬剧院和288 坐席的特德·曼恩剧院将分别推出全年度的电影放映会、回顾展、电影系列、博物馆会员活动、座谈会、家庭活动和研讨会。在剧院里,观众不仅可以欣赏和探索电影的艺术,还可在电影放映结束后,参与到对话交流中。
Presented in the Academy Museum’s two theaters — 1,000-seat David Geffen Theater and 288-seat Ted Mann Theater — viewers will enjoy films as intended with state-of-the-art sound and projection in multiple film and digital formats. The theaters will be spaces to explore and experience the art of cinema as well as inspire conversation and action long after the credits roll.
Additionally, the museum will present conversations, panels, symposia, and lectures several times a month in the museum theaters celebrating film artists and film history.
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures
6067 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036, United States