2020 marked the 500-year death anniversary of Raffaello Sanzio (1483—1520), one of the greatest artists of the Italian Renaissance. To world people, he is among the most well-known Italian artists and he is regarded as one of the symbols of Western art.

series of commemorative events has been held worldwide by the Italian Foreign Ministry and, as one of the most important events, the exhibition Raffaello Opera Omnia is still on a World Tour. On the Guangzhou stage, coming from Beijing, the exhibition is organized by the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou, in cooperation with Guangzhou Library, and opens to the public from 11th March till 25th April 2021. The exhibition, curated by Prof. Antonio Paolucci, one of the main Italian experts in the field of art and history, is particularly important because it is the symbol of the relaunch of the cultural cooperation between Italy and China, which was interrupted due to the pandemic emergency.

Raffaello was born in Urbino on 6 April 1483 and received his first artistic education in his father’s workshop. He worked then in Florence and Rome. Over time he started to be sought after by the cardinals and sovereigns of Italy and Europe; he was rich, admired and envied by men, and loved by women. In the spring of 1520, this young man, who had it all in life – success, money, love, – fell ill and died within the space of just a few days. Raphael’s death was a sensational event on which doubts and legends still linger today. He was probably killed by malarial fever, which at that time in Rome was endemic and often fatal. He died on 6 April 1520, Good Friday, the very day on which he had been born thirty-seven years before. Raffaello is now buried in Rome, at the Pantheon. He was enormously prolific, despite his early death at 37, and a large body of work remains, including frescoes, architectural works, paintings and drawings.

继2019年主办达芬奇展取得巨大成功之后,意大利驻广州总领事馆决定将意大利国家广播电视公司旗下的Rai.com公司策划和执行的新展览带到广州,该展览将展出文艺复兴时期艺术大师拉斐尔的36件按照原比例还原的高清复制品。作品选自艺术大师拉斐尔在艺术之路上的不同阶段,从他未满二十岁时创作的第一幅画开始,例如《圣母与圣子》,圣母温柔地将酣睡的孩子抱在胸前,直到他后期的杰作《基督变容》,这是他在生命的最后几天中才完成的作品。这幅拉斐尔典型的神圣主题画作中有人类的热情,恐惧,情感冲突 。在拉斐尔的作品中,你可以感受到空间、人物、建筑的和谐:在拉斐尔21岁时创作的《圣母的婚礼》中,一切都那么宁静、平衡, 这种艺术手法体现在艺术大师所有作品中。拉斐尔也善于刻画人物的眼神,正如您将会欣赏到 《椅中的圣母》以及许多他创作的同时代著名人物的画像 (如,《巴尔达萨雷·卡斯蒂利奥内肖像》,《披纱巾的少女》等); 拉斐尔对描绘风景也同样熟练。在 《美丽的女园丁》背景处开阔的风景中,你会看到宁静的晨雾在空中飘浮。
Following the great success of the exhibition Leonardo Opera Omnia held in 2019 the Consulate General of Italy decided to bring to Guangzhou a new exhibition designed and implemented by Rai.Com, which displays the reproductions in high definition and life size of 36 works by the great Renaissance master Raffaello Sanzio. The works selected for the exhibition follow the artistic path of the master in the different phases of his evolution, from the very first paintings of a Raffaello not yet twenty years old such as Madonna and Child with the Virgin who tenderly holds her sleeping child to her breast, up to his latest masterpiece, The Transfiguration, whose final completion he was working on in his last days of life, a sublime example of Raffaello’s painting with human passions, fears, emotional conflicts. In Raffaello’s work you can notice the harmony between space, figures and architecture: in Sposalizio della Vergine, a work created when the artist was just 21 years old, everything is perfectly serene, balanced, in the sign of what will be the entire production of the master. Raffaello is also famous for the glances of his characters, as you will be able to appreciate in Madonna della Seggiola and in many different portraits of famous people of his time (Ritratto di Baldassarre Castiglione, Ritratto di Donna detta la Velata, among others); but he was certainly no less skilled in painting landscapes. You will look at the background of La Bella Giardiniera and discover the ethereal vapors of a morning mist.

最后,千万不要错过欣赏这位文艺复兴时期大师面容的机会:拉斐尔是为数不多的样貌为人所知的文艺复兴时期艺术家之一,这要归功于其三幅自画像。其中最著名的一副自画像保存在佛罗伦萨:一头棕色长发,头戴帽子,露出前额,身穿深色长袍并露出衬衫的荷叶边。有人说这不是拉斐尔的作品:但有研究表明,在油画下有精确的素描底稿,这与绘制自画像的手法相符 。
Last, don’t miss the opportunity to look in the face this Renaissance master: Raphael is one of the few Renaissance artists whose features are known, thanks to at least three self-portraits. The one preserved in Florence, is the most famous: long brown hair, a hat that leaves the forehead uncovered, a ruffled shirt that appears under a dark robe. Someone says that the work is not by him: however, some investigations have made it clear that under the painting there is an accurate drawing, executed with a technique suited to a self-portrait.

As the original works are preserved in museums throughout the world, it is a unique opportunity for the Cantonese public to witness Raffaello’s art. The reproductions were made by professionals of the sector of the artistic image and reworked in an absolutely faithful way to the original, with sophisticated technologies, in order to arouse emotion and passion of the viewers towards Italian cultural heritage.
Exhibition “The Art of Raffaello: Opera Omnia”
Here’s one in whom Nature feared–faint at such vying – Eclipse while he lived, and decease at his dying.
High resolution & full-scale reproduction
2021年 3月11日 – 4月25日
11th March – 25th April, 2021
Exhibition Hall, Lower Level 1, Guangzhou Library